lørdag 26. november 2022

Yossi Klein om DEMOKRATI i Israel

Kommentator Yossi Klein har en ytring om demokrati i Israel i Haaretz 25. november:

"Opinion |
"Israel's Democracy Makes Way for Its Jewish Identity"
Han graver dypt i hva flertallet i Israel nå står for "demokratisk".
Og hvilke utfordringer det gir.

To setninger fra Yossi Klein:  (HELE artikkelen nederst under Kilde)

 "It’s time to separate “democratic” from “Jewish.”"

"We know what democracy is, and we know we don’t have it."

Og så en sterk melding om hva lærerne står ovenfor:
"What will teachers who see their profession as a calling do? Their job is frustrating enough as it is: In the morning, they teach the opposite of what their students see on the news at night. They have to lie to themselves and their students, to pray that no smart-aleck asks about the “occupation” and then brush them off with a ton of words verbiage and a few reasons that conceal the truth, because the truth is that they’ll be fired if they tell the truth."

Yossi Klein:
- Lærerne vil bli sparket hvis de forteller sannheten.

Skudeneshavn   26. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


Artikler av Yossi Klein i Haaretz

25. november 2022


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 25. november 2022:

Opinion |
Israel's Democracy Makes Way for Its Jewish Identity
It’s time to separate “democratic” from “Jewish.” It would be merely symbolic, since no official document defines Israel as a “democracy.” “Democracy” was first mentioned in Israeli law just 30 years ago. Separating “Jewish” and “democratic” would reflect the spirit of the new nationalist government that couldn’t give a hoot about the rest of the world. It’s time to drop the fake, unnecessary millstone that was only meant to deceive the naive goyim. We always knew it was fake, until we suddenly began to believe our own lie.
We know what democracy is, and we know we don’t have it. It does not appear in our holy Torah, or in the Balfour Declaration, or in that folkloristic curiosity called Israel’s Declaration of Independence. Erasing the word change a thing. It’s not as if we have a democratic tradition. We didn’t come here to live in a democracy, we came here to live in a state of Jews. In the contest between Jewish religious law and democracy, it’s clear who will win. The courts of the rebbes and the central committees of the political party are the proof: Democracy is not for us.

The coupling of “Jewish” with “democratic” is a bone in the throat of the religious fascists and a pain in the ass of the enlightened secular folks. All agree: We don’t have a democracy. Everyone knows: We can’t have that sort of thing here. Not to mention that the Judaism of Arye Dery and Bezalel Smotrich is not the Judaism of Maimonides or Yeshayahu Leibowitz; it has nothing in common with “democratic.” It is violent, ignorant and corrupt, without a shred of democracy.

We are in a transition period. From a government that is not entirely light to one that is entirely darkness, one that views Breaking the Silence as a terrorist organization and democracy as an existential threat. This is the time for passive resistance to a hostile regime. Artists, journalists and judges will learn to live in such a regime.

In such a regime, public schools will be asked to reinvent democracy, which was invented 2,500 years ago. Or Kashti reported recently (Haaretz, Nov. 13) on this latest version, but even three years ago the Education Ministry issued a civics teachers’ manual specifying that “Others believe that the principle of the rule of law is separate from the principle of human rights ” (Or Kashti, Oct. 26, 2019), in other words the law and human rights are not the same thing, and the former is not obliged to uphold the latter. And the teacher’s guide commissioned in 2015 by then-Education Minister Naftali Bennett said that a democratic political culture “is not a necessary condition for defining a state as democratic” (Or Kashti, Nov. 15, 2015). Is that clear, children?

From now on, a nondemocratic state can also call itself a “democracy.” What are civics teachers supposed to say if the new education minister (whoever it turns out to be) says: Get this straight, we are a Jewish and nondemocratic state. Got it? Only Jewish, we have enough democracy in our Judaism already.

What will teachers who see their profession as a calling do? Their job is frustrating enough as it is: In the morning, they teach the opposite of what their students see on the news at night. They have to lie to themselves and their students, to pray that no smart-aleck asks about the “occupation” and then brush them off with a ton of words verbiage and a few reasons that conceal the truth, because the truth is that they’ll be fired if they tell the truth. Don’t feel sorry for them. Under Miri Regev they’ll do what they did under Gideon Sa’ar, that is to learn to live a lie, to cover up, to teach that our democracy rests on two words: majority rule.

