fredag 28. oktober 2022

- Pogromer, IDF og Palestinerne: Hvordan IDFs moralske kode vanhelliges

 Advarsel fra Yonatan Touval i Haaretz 27. oktober 2022:
"Opinion" |
"Pogroms, the IDF and Palestinians: How Israel's Military Is Desecrating Its Moral Code"

"Settler attacks against Palestinians are surging, but the IDF's lethargic response, veering towards acquiescence, is not only a violation of Israeli and international law. It is also a horrific debasement of Jewish history"
(Haaretz 27. oktober 2022, HELE artikkelen nederst under Kilde)

En historisk gjennomgang fram til dagens situasjon.

Før var det unge israelske "hilltop youths" som var angriperne.
Nå er de voksne med, sammen med barna.
Og nå deltar også IDF-soldater i pogromene på Vestbredden.

Skudeneshavn   28. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


27. oktober 2022

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 27. oktober 2022:

Opinion |

Pogroms, the IDF and Palestinians: How Israel's Military Is Desecrating Its Moral Code

Settler attacks against Palestinians are surging, but the IDF's lethargic response, veering towards acquiescence, is not only a violation of Israeli and international law. It is also a horrific debasement of Jewish history

Israeli settlers fire at Palestinians (unseen) while an Israeli soldier stands by during clashes in the West Bank town of Huwara this month
Israeli settlers fire at Palestinians (unseen) while an Israeli soldier stands by during clashes in the West Bank town of Huwara this month Credit: OREN ZIV - AFP

Israel's military occupation of the West Bank is at a perilous juncture. The IDF is not merely under scrutiny for a growing number of fatalities of Palestinian civilians – most the result of shootings by Israeli soldiers, but others due to brutal manhandling or sheer emotional terror, such as the deaths of a 78-year-old Palestinian-American or of a seven-year-old boy last month.

The IDF is also losing its ability, and perhaps its will, to prevent violent attacks by Jewish settlers against Palestinians.

Within a period of 10 days alone this past month, settlers have reportedly committed around 100 nationalist crimes against West Bank Palestinians. The number of attacks is itself staggering (an average of 10 per day). Yet two additional factors render this development particularly worrisome.

First, the attacks are no longer perpetrated by the usual suspects – the fringe groups of younger settlers commonly known as "hilltop youth." While these violent extremists may be the prime instigators of the attacks, joining them are older adults, women and children. In other words, provoking and attacking Palestinians has become a popular, communal, even family, pastime among some settlers in the West Bank.

Second, and no less troubling, the Israeli security authorities on the ground – both the IDF and the police – are doing little, often nothing, to prevent these attacks.

Such inaction reflects multiple realities, including the rising numbers of settlers within IDF troops – most notoriously embodied in the ultra-Orthodox battalion known as Netzah Yehuda (“Judea Forever”), whose members are responsible for countless war crimes, including the death of the 78-year-old.

But there is also the timid, if all-too-often silent, response from the IDF’s upper echelons, including Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi himself, who fail to take action, let alone express public interest, in many of these attacks, thus giving IDF officers on the ground, in spirit if not in letter, free rein to act as they see fit. Just last week, an Israeli security guard joined forces with Jewish settlers as they attacked Palestinian civilians.

Netzach Yehuda brigade base outside the West Bank Jewish settlement of Beit El
Netzach Yehuda brigade base outside the West Bank Jewish settlement of Beit ElCredit: Emil Salman

Such conduct raises serious questions about the orders – or rather, lack thereof – that Israeli soldiers receive when facing incidents of violent attacks by settlers against Palestinians. And they challenge the centrality of the issue of “rules of engagement,” which has long defined the framework through which IDF actions in the West Bank have been viewed.

Indeed, only a month ago the Biden administration rattled Israeli nerves when it announced that it would "press our Israeli partners to closely review its policies and practices on the rules of engagement." The statement came a day after the IDF had published the conclusions of its probe into the May 2022 killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, and provoked a sharp rebuke from the Israeli leadership.

Rebuffing what he cast as unwelcome foreign interference, Defense Minister Benny Gantz declared that the army chief of staff, “and he alone, determines, and will continue to determine, the rules of engagement in accordance with our operational needs and values of the IDF.”

