onsdag 29. desember 2021

Atomvåpenfri sone i Midtøsten?

Den erfarne israelske kommentator Akiva Eldar skriver i et innlegg i Haaretz 28. desember 2021 om  eventuell fornyelse av atomavtalen med Iran.

Eldar mener Iran kan spille inn forslag om atomvåpenfri sone i hele Midtøsten, herunder Israel.
Og at dette er noe verdenssamfunnet må forholde seg til.

Skudeneshavn  29. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

29. desember 2021


28. desember 2021


HELE innlegget av Akiva Eldar i Haaretz 28. desember 2021:

A technician works at the Uranium Conversion Facility just outside the city of Isfahan, Iran, in 2007.
A technician works at the Uranium Conversion Facility just outside the city of Isfahan, Iran, in 2007.Vahid Salemi /AP

Over the years we have learned that when a politician or a general declares that “all options are on the table,” he is actually referring to a single option – the military option. Supposedly that’s the only option that will remain to Israel if the negotiations with Iran don’t produce a nuclear agreement that satisfies the political leadership in Jerusalem.

The sanctions did not bring the Iranians to their knees, the mysterious attacks against Iranian scientists and installations are not stopping the ayatollahs, and in Washington there’s a president who is keeping his distance from the Middle East. We’re left with the option of a direct military strike against the Iranian reactors, whatever the costs, in a loss of lives on the home front, in expenditures of billions of shekels and in damage to Israel’s foreign relations.

LISTEN: Why Israel’s decision to shut out Diaspora Jews will rankle for years

Has anyone read or heard about preparations for the possibility that Iran will announce that it accepts all the restrictions that the United States wants to impose on it; that in addition, it will allow inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to visit its nuclear installations without advance warning, and will even agree to extend the treaty by another 15 years – all that, on one condition: that Israel signs exactly the same document?

The Islamic Republic can also promise “not to be the first country in the Middle East to introduce nuclear weapons.” This Isra-bluff has been working beautifully for decades, as has the stamp of “according to foreign sources” on reports that Israel is equipped with dozens of atomic bombs ready for launching.

In an article published last week, Hossein Shariatmadari, editor of the Iranian newspaper Kayhan and a person close to Supreme Leader Ali Khamanei, hinted at the option of “neither I nor you will have it.” He proposed that Iran delay the nuclear talks until Israel (and India, Pakistan and other countries) sign a convention to prevent the dissemination of nuclear weapons and give up their own.

“Why should Iran remain a member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) at a time when it can leave the agreement according to Article 10 of the convention?” Shariatmadari asked. According to Article 10, each party will have the right to withdraw from the convention if it decides that unusual events related to the subject of the convention have endangered its country’s supreme interests. There is an abundance of such events. For example, the press conference of then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the files from the Iranian nuclear archive were stolen by the Mossad.

The editor’s words of the senior Iranian official were published shortly before the convening of the NPT Review Conference, which is held every five years and is scheduled for early January. Time and time again, these conferences bring up Israel’s refusal to sign the convention and reveal its nuclear facilities to the eyes of the world.

Now the conference is expected to convene while the negotiations for a nuclear treaty with Iran are being conducted. In one place Israel will present the Iranian nuclear threat as a danger to world peace. At the same time the same country, which (according to foreign reports) has been up to its neck in nuclear power for years, will try to cause the initiative for nuclear demilitarization of the Middle East to fail.

With the exception of the administration of former U.S. President Donald Trump, not a single partner to the negotiations with Iran agrees with Israel’s position on demilitarization. Three years ago Russia and China were among the 88 countries that voted in favor of a UN General Assembly resolution calling for the convening of a conference for establishing a zone free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. There were 75 countries, including all those in the European Union, that refrained from voting on that decision, which called on the UN secretary general to convene an annual conference until a binding agreement is reached to establish the weapons-free zone. In addition to the United States and Israel, only Liberia and Micronesia voted against.

In response to that decision, Netanyahu declared that Israel would stop supporting UN decisions for establishing a nuclear demilitarized zone in the Middle East, nor would it participate in regional events dealing with the matter. Netanyahu relied on the automatic support of President Trump for Israel’s stand, and on the Abraham Accords with Iran’s rivals.