How is such a teacher to maintain a clear conscience in a Jewish state? How will judges, prosecutors and journalists respond if they are required to go against their conscience and forgo human rights, freedom of expression and equality before the law? And how will a reporter for a commercial station interview a cabinet member whom he scorns personally and despises professionally? Will he let him pour out his poison because that’s the correct move professionally, or will he rip him to shreds as his conscience dictates?

And what will they do when the keys to the art gallery, theater or film studio are in the hands of those who would gladly piss on them? Martin Luther King Jr. said a time comes when silence is betrayal. The question is whether to speak out when it could cost you your job and your livelihood. I ask myself what I would do if faced with such a Mephistophelian dilemma. Only total despair or a burning passion for the homeland and fierce faith in a better future could lead the average person to sacrifice their profession, their livelihood and possibly their freedom for it.

torsdag 24. november 2022

Oppvask i UK om innkjøp av PPE under korona-krisen

 I UK opphevet man normale innkjøpsprosedyrer under Korona-krisen.

Etterpå er søkelyset på hvorfor noen firmaer fikk store kontrakter:

The Guardian 24. mars 2022:

"Private emails reveal Gove’s role in Tory-linked firm’s PPE deals"

"Exclusive: Tory peer Michelle Mone used private email addresses to contact Gove and another cabinet minister about PPE offer"

"The correspondence threatens to embroil Gove in the deepening controversy surrounding PPE Medpro, the company awarded government contracts worth £203m after it was referred to the “high-priority lane” for well connected companies."

EDIT  24. november 2022

The Guardian 24. november 2022
"Michelle Mone PPE firm revelations prompt anger in Commons"

"The urgent question was triggered by a report in the Guardian on Wednesday. Mone and her children secretly received £29m originating from the profits of PPE Medpro, a company that was awarded large government contracts after she recommended it to ministers, documents seen by the newspaper indicate." 

The Gurdian 24. november 2022
"The Guardian view on crony capitalism: a moral corruption stalks parliament  - Editorial"

29 millioner pund bare for å anbefale en leverandør.
Og der store mengder av innkjøpt verneutstyr ikke kunne brukes og er fortsatt lagret i Kina.

Siste ord er neppe sagt i denne saken.
Selv om The Guardian er klar i sin fordømmelse i lederartikkelen 24. november 2022.


Skudeneshavn   24. mars 2022 / 24 november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

Ny Info:

24. november 2022

24. mars 2022

Vurdering av Yuval Noah Harari: Israel går mot TRE KLASSER i Israel/Palestina-konflikten

Yuval Noah Harari er israelsk historiker og professor ved Hebrew University.
I et intervju med CNN sier ifølge han Haaretz 24. november 2022:

"Yuval Noah Harari: Israelis Support ‘Three-classes Solution’ to Palestinian Conflict"

"The prominent Israeli public intellectual says in CNN interview that Israelis have dropped the notion of a two-state solution and largely embraced a multi-tiered class system where Jews are on top

"This includes, he contended, “Jews, who have all the rights; some Arabs, who have some rights; and other Arabs, who have very little or no rights.”

Harari iflg Haaretz:
1. klasse: "Jews, who have all the rights"
2. klasse: "
some Arabs, who have some rights;"
3. klasse: "
other Arabs, who have very little or no rights.”

Det sies at et demokrati kjennes ved hvordan flertallet behandler mindretallet.
Og at rettigheter sikres ved en grunnlov.

Vil Hararis vurderinger påvirke politikerne noe sted?
Må det gå 50 nye år før bildet er klart?

Skudeneshavn    24. november 2022
Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
24. november 2022


24. november 2022

tirsdag 22. november 2022

To vurderinger av Israels Høyesterett

To ytringer om Israels Høyesterett:

B Michael i Haaretz 21. november 2022
"The Myth That the Supreme Court Will Protect Us"

Akiva Eldar i Haaretz 22. november 2022
"Good Riddance to the High Court Masking Israel's Moral Decay"

Begge ytringene konkluderer at Israels Høyesterett ved sin vedtak ikke beskytter Israel mot saker som er til behandling hos ICC og ICJ.


Skudeneshavn  22. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

22. november 2022

21. november 2022

mandag 21. november 2022

Ron DeSantis: "The settlers Man in Florida" - Og om "Israel Victory Project"

Daniel Pipes (JPost 7. oktober 2020):
"In response to Oslo’s failure, I developed the Israel Victory concept in early 2001".

