onsdag 9. november 2022

2G og 3G eller 4G og 5G?

Artikkel i Jerusalem Post 9. februar 2022:

World Bank: Israel must give Palestinians 4G so economy can thrive

Israel is preparing to upgrade its telecommunications system from a 4G to a 5G network, while Palestinians in Gaza use mostly a 2G system and a 3G one in the West Bank.


"Israel has “decision-making power over the frequency spectrum, and so far has refused to allocate the necessary spectrum to Palestinian telecom operators to deploy 4G frequencies,” the World Bank stated.

It also has restricted the import of telecommunications equipment and access to infrastructure and transmission sites in Area C, the report said.

Palestinian companies must work in partnership with Israeli companies to “access international submarine cables” that would allow them to connect to the global infrastructure, the report explained.

Bandwidth is set and sold by Israel, the report noted, adding that Palestinian telecommunication companies are charged a higher price than their Israeli competitors.

Palestinian telecommunication companies can not be competitive with their Israeli counterparts, the report said, adding that these companies are forced to offer more limited services at higher prices."



Telekom for palestinerne styres av Israel.
Det er en del av okkupantens virkemiddel for å hindre utvikling i de palestinske områdene.

Slik reduseres mulige palestinske arbeidsplasser.
Og palestinerne forblir billig arbeidskraft.

Det er mange virkemidler en okkupant har. 

Skudeneshavn  9. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


9. februar 2022

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