However, in the interim there has been a changing of the guard in the White House, and there are signs of a compromise in relations between Iran and several of its Gulf neighbors. U.S. President Joe Biden has taken a firm stand regarding demilitarization. In his first speech at the Munich Security Conference in February, he promised that the issue would be at the center of his administration’s agenda. A document published by the White House in March defined nuclear weapons as an “existential threat” and stressed the role of U.S. leadership in reducing it.

As far as is known, the decision makers in Jerusalem, those who declaim that “all options are on the table,” did not consider the possibility that Iran would pull out the doomsday weapon: an overall agreement for nuclear demilitarization of the Middle East – including Israel – and acceptance of all the demands. It’s much sexier on television to show helmeted pilots talking about preparations for war.

tirsdag 28. desember 2021

- USA taper både demokratiske og religiøse grunnverdier

Kommentar av Jennifer Rubin i Washington Post 28.desember 2021.
Rubin går gjennom de holdningene de religiøse støttespillerne til Trump utviser.
"Opinion: Trump idolatry has undermined religious faith"
Rubins konklusjon:
"If these trends continue uninterrupted, we will wind up with a country rooted in neither democratic principles nor religious values. That would be a mean, violent and intolerant future few of us would want to experience."

En kraftig advarsel:
- USA taper både demokratiske og religiøse grunnverdier slik utviklingen går.

Skudeneshavn 28. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen 

28. desember 2021

torsdag 23. desember 2021

Utkastelse i Sheihk Jarrah utsatt til det blir mindre oppmerksomhet

I okkuperte Øst-Jerusalem er en utkastelse av en palestinsk familie utsatt til en tid til det skaper mindre oppmerksomhet ... en gang uti januar inn i februar:

"Sheikh Jarrah Family's Evacuation Delayed at Jerusalem Police Request"

 .... "to evacuate the family at any time from January 20 to February 8."

Det er press fra EU som skaper utsettelsen. 

EU-representant Burgsdorff er rystet over Israel i denne saken:

"A few days ago, 22 European diplomats visited the site, as part of the increasing media and diplomatic interest in the issue.

Burgsdorff said on the visit that he was “shocked” and urged Israel to halt the eviction.

“Eleven people living in the Salem family’s house are being threatened with eviction in the next few days, during Christmas and in the middle of the winter. For me, as a Christian, this is hard to conceive. This is occupied territory. People have a full right to live here. They were evacuated in 1948 from West Jerusalem and found shelter here. And after 70 years the authorities want to evict them again and turn them into refugees once more. This is inhuman and unfair. I’m here to express our frustration and anger,” he said."

Dette viser at press fra EU nytter.
Presser Norge?

Skudeneshavn  23. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

23. desember 2021

19.januar 2022



23. desember 2021

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 23. desember 2021:

Fatima Salem and left-wing activists at her home, this month.
Fatima Salem and left-wing activists at her home, this month.Ohad Zwigenberg

A court halted the evacuation of a Palestinian family from their home in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah on Thursday, after police asked the court registrar to postpone the eviction, citing a security risk.

Earlier this week, the head of the European Union’s mission to the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Sven Kuhn von Burgsdorff, visited the Salem family, who have been living in their home in Sheikh Jarrah for the past 70 years. He blasted the eviction, calling it “inhuman and unfair.”

The authorities, equipped with a writ of execution, were scheduled to evict the Salems next week so that Jews could move into the house.

Before 1948 the house had belonged to a Jewish family, and the Salem family leased the house from the Jordanian custodian of enemy property from 1951.

After the Six Day War the house passed to the Israeli Custodian General, who returned it to its Jewish heirs. The lawyers acting for the Jewish heirs were financed by a right-wing NGO working to evict Palestinians and populate the neighborhood with Jews.

Some of the Jewish heirs sold their part of the property to the NGO. Recently right-wing activist and city council member Yonatan Yosef bought the rights to the building.

Two weeks ago, Yosef and another council member, deputy mayor Arieh King, served the eviction order to Fatima Salem, 72, who has lived in the house her entire life. Ten family members, including four children, live in the house.

The verdict to evict the house so that Jews could move into it was issued in 1988, but since then the settlers did little to drive the Palestinian family out of their home.

The house is located in the neighborhood’s western part, called Um Haroun. Recently tensions have been running high over the evacuation of Palestinian families in the east of the neighborhood, where residents are awaiting Israel's Supreme Court’s verdict after having turned down the justices’ compromise proposal.