I 2017 ble  Israel Victory Project etablert som"caucus", dvs vennegruppe, i USAs kongress, etter initiativ av Bill Johnson,, republikaner Ohio, og Ron de Santis, repunlikaner Florida.
"The Israel Victory Project seeks to resolve the Israel-Arab conflict by convincing Palestinians that the Jewish state is tough, determined, and enduring, so that they give up their century-long war against it. The project draws on Israel's pre-1993 policy of deterrence."( Israel Victory Project)


Jewish Currents 30 juli 2020:
The Settlers’ Man in Florida
The Republican Party in the era of Trump has become the party of the Israeli settler right, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis its most devoted champion.

"ELECTED TO CONGRESS in 2012 with significant support from Tea Party groups, DeSantis quickly established himself as a favorite of the pro-settlement right. In 2017 and 2018, he presided over Congressional hearings on recognizing Israeli control of the occupied Golan Heights (where over 20,000 settlers live) and on moving the US embassy to Jerusalem—both actions that the Trump administration eventually took. The hearings signaled that DeSantis was not simply a run-of-the-mill pro-Israel politician, but a supporter of the settlers’ goal to gain US support for Israel’s formal annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories. “He was that committed to doing the right thing for Israel,” said Mort Klein, head of the far-right Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), who DeSantis invited to testify at both hearings. The ZOA awarded DeSantis their Zionist Hero Award in December of last year."

"As DeSantis looks to move up the Republican Party ranks, his pro-settlement record will ensure he can keep raising money from some of the GOP’s biggest donors. In return, the settler right will have in DeSantis a valuable ally to guarantee that settlements like Ariel stay where they are, forever. "

EDIT 21. november 2022
MIFF: "De Santis sier Judea og Samaria er ikke okkupert, men "omstridt"".
Jeg har svart MIFF med nedenstående Twittermelding av 21. november 2022 

EDIT 9. januar 2023
Daniel Pipes intervjues i Jerusalem Post:
"How can Israel win the Palestinian conflict? Historian explains"
American historian Daniel Pipes recently visited Israel to meet with key people and also discuss his visions for Israel’s victory in its current conflict."

Skudeneshavn  17. oktober 2022 / 21. november 2022 / 9. januar 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
21. november 2022

13. august 2023

13. august 2023

25. august 2023

Ny info:
9. januar 2023
Daniel Pipes intervjues i Jerusalem Post
"How can Israel win the Palestinian conflict? Historian explains"



20. november 2022

12. september 2022

7. oktober 2020

30. juli 2020

27. mai 2019

9. november 2017

25. april 2017

søndag 20. november 2022

"East Jerusalem Palestinian Families Set to Be Evicted From Homes"

East Jerusalem Palestinian Families Set to Be Evicted From Homes
30 Palestinian families from an East Jerusalem neighborhood were sent eviction notices even though a 1980s document from the Israel Lands Administration shows the land is owned by Palestinians

(Haaretz 20. november 2022)

Dokumentene som viser palestinsk eierskap er utstedt av Israel Lands Administration i 1982.

Dokumentene som beviser  jødisk eierskap er hemmelige.
Og det er disse israelske myndigheter legger til grunn:
"The administrator general’s office said that the classified proceeding was legal and it was unaware of any claims that the land had been registered as Palestinian-owned."

Hemmelige dokumenter?
Er dette en rettsstat?

Skudeneshavn  20. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


20. november 2022

Hebron: IDF-offiserer inviterer høyre-ekstrem rabbiner for å opplyse IDF-soldater

Kahanist Rabbi Addresses Israeli Army Reserve Battalion in Hebron

Rabbi Baruch Marzel, the successor to Meir Kahane, lectured army reservists on Hebron’s history, in what IDF says was an unapproved event

Israeli army officers invited Baruch Marzel, a far-right activist and Kahanist, to give two lectures on the West Bank city’s history to reservists serving in Hebron. Marzel, who lives in a Hebron settlement himself, last week gave what was supposed to be the first lecture to members of the Alexandroni Brigade’s 8180 Battalion. Following protests by some of the soldiers, the second lecture, scheduled for Tuesday, was canceled.  (Haaretz 20. november 2022)

I lys av det som skjer om dagen i Hebron er det ikke overraskende at IDF-soldater der får opplæring av en religiøs ekstremist som Baruch Marzel.