The evacuation order says the family must evacuate the house by December 29. But on Thursday, lawyer David Hershkowitz, who represents Yosef, requested the execution authorities to postpone the evacuation and give them the option to evacuate the family at any time from January 20 to February 8. He attached a letter from the police asking to delay the evacuation.

“In keeping with recent goings-on in Jerusalem in general and in the Shalem station in particular, implementing the order at a specific date or a close date known in advance could endanger the forces and foil the evacuation’s success,” wrote Chief Inspector Eliran Hazan.

Court Registrar Idit Gur-Arie agreed to put off the evacuation and scheduled a hearing on the request to issue another order next Thursday.

A few days ago, 22 European diplomats visited the site, as part of the increasing media and diplomatic interest in the issue.

Burgsdorff said on the visit that he was “shocked” and urged Israel to halt the eviction.

“Eleven people living in the Salem family’s house are being threatened with eviction in the next few days, during Christmas and in the middle of the winter. For me, as a Christian, this is hard to conceive. This is occupied territory. People have a full right to live here. They were evacuated in 1948 from West Jerusalem and found shelter here. And after 70 years the authorities want to evict them again and turn them into refugees once more. This is inhuman and unfair. I’m here to express our frustration and anger,” he said


onsdag 22. desember 2021

Facebook rydder bort sju selskaper som utøver "data-spionasje"

Økende søkelys mot selskaper som selger dataverktøy for data-spionasje:

The Guardian 16. desember 2021:
"Facebook bans seven ‘cyber mercenary’ companies from its platforms"

"Company will also send warnings to 48,000 people believed to be targeted by malicious activity after investigation."

Haaretz 21. desember 2021:
"‘Cyber Mercenaries’: Israel’s Spyware Industry Is Getting Slammed Around the World
"U.S. blacklisting and scathing reports by Google and Facebook-owner Meta are only some of the steps being taken against Israeli firms that are not being properly supervised by agencies at home.


To selskaper svartelistet i USA av myndighetene der.
Og  nå melding til 48.000 FB-brukere at de må sjekke om 7 navngitte selskaper har infisert datautstyret deres. Samtidig som tusenvis av falske kontoer disse selskapene har benyttet er fjernet av Facebook.

Målgruppen for spionasje er bl.a.. journalister og menneskerettighets-forkjempere i land med diktatorisk styre.

Dette er begynnelsen på en nødvendig opprydding.
Der USA går foran.
Men flere land må følge opp.
Og forsterkes med nødvendig lovgivning slik at ulovlig aktivitet kan straffeforfølges

Skudeneshavn   22. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

22. desember 2021


21. desember 2021

16. desember 2021

tirsdag 21. desember 2021

Jerusalem: Varsko fra kristne ledere at de presses ut

Det gjøres anskrik i Jerusalem av kristne ledere der.
De presset ut, hevder de.

Kristne ledere i UK deltar i oppropet:
"Archbishops warn of 'concerted effort' to drive Christians from Holy Land"
"Writing in the Sunday Times, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem warn of a concerted attempt by fringe, radical groups to drive Christians away from the Holy Land - which takes place against the 'historic tragedy' of the Christian population's century-long decline".

Dette er alvorlig.
Hvis kristendom i Jerusalem er under angrep.

Skudeneshavn  21. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen



19. desember 2021

mandag 20. desember 2021

Tilspissing av konflikten på Balkan - Det kan bli ny krig

Konflikten i Bosnia mht til den serbiske minoritet der  ... den eskalerer.
Og partene trekker Israel inn i konflikten.
Dette er så alvorlig at det kan bli ny krig på Balkan.

"Dangerous New Crisis Brewing in the Balkans. And Israel Is Involved"
An Israeli holocaust historian recruited for a controversial panel, a Bosnian-Serb leader's visit to Jerusalem, and now a letter to Yair Lapid seeking action on the issue of genocide denial. How a Balkan crisis came to Israel.
(Haaretz 14. des 2021)

Eskalering av konflikt.
Det begynnere med ordene ...  