Skudeneshavn   20. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
20. november 2022


20. november 2022

FN behandler palestinernes rett til selvbestemmelse

Et resolusjonsforslag framsatt av Egypt er behandlet i FNs 3. komite:
"Third Committee Approves Draft Resolution on the Right of Palestinian People to Self-determination"

 "A draft on the right of Palestinian people to self-determination was approved in a recorded vote of 167 in favour to 5 against (Nauru, Marshall Islands, United States, Israel, Micronesia), with 7 abstentions (Cameroon, Kiribati, Guatemala, Palau, Rwanda, Solomon Islands, Togo)."

FOR: 167 land
MOT: 5 land (USA, Israel, Marshall-øyene, Micronesia, Nauru)

Vedtaket går nå videre til UNGA for behandling der.

Skudeneshavn  20. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen 

På Twitter:
24. november 2022


17. november 2022

torsdag 17. november 2022

søndag 13. november 2022

Avstemming i FN om å la ICJ vurdere lovligheten av Israels okkupasjon av palestinske områder etter 55 år

98 for
17 mot
52 avsto

Norge blant de 52 som avsto fra å stemme:
"Norge avsto fra å stemme over Israel-resolusjon i FN"
(Nettavisen 13. nov 2022)

Men med 98 stemmer for går det mot at ICJ tar fatt i saken.:
"The resolution asks the ICJ to advise on "the legal consequences arising from the ongoing violations by Israel of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination from its prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967."

Israel er i harnisk:
"The Palestinians are exploiting the ICJ as a Weapon of Mass Destruction in their Jihad War of Israel Demonisation" - Gilad Erdan, Israel's ambassador to the UN."

Men hvor galt er det å søke å løse en konflikt med fredelige midler?
Det blir hovedspørsmålet når Israels statsminister truer med "eskalering":
Lapid: UN Vote Calling for Int’l Court Opinion on Israeli Occupation ‘Could Lead to Escalation’"
(Haaretz 12. nov 2022)

Skudeneshavn   13. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
13. november 2022

14. november 2022


13. november 2022

13. november 2022

12. november 2022

11. november 2022

11. november 2020
Avstemming pr land

fredag 11. november 2022

Kunstskatter stjålet i 1897 fra Benin/Nigeria returneres

I en ekspedisjon i 1897 i nåværende Nigeria ble kunstskatter stjålet der av det britiske militære.

Nå er kunstskattene på vei hjem, tilbake der de ble stjålet fra.
Flere museer i USA og Europa returnerer det som er kjent som "Benin Bronzes":

"It’s about ethics’: Nigeria urges British Museum to follow US and repatriate bronzes"
"Culture minister says UK institution ‘should learn from what has happened’ as Smithsonian returns 29 Benin artefacts".

( The Guardian 11. oktober 2022)

"Digital Benin project reunites bronzes looted by British soldiers"
"Comprehensive database of Benin bronzes held by museums raises questions about where they belong"

(The Guardian 10. november 2022)

En digital database "Digital Benin" viser hvor omfattende kunstsamlingen opprinnelig har vært.

Kunsttyveri av samleobjekter fra andre kulturer har vært omfattende, spesielt av de europeiske koloni-maktene.
Og slikt pågår den dag idag ... ofte i et svart marked.

Men dette er tyveri.
Og ikke bare av objektene:
Men også innsikt og forståelse av den kultur og den kunst- og håndtverkskunnsakp man har hatt i det land der kunstobjektene stammer fra.

Skudeneshavn  11. november 2022

Jan Marton jensen


10. november 2022

11. oktober 2022

30. august 2022

23. januar 202

onsdag 9. november 2022

IDF om fordelen ved å sitte i baksetet

En utrolig historie fra Vestbredden:

IDF skyter på en bil og dreper de to palestinske ungdommene i forsetet.
Han som satt i baksetet blir skadet ... arrestert som terrorist ... tatt til sykehus i Jerusalem.
Der etter hvert frigitt uten anklager.
IDF har nok skjønt at han snakket sant ... at de tre kom fra nattskiftet på en pizzeria.

Men IDF fastholder at de to drepte i forsetet var terrorister.
Mens han som satt i baksetet "ikke hadde kommunisert" med de to foran ... og således gikk fri.

En utrolig IDF-historie der detaljene er skremmende:

“He asked me how many children I have. Then he said: ‘Now you have one less.'”
After shooting three Palestinians, two fatally, the Israeli army misled their mothers about which of their sons was dead, and refuses to return the bodies."

( 972mag 8. november 2022)

Det går fra vondt til verre med IDF.
Derfor må saker som dette ettergås ved innsats fra Israels venner.
Ellers fortsetter myrderiene av uskyldige.

Skudeneshavn  9. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

9. november 2022



8. november 2022

AIPAC støtter ekstremister i USA-valget

AIPIAC viser ansikt i USA-valget.

Og ikke minst brukes det penger ... millioner på å støtte ekstremistiske repulikanere, gitt at disse støtter Israel foran alt annet:

"Why pro-Israel lobby group Aipac is backing election deniers and extremist Republicans"

"The group places support for Israel over all over considerations, endorsing extreme rightwing candidates in the midterm elections

The US’s largest pro-Israel lobby group is backing dozens of racists, homophobes and election deniers running for Congress next month because they have pledged to defend Israel against stiffening criticism of its oppression of the Palestinians."
(The Guardian 18. oktober 2022)

AIPAC vil ikke vinne amerikanske hjerter på dette.
Snarere tvert imot.


Skudeneshavn   9. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

9. november 2022

11. november 2022

Ny info:

10. november 2022

9. november 2022

3. november 2022

18. oktober 2022

2G og 3G eller 4G og 5G?

Artikkel i Jerusalem Post 9. februar 2022:

World Bank: Israel must give Palestinians 4G so economy can thrive

Israel is preparing to upgrade its telecommunications system from a 4G to a 5G network, while Palestinians in Gaza use mostly a 2G system and a 3G one in the West Bank.


"Israel has “decision-making power over the frequency spectrum, and so far has refused to allocate the necessary spectrum to Palestinian telecom operators to deploy 4G frequencies,” the World Bank stated.

It also has restricted the import of telecommunications equipment and access to infrastructure and transmission sites in Area C, the report said.

Palestinian companies must work in partnership with Israeli companies to “access international submarine cables” that would allow them to connect to the global infrastructure, the report explained.

Bandwidth is set and sold by Israel, the report noted, adding that Palestinian telecommunication companies are charged a higher price than their Israeli competitors.

Palestinian telecommunication companies can not be competitive with their Israeli counterparts, the report said, adding that these companies are forced to offer more limited services at higher prices."



Telekom for palestinerne styres av Israel.
Det er en del av okkupantens virkemiddel for å hindre utvikling i de palestinske områdene.

Slik reduseres mulige palestinske arbeidsplasser.
Og palestinerne forblir billig arbeidskraft.

Det er mange virkemidler en okkupant har. 

Skudeneshavn  9. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


9. februar 2022

mandag 7. november 2022

Umm al-Harin versus Mitzpe Kramim: Det er forskjell på folk

Umm al-Hiran versus Mitzpe Kramim?
Ta Mitzpe Kramim først: der har Israels Høyesterett nettopp godkjent at denne ulovlige nybyggingen på privat palestinsk land kan bestå. Den ER ulovlig ... men er opprettet i god tro. Da er det greit.

Motsatt med Umm al-Hiran: Her har israelske beduiner blitt TILVIST et område av ISRAELSKE myndigheter, så langt tilbake som i 1956. Men underveis har området og landsbyen blitt kalt "not recognized", dvs den eksisterer formelt ikke ifølge myndighetene ... har derfor ingen bevilgninger til infrastruktur. 
og lenge har israelske myndigheter villet rasere bygninger i Umm al-Hiran, og flytte innbyggerne der til et annet sted , der det fattigdom og elemndighet fra før, og ikke landområder berduinene kan bruke.

Istedet skal det etableres en jødisk landsby, Hiran, der Umm al-Hiran er nå:
"Israel Resumes Construction of Jewish Town Planned Over Ruins of Yet-to-be-demolished Bedouin Village"
The unrecognized Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev desert has been fighting state-ordered demolitions for two decades, which Israeli land authorities hope will clear the way for the planned Jewish town of Hiran.
(Haaretz 7, november 2022)

 JNF - "Jewish National Fund" er en av aktørene for å tvinge beduiner bort fra Negev-området. Da bruker man treplanting som begrunnelse. Til og med i Munchen reageres det på denne politikken:
"Munich’s Jewish Museum calls Negev forests ‘settlement policy,’ sparking outcry"
(Times of Israel 12. juli 2019)

En artikkel i 972mag fra 2. august 2022 tar opp sammenligningen mellom Umm al-Harin versus Mitzpe Kramim.
Der er konklusjone klar: Det ER forskjell på folk.