Her må UD følge med og vurdere påtrykk på aktørene. 
31.desember 2021
Da har Tyskland trukket tilbake medaljetildeling til Gideon Greif:
"Germany Cancels Award to Israeli Historian Accused of Genocide Denial" 
(Haartez 30.12.2021)
Skudeneshavn  17. desember 2021/31. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

2. januar 2022


Mer Ny info:

1. februar 2022   Kraftig ytring om Gideon Greif

2. januar 2022

Ny info:

30. desember 2021

20. desember 2021


14. desember 2021

6. desember 2021

fredag 17. desember 2021

Søkelys må settes på UAE

I en lang artikkel i Haaretz om borgerkrigen i Etiopia setter journalisten søkelyset på ... UAE.
(Se lenke til artikkel i Haaretz under Kilde)

Det angis at både moralsk støtte ... men også militær våpenstøtte gis av UAE til  Nobelpris-vinner Abiy Ahmed sitt regime i Addis Abeba.

Norge har et spesielt ansvar i denne etiopiske borgerkrigen, ref utdelingen av Nobels Fredspris til Abiya Ahmed.
Derfor må UD følge utviklingingen i Etiopia spesielt nøye.
Og påvirke der man kan.

20. desember 2021
NY Times:
"Foreign Drones Tip the Balance in Ethiopia’s Civil War"
Det viser seg at Abiya Ahmed har fått leveranser av militære droner.
Og at dette har snudd borgerkrigen i hans favør.
Fremst av drone-leverandørene nevnes UAE
Dette landet fører omfattende militære leveranser til flere land der det er konflikt i Afrika.
Dette må eksponeres og påtales.
For i Etiopia er krigføringen spesielt grusom ... det er snakk om alvorlige krigsforbrytelser.

14. januar 2022
"Tigray: Aid operations ‘about to grind to a halt’, warns WFP"
FNs Matvarefond melder at matlagrene går tomme.
Det blir hungersnød.
Skudeneshavn  17. desember 2021 / 20. desember 2021 / 14. januar 2022
Jan Marton Jensen

 På Twitter:

18. januar 2022

Ny info:

14. januar 2022

20. desember 2021


"Pandora Papers"
Fra ICIJ med Søkeord UAE

15. desember 2021

15. desember 2021


mandag 13. desember 2021

Lønnsom "ikke-planlegging" i Øst-Jerusalem?

Den israelske journalisten Amira Hass har en vinkling i en artikkel i Haaretz 13. desember 2021 der det hevdes at den konsekvent manglende byplanleggingen ("non-planning") i Øst-Jerusalem ... den er "lønnsom". Dvs lønnsom for Israel:
"Israel profits twice from Palestinians living in the capital: 
- once from the fines they pay for the city’s own crimes, 
- and again when the community is forced into a life of low-paying jobs and abject poverty".
Det er store størrelser det antydes i artikkelen (200.000 "ulovlige" boliger).
Og det gjør påstandene desto mer alvorlige.
Er det mulig å få ut proppen som hindrer reguleringsplaner i Øst-Jerusalem?
En internasjonal tilleggs-ressurs av profesjonelle byplanleggere i et eget prosjekt ... dedikert til å få ut proppen?

Skudeneshavn  13. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen


13. desember 2021

fredag 10. desember 2021

India bruker antiterrorlov til å stilne kritikere av Modi's styre

India har en antiterrorlov som i økende grad blir brukt til å arrestere journalister og forkjempere av menneskerettigher som er kritiske til statsminister Modi's styre:

"How a terrorism law in India is being used to silence Modi’s critics"
"The BJP government is exploiting a terrorism prevention law to intimidate dissenters from lawyers, journalists, priests, poets to Kashmiri civilians."
(The Guardian 10.des. 2021)

En påminnelse i disse dager ... ref. Nobelprisen.
India må føyes til  de land som bruker lovgivning til å undertrykke politisk kritikk.
Og det må være internasjonal oppmerksomhet om dette.

6. februar 2022
"Editor arrested in Kashmir as press crackdown escalates"
(The Guardian) 

Det "eskaleres" i Indias knuging av Kashmir.
Når fri presse blir beskyldt for "terrorisme" ... da er man kommet langt i undertrykkingen.

India under Modis ledelse beveger seg mer og mer mot det ekstrem-nasjonalisme.
Det er en skremmende utvikling.


Skudeneshavn  10. desember 2021 / 6. februar 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

10. desember 2021

6. februar 2022

Ny info:

6. februar 2022


10. desember 2021

torsdag 9. desember 2021

Israelske massakrer i 1948: Nye opplysninger om flere massakrer

"Classified Docs Reveal Massacres of Palestinians in '48 – and What Israeli Leaders Knew"

Testimonies continue to pile up, documents are revealed, and gradually a broader picture emerges of the acts of murder committed by Israeli troops during the War of Independence. Minutes recorded during cabinet meetings in 1948 leave no room for doubt: Israel's leaders knew in real time about the blood-drenched events that accompanied the conquest of the Arab villages.

The discussions were fraught with emotion. Cabinet minister Haim-Moshe Shapira said that all of Israel’s moral foundations had been undermined. Minister David Remez remarked that the deeds that had been done remove us from the category of Jews and from the category of human beings altogether. Other ministers were also appalled: Mordechai Bentov wondered what kind of Jews would be left in the country after the war; Aharon Zisling related that he had had a sleepless night – the criminals, he said, were striking at the soul of the whole government. Some ministers demanded that the testimonies be investigated and that those responsible be held to account. David Ben-Gurion was evasive. In the end, the ministers decided on an investigation. The result was the establishment of the “committee to examine cases of murder in [by] the army.”


Ovenstående er fra en fersk artikkel i Haaretz 9. desember 2021

En artikkel fra 5. juli 2019 om samme sak (se under Kilde) viser at mange dokumenter sensureres og holdes borte fra offentligheten.

I 2021 er det på tide at Israel frigir  hemmeligholdte dokumenter fra 1948.

12. desember 2021  Lederartikkel i Haaretz (se Ny info)
"Israel's 'Most Moral Army in the World' Can't Keep Running Away From Its Past"

Skudeneshavn  9. desember/12.desember  2021

Jan Marton Jensen 

På Twitter:

12. desember 2021

Ny info:

12. desember 2021    Lederartikkel i Haaretz


9. desember 2021

5. juli 2019

Enova-avgift: Omvendt av Robin Hood: Ta fra ALLE og gi til de RIKE

Med et påslag på strømprisen på 1 øre/kwh + moms pålegges alle strømbrukere i Norge å bidra til det såkalte "Klima- og energifondet".
Midlene forvaltes av Enova og  ... og har bidratt til navnet "Enova-avgiften". 

Etter søknad skal midlene gå til "helhetlig oppgradering av bolig".

Det viser seg at Enovas krav metodisk gir tilskudd de de rike ... de som har råd til slik større oppgradering av boligen.

Det er oppsiktsvekkende at offentlig  bidrag til energisparing i praksis er blitt en omvendt Robin Hood-ordning: - Å ta fra alle ... og gi til de rike.

Slik kan det ikke være.
Ordningen må  forenkles og gjøres om så langt flere kan på en enklere måte kan få støtte til energisparing.
Politikere må ta grep umiddelbart.

Skudeneshavn  9. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
9. desember 2021




29. november 2021

1. april 2019

fredag 3. desember 2021

- Ending Roe v Wade is part of a long campaign to roll back democracy itself

Oppsummerende innlegg i The Guardian om abort i USA ... og om hvordan konservative krefter har tatt styring med Høyesterett i USA.
Et religiøst/konservativ mindretall i USA via Replubikanerne  angriper demokratiet ...  det er forfatterens konklusjon:

"Ending Roe v Wade is part of a long campaign to roll back democracy itself"

 EDIT 26. juni 2022

"Roe v Wade: senators say Trump supreme court nominees misled them"

"Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh said they would not overturn landmark abortion ruling, Susan Collins and Joe Manchin say".

Det er rimelig klart at man ikke alltid kan stole på hva kandidater sier under en godkjenningsprosess.
Når de religiøse, konservative høyre-kreftene har en aganda, da er det agendaen som gjelder.


Skudeneshavn  3. desember 2021 / 26. juni 2022
Jan Marton Jensen 
På Twitter:
26. juni 2022

Ny info:
26. juni 2022
3. desember 2021

På Vestbredden: Terror for å oppnå etnisk rensing

 Klar melding fra israelsk journalist:

"Settler Violence Is an Integral Part of the Israeli Occupation"

Og journlist Zehava Galon beskriver aktørene og metodene:

"Damage to property has a strategic goal. Many Palestinians are denied access to their land during most of the year, with the IDF claiming that it cannot protect them from the settlers. Frequently, when they finally do get access to their land, they discover that it was set on fire, or that their trees have been uprooted. The purpose: to cause the Palestinians to despair over their land, to understand that they are risking violence and that they won’t have any crops, and to abandon their land.