Skudeneshavn  7 . november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



7. november 2022

2. august 2022

12. juli 2019

torsdag 3. november 2022

Hebron: Der ens hjem av IDF blir erklært "lukket militært område"

Den palestinske aktivist Amro Issa har opplevd det.
At hans HJEM i Hebron av IDF blir erklært: "Lukket militært område".

Og da har bare han selv lov å være der.
Dette er den måte IDF nå tyr til for å hindre Amro Issa å ha møter i sitt hjem:

"Israeli Army Declares Palestinian Activist's Home Military Zone After Complaints of Settler Attacks"
"Prominent Palestinian activist says settlers 'don’t want me to speak to foreign and Israeli audiences about the apartheid and the Israeli occupation
(Haaretz 3. november 2022, HELE artikkelen nederst under Kilde).

Den israelske advokat Michael Sfard mener IDF her opptrer ulovlig.
Og krever begrunnelse for beslutningen om å gjøre noens hjem til et lukket, militært område.

Skudeneshavn  3. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
3. november 2022


3. november 2022

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 3. november 2022:  

Israeli Army Declares Palestinian Activist's Home Military Zone After Complaints of Settler Attacks

Prominent Palestinian activist says settlers 'don’t want me to speak to foreign and Israeli audiences about the apartheid and the Israeli occupation'

A roadblock in Hebron, last year.
A roadblock in Hebron, last year.Credit: Amira Hass

The Israeli army declared the Hebron home of a well-known West Bank Palestinian human rights activist and the surrounding area a closed military zone, after he complained of settlers violently targeting him and his colleagues.

The order, issued by IDF Brigade Commander Yehuda Yishai Rozolio, bars anyone from entering the area of the home other than the activist, Issa Amro, himself. Amro had previously set up quarters for an organization called Youth Against Settlements, which hosts visitors from Hebron and overseas on the house's lower level.

Amro’s lawyer, Michael Sfard, requested a criminal investigation of Rozolio over the order, claiming that the commander was abusing his authority. In a letter to the army, Sfard stated that prior to the issuance of the order Amro and his colleagues had been attacked at the house, that access to the house had been obstructed and that one person’s cellphone was stolen and another's damaged.

Some incidents were caught on video, including one in which an activist was kicked and beaten, stones were thrown at the house and the cellphone was taken, all while soldiers were in the vicinity. Amro called the police following the incidents, and according to Sfard’s letter, tried to file a complaint with the Hebron police three times. He was told each time that there was no police investigator to take it on, Sfard wrote.

In another incident caught on video, four Israelis lit a bonfire on Amro’s property, near his house. When police were called, Amro was told that the matter would have to be handled by the army.

Later, soldiers arrived with the order declaring the area a closed military zone, while an English lesson for Palestinians was being held on the lower level of the house. The soldiers directed the individuals there to leave the premises.

The order has been extended twice. Amro was first presented with an official document and then, on Wednesday night, verbally informed that it had been extended again. He was not provided with anything in writing despite the regulations requiring it.

In his letter demanding a criminal investigation, Sfard called the order “so arbitrary that there is no doubt that [it was not the product of] good faith or a mistake in judgment but rather signed with the knowledge that it was not directed at the person who has been disturbing the peace and was meant to satisfy the thugs who had initiated the attacks and ‘friction.’”

For his part, Amro alleged that for quite some time, settlers had sought to influence the army to shut his house and the activities hosted in it down. “They don’t want me to speak to foreign and Israeli audiences about the apartheid and the Israeli occupation,” he said, adding that he has been left alone in his house and is afraid to leave it due to threats that he has received.

tirsdag 1. november 2022

"Thuggery and Ignorantism" ... vant i israelsk politikk

Kraftig melding fra kommentator B. Michael i Haaretz 31. oktober 2022:

"Thuggery and Ignorantism Won"

Det er en påstand at bøller og ignoramuser kontrollerer israelsk politikk med den posisjon og makt de har over tid har fått over israelske politikere.
Treffer B. Michael med sine vurderinger?
HELE artikkel nederst under Kilde.
Skudeneshavn   1. november  2022 

Jan Marton Jensen

31. oktober 2022
 HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 31. oktober 2022
Opinion |