The legal advisers of the IDF Central Command will declare these plots abandoned land and transfer them to the settlers." 

"In the final analysis, the hilltop youth are an arm of a government whose goal is to take control of Area C"


Det er liten tvil om hva dette er: Terror for å oppnå etnisk rensing.

Og det er også liten tvil om at denne terroren ØKER i omfang under nåværende israelske regjering.  Journalisten skriver rett ut at  terroren er en del av den israelske regjerings mål om å ta kontroll over område C på Vestbredden.

Dette må det fokuseres på internasjonalt.


Skudeneshavn  3. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen 

På Twitter:

16. desember 2021

17. desember 2021

1. januar 2021

1. januar 2021


Ny info:

30. desember 2021

17. desember 2021

17. desember 2021

16. desember 2021

31.desember 2020
Michael Sfard



3. desember 2021

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz:

Settler Violence Is an Integral Part of the Israeli Occupation  

Zehava Galon  

December 03, 2021

Uprooted olive trees taken down by settlers.
Uprooted olive trees taken down by settlers.Yesh Din

For years we’ve been hearing from the settlers about the need to “regularize” the “young settlements,” an Orwellian name given by the settler establishment to the illegal settlement outposts in the West Bank. But the lovely name deliberately conceals the reality on the ground. According to figures from Peace Now and Yesh Din-Volunteers for Human Rights presented at a Knesset debate on settler violence (organized by MKs Mossi Raz, Ibtisam Mara’ana and Osama Saadi), 63 percent of acts of settler violence against Palestinians take place in the vicinity of outposts.

All of the settlements, including the outposts, violate international law, according to UN Security Council Resolution 2334. And in a 2004 advisory opinion on the West Bank separation barrier, the International Court of Justice found that the settlements violate international law. Israel has recognized the settlements as legal, but even according to the Israeli government, the settlement outposts are illegal.

Which explains the use of the Hebrew word “l’hakhshir” (to prepare or to make kosher) in regard to them: The settlements are impure by definition, but the government will twist the law and call them kosher. Since the promise of the government by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush to remove 105 outposts, Israeli governments have only added to them.

Settler violence has risen in recent years. The figures of the Israel Defense Forces, which do not always identify all the incidents, indicate that in 2020 there were 507 violent incidents on the part of the settlers, and in the first half of 2021 there were already 416 – in other words, an average of 2.5 incidents per day. Of the 1,256 incidents of settler violence documented by Yesh Din since 2012, 685 were physical assaults against Palestinians themselves and 500 were cases of damage to their property.

Damage to property has a strategic goal. Many Palestinians are denied access to their land during most of the year, with the IDF claiming that it cannot protect them from the settlers. Frequently, when they finally do get access to their land, they discover that it was set on fire, or that their trees have been uprooted. The purpose: to cause the Palestinians to despair over their land, to understand that they are risking violence and that they won’t have any crops, and to abandon their land.

The legal advisers of the IDF Central Command will declare these plots abandoned land and transfer them to the settlers. Yesh Din considers the outposts “the military posts of Jewish terrorism in the occupied territories.” In the final analysis, the hilltop youth are an arm of a government whose goal is to take control of Area C (which the Oslo Accords placed under both Israeli military and civil control).

Peace Now estimates that only about 5 percent of the settlers, about 22,000, live in the outposts. Presumably the IDF could have dismantled them, yet it has repeatedly failed in its attempts to do so. The violence of the settlers is also directed at soldiers and policemen, if they fail to act according to the wishes of the outpost youth. The far right fantasizes about incidents of violence by left-wing activists against soldiers; there are none. Violence by settlers against the security forces occurs on a weekly basis.

But not only the hilltop youth are to blame. Some of the media have also made an editorial decision not to talk about it. Once it had correspondents for the territories, now it has “settlement” correspondents. Every Shabbat there is a pogrom, and most of the Israeli public doesn’t hear a word about it.

This situation must change. If Israel does not want to look like an apartheid state, at a minimum it must uproot the weeds of the outposts.