Thuggery and Ignorantism Won

Masked Jewish settlers stand with Israeli soldiers during clashes with Palestinians, outside of the West Bank village of Asira Qibliya and the Jewish settlement of Yitzhar, in 2010.
Masked Jewish settlers stand with Israeli soldiers during clashes with Palestinians, outside of the West Bank village of Asira Qibliya and the Jewish settlement of Yitzhar, in 2010.Credit: Nasser Ishtayeh / AP

It’s Election Day. Today we’ll all go to the polls with a serious demeanor, a profound awareness of our burden of responsibility and a sweet sense of exercising a civic duty. The results won’t start filtering in until tonight, but there’s no cause for suspense. The real winners are already known. They’re the ones who have been winning for the 55 past years: the bullying settler enterprises, and the Haredi ignorantism enterprises.

The sad truth is that we, the excited voters, are not choosing a leader today. We’re not even choosing a party. We’re only choosing who holds the purse strings. The person who will continue to cut the checks that will funnel more and more money to the settlers and the Haredim. Nothing more.

Does it really matter whether it’s Yair Lapid or Benjamin Netanyahu? Benny Gantz or Itamar Ben-Gvir? Yitzchak Goldknopf or Avigdor Lieberman? Not really. None of them will stop the monster that’s been created here over the past 50 years, none of them will even dare to try to stop it. They are all its servants. And we are all its financiers.

The Haredi ignorantism enterprises were founded not long after the state. Money and privilege bought their votes, and slowly but surely an interdependence was created between the Haredi electorate and whatever party was in power. Does Mapai hold the purse strings? We’ll go with it. The purse strings passed to the right? We’ll go with it; why not? And so the Haredim became addicted to the government money that funds their caprices. And the government became addicted to the Haredi electorate that keeps it in power.

The reciprocal corruption was not long in coming. The “seculars” ran roughshod over all their lofty declarations about equality, human rights, freedom of religion and freedom from religion. And the Haredim abandoned all the ethics of their forefathers: They became ultranationalists, greedy and power-hungry, arrogant and of course licensed dealers of illiteracy. A surefire recipe for raising tame legions of submissive, obedient voters.

The settler thuggery enterprise was born in 1967. The parents listed on the birth certificate are Moshe Levinger (on God’s side) and Yigal Allon (from the side of the goat and the dunams). This infant was disturbed from the moment of birth. Raging with hormones seeking an outlet, violent, unrestrained, bridled, giving vent to all his instincts under cover of carrying out a divine mission. They too received grotesque amounts of public money to nurture and maintain the “enterprise,” which lacks even an iota of logic, importance, usefulness or need. Only foolishness and wickedness and hallucination.

With considerable alacrity the Haredim joined the settlers, and gave rise to the Hardalim (ultra-Orthodox Zionist). From that moment everything was foreseen, and permission was in fact granted: permission to give vent to passions, to hate, to practice racism, to be cruel and to condescend. Is it any wonder the Hardalim grew and swelled like yeast dough? Because who doesn’t want to be naval birshut hatorah – a scoundrel who nevertheless observes Jewish religious law – and an idler at the state’s expense?

After 50 years of destruction, this pair of enterprises controls us entirely. Not only has the leadership become corrupt, so has the electorate. As a result, the only thing that will be established here is a government that will continue to be the enslaved treasurer of the Haredim and the settlers. They are the crime and the punishment, presumably by divine decree. And the punishment is not a light one: the steady continuation of the disintegration. It won’t be the first time in history that the citizens of a country pay for its destruction from their own pockets.

But nevertheless we shall go out and vote. And that will probably be very effective. Like kapparot before Yom Kippur and tashlich on Rosh Hashanah. Like cupping therapy on a rotting corpse.

Elkraft kan ikke lagres

Elkraft kan ikke lagres.

Da er det dumt å investere i "tilfeldig kraft" som tidsmessig må leveres i et marked der ANDRE leverandører utnytter samme "værtype" hvis DISSE ANDRE har billigere investeringer OG kortere/billigere vei til markedet.

Norsk flytende havvind kan komme i en slik situasjon hvis produsert kraft skal leveres i spotmarkedet i Europa.

Her må det tenkes klart og dypt nok av aktørene.

Optimalisering av tilfeldig kraft får man når den samspiller med  lagringsbare kraftressurser.
Det tilsier felles drifts- og investeringsbeslutninger.

Skudeneshavn  1. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


25. oktober 2022