20/25990: Innspill til Samfunnsplan Karmøy kommune 2021-2030: 1) Etablere Fredningsområde for Hummer og 2) Utarbeide Hummer-strategi

Karmøy bør:
1) Opprette fredningsområde for hummer
2) Utarbeide en langsiktig "Hummer-strategi"
Bakgrunn og begrunnelse
- Hummer er en truet bestand som bør sikres bedre
- Et fredningsområde vil bidra positivt til Karmøy kommune som natur-kommune
- Erfaringer med andre fredningsområder i Norge innhentes i samråd med Havforskningsinstituttet 
- Et fredningsområde kan raskt berike nærliggende områder opptil fredningsområdet med flere og større hummer, ref hummerfredningen ved Lindesnes
- Hummer kan gi lokal næringsutvikling og turisme og en langsiktig strategi bør utarbeides sammen med en lokal næringsforening
- Lærdom om næringsutvikling kan hentes fra eksemplet Zierikzee i Holland
- Hummer har en rik lokal historie og har gitt nærkontakt med spesielt Holland i flere hundreår. Denne del av lokalhistorien kan formidles bedre og styrke lokalkunnskap og identitet.
Saksområdet tas med i Samfunnsdelen av kommuneplanen siden det påvirker så mange prioriterte felter.
(Jfr også planens side 31 ff om Klimaendringer og Naturmangfold)
Skudeneshavn  3. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen 


24. november 2021   Hummer kommet på "Rødlista" som "sårbar bestand"

5. mars 2019
Hummerfredning Lindesnes    Fredningsområdet gir positiv effekt på nærliggende områder

Zierikzee       Her har man fått til turisme og næringsvirksomhet basert på hummer



onsdag 1. desember 2021

USA har hemmeligholdt bombedrap på 80 kvinner og barn i Irak i 2019

NY Times 13. nov 2021

"How the U.S. Hid an Airstrike That Killed Dozens of Civilians in Syria"

"The military never conducted an independent investigation into a 2019 bombing on the last bastion of the Islamic State, despite concerns about a secretive commando force."


NY Times 17. nov 2021https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/17/us/politics/austin-pentagon-syria-airstrike.html

"The Times investigation showed that the death toll from the strike — 80 people — was almost immediately apparent to military officials. A legal officer flagged the bombing as a possible war crime that required an investigation. But at nearly every step, the military made moves that concealed the catastrophic strike. The Defense Department’s independent inspector general began an inquiry, but the report containing its findings was stalled and stripped of any mention of the strike."

Nåværende amerikanske forsvarssjef Austin blir presset til å svare i saken.
Og sier man må skjerpe seg.
Men hjelper det?
Hvis saken ikke blir saumfart.
Og de ansvarlige dermed går fri ....

Saken er så alvorlig ... og NY Times sin graving så grundig ... at 29. november 2021 melder avisen:
"Pentagon Chief Orders New Inquiry Into U.S. Airstrike That Killed Dozens in Syria"
Og det er nødvendig.
USA kan ikke leve med en bevisst skjuling av mulig krigsforbrytelse av landets militære ledelse.


Skudeneshavn  1. desember 2021

Jan Marton Jensen



29. november 2021

17. november 2021

13. november 2021

Mot ettstatsløsning for Israel / Palestina?

Tvitret 1. desember 2021:

"FNs spesialutsending for MØ advarer i #UNSC mht situasjonen for palestinerne 
Men med #Israel sin nåværende regjering må det vel MER enn ORD til hvis det skal bli to stater 
For nå går det ubønnhørlig mot #Ettstatsløsningen "
Skudeneshavn  1. desember 2021
Jan Marton Jensen 

På Twitter:
1. desember 2021
1. desember 2021

98% avslag på byggetillatelser

 Area C

"Israel Rejects Over 98 Percent of Palestinian Building Permit Requests in West Bank's Area C"

"The area in which Palestinians can build legally as part of approved plans whose purpose is to limit development, is 0.5 percent of Area C. The area of plans for settlements in about 26 percent," said Cohen-Lifshitz.

Until 1971, there were planning committees with Palestinian representation in the West Bank – but they were nixed by Israel and matters of planning were transferred to the Civil Administration."


 3,7 % av byggetillatelser er akseptert av israelske myndigheter siden år 2000.

Denne politikken har derfor vært rådende lenge.

Skudeneshavn   22. november 2021

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

1. desember 2021