Except that now, it seems, at issue is not – or not merely – the IDF’s rules of engagement that should be reviewed; it’s also, and more pressingly, the growing trend of its soldiers’ disengagement: of disengagement from the duty, of their dereliction of duty, to act to prevent injury to the Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

An Israeli soldier walks as masked Jewish settlers hurl stones during clashes with Palestinians.
An Israeli soldier walks as masked Jewish settlers hurl stones during clashes with Palestinians.Credit: AP

This dereliction is not only a violation of Israeli and international law. It constitutes a horrific irony for an army whose ethos lies in the historical trauma of the Jews at the beginning of the twentieth century. We need not invoke the Holocaust, for which the cultural and political reasons for America’s callous indifference is the subject of Ken Burns’ recent documentary. For if there is one historical moment that marks a radical turning point in the Jewish relationship to arms, it was actually the pogrom in the city of Kishinev in April 1903.

The most notorious of a series of pogroms that took place in the Russian Empire during the first decade of the twentieth century, the bloodbath of Kishinev sent shockwaves across the Jewish world and beyond. Yet the shock was not merely at the brutality of the atrocities; it was also at the helplessness of the Jews in the hands of the pogromists and the complicit role of the Russian authorities.

It was this shock that Haim Nachman Bialik's "In the City of Slaughter" powerfully captured, an epic poem that was a catalyst for the emergence, for the first time in the modern era, of organized Jewish policing groups which went under the name of “self-defense” (in Yiddish, zelbstshuts).

In fact, it is the emergence of these policing groups that lies at the origins of similar formations in Palestine in the following years – first, the small Bar Giora group, which operated from 1907 to 1909, and later HaShomer, which operated from 1909 until 1920. Transplanted into the political realities of Palestine, they held on to the spirit of "self-defense," adapting their mission from defending the Jewish shtetls against the pogromists to defending the newly established Jewish settlements from, initially at least, Palestinian-Arab pilferers and looters.

Members of HaShomer, a Jewish self-defense group, in Kfar Giladi. HaShomer was active between 1909 and 1920
Members of HaShomer, a Jewish self-defense group, in Kfar Giladi. HaShomer was active between 1909 and 1920Credit: UNKNOWN

Throughout those years, it was clear to the leaders of the Yishuv that, regardless of whether the Ottomans were in charge or the British, the Jews in Palestine were on their own. This recognition fueled the ethos of self-defense of the Haganah (Hebrew for "Defense"), the successor organization to Hashomer, and the leading armed force in the Yishuv from 1920 until the establishment of the IDF in 1948.

Over the years, the ethos of self-defense has come to be articulated by the oft-used phrase of “defend itself, by itself,” a trope that Israeli leaders regularly assert, and that Israel’s closest ally dutifully echoes.

“Israel's first and foundational security principle is that Israel must have the means to defend itself by itself. The self-reliance has always been at the heart of Israel's national identity and the ethos of the Israel Defense Forces,” a U.S. congressman eloquently put it during a hearing in the House of Representatives a few years ago. Israeli lawmakers, who might have read Bialik but certainly not Ralph Waldo Emerson, could not have expressed it better.

And yet, if Jewish and Israeli military power has been successful at meeting the challenge of defending Jewish lives in the Yishuv and, later, the state, it has been less successful at preventing violence against non-Jews, and specifically Palestinians, living under its military control.

The most horrific instance in which the IDF turned a blind eye to attacks against Palestinians was not in the West Bank or, for that matter, the Gaza Strip, but in Lebanon. That the September 1982 massacre by Christian Phalangist militiamen of Palestinian civilians in the Sabra and Shatila camps in Beirut happened under the IDF’s watch is an indelible stain on the moral record of the IDF and, more specifically, the defense minister at the time, Ariel Sharon.

Two Palestinian women weep on the curb of a road in the Sabra Palestinian refugee camp in West Beirut, Lebanon after finding the bodies of relatives killed by a Christian Phalangist militia under the IDF's watch
Two Palestinian women weep on the curb of a road in the Sabra Palestinian refugee camp in West Beirut, Lebanon after finding the bodies of relatives killed by a Christian Phalangist militia under the IDF's watchCredit: ASSOCIATED PRESS

But that horrific oversight (in either sense of the term, depending on the version of events) was not unique to the IDF. The Dutch army, in its role as UN peacekeepers, was responsible for a comparable calamity in the form of standing by while the Serbs massacred Bosnian Muslims in the Srebrenica massacre in 1995.

To be sure, what is happening in the West Bank now is not a massacre. Moreover, the daily attacks against Palestinian civilians do not reflect, by and large, the spirit of the political leadership. In 1982, the ethno-nationalist Likud leader and Prime Minister Menachem Begin famously dismissed the outcry over the IDF’s imputed role in the Sabra and Shatila massacre with the apothegm, “Goyim killed goyim, and here they are accusing us.”

Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Gantz, in contrast, are perhaps more genuinely distressed by the violence. The only problem is that they are politically powerless to decry it, let alone act to stop it.

On some level, none of this is entirely new. It has been the story of the occupation from the very beginning. Israel itself has formally acknowledged as much over the years, as, for instance, in the 1984 Karp Report, in which a panel of Israeli jurists, headed by the country’s deputy attorney general, outlined the Israeli police's failure to protect Palestinians against Jewish settler violations of the law, including explicit violence, in the occupied territories.

Yet these failures are no longer merely a pattern, but the make-up of everyday life in the West Bank. Worse still, in too many instances the IDF’s blind eye is interpreted by the settlers as a sinister wink. Willy-nilly, the Israeli army is desecrating the memory of the Jewish victims in the slaughterhouse of Europe. And it is undermining the historical and cultural foundations on which modern Jewish military power came into existence.

Yonatan Touval is a senior foreign policy analyst at Mitvim: The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies. Twitter: @Yonatan_Touval





torsdag 27. oktober 2022

Suella Braverman - Feil å gjeninnsette henne som innenriksminister i UK

 UKs nye statsminister Rishi Sunak har allerede gjort sin første feilvurdering ved å gjeninnsette Suella Braverman som innenriksminister. Da hadde Suella 6 dager tidligere mistet jobben som innenriksminister under Liz Truss på grunn av brudd på sikkerhetsbestemmelser:

"... was appointed home secretary on 6 September 2022 when Truss became prime minister. Braverman resigned as home secretary on 19 October 2022 during an ongoing political crisis. She was reinstated as Home Secretary six days later by Liz Truss's successor as Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak" (wiki)

Wiki-artikkelen er feil og dekker over det som skjedde:
"Suella Braverman forced to resign as UK home secretary"
"Rightwinger is replaced by Grant Shapps in further serious blow to Truss’s authority"

" Braverman, a leading rightwinger, was sacked by the prime minister because she sent an official document from her personal email to a fellow MP, in a serious breach of ministerial rules."   (The Guardian 19.oktober 2022).

En alvorlig feil av Braverman, som ble sparket av Liz Truss.
Men 6 dager senere gjeninnsetter Rishi Sunak henne i samme stilling som innenriksminster.

Suella Braverman er en av de erkekonservative hos Toryene i UK.
Hun kommer til å bli et problem videre i engelsk politikk.
Hennes grunnholdninger til flyktninger, innvandrere og "annerledes folk" er skremmende.
Til og med tortur åpner hun for:

"Tory leadership candidate says she will ‘eliminate’ right to protection from torture and inhuman treatment"
(MSN 14. juli 2022)

 En klar feilvurdering av Rishi Sunak å gjeninnsette henne som innenriksminister.

Og det viser at Sunak ikke har nok politisk dømmekraft.
Eller evne til å stå opp mot de mørke kreftene hos Toryene i UK.


Skudeneshavn   27. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen 

På Twitter:

27. oktober 2022

9. november 2023

Ny Info:

9. november 2023


19. oktober 2022 

14. juli 2022

tirsdag 25. oktober 2022

- Israel på vei mot Iran-lignende teokrati

 DET er vurderingen til den israelske kommentator Nehemia Shtrasler:

"Opinion" |
"Israel Is on the Road to an Iran-style Theocracy"
"The upcoming election will be a fateful one. This election will determine whether we go on living in a liberal democracy or slide toward an authoritarian regime that falls somewhere between a democracy and a dictatorship, with an all-powerful leader unrestrained by a system of checks and balances."

"The Likud-settler-Haredi bloc is planning an assassination attempt on democracy. These politicians seek to totally change the face of our system of government. Instead of three independent branches – executive, legislative and judiciary – the executive branch (the prime minister and cabinet) will dominate the two, deprive them of their independence and turn them into rubber stamps. In other words, this election is not about a change of government, but a change of regime." 
Shtrasler angir det er Netayahu som er arkitekten for det løpet som han beskriver som et angrep på demokratiets grunnvoller.
Skudeneshavn   25. oktober 2022
Jan Marton Jensen 



20. oktober 2022

mandag 24. oktober 2022

Israel: - Nå er også forsvarssjefen bosetter

 Herzi Halevi er nettopp utnevnt til ny forsvarssjef i Israel:

"Judges, ministers, now army chief: Settlers rise in Israel"
(apnews 24. oktober 2022)

I denne AP-artikkelen gjennomgås grundig hvordan bosettere nå innehar en rekke ledende stillinger i Israel.

Etter anerkjent folkerett bryter israelske bosettere 4. Geneve-konvensjon 49.6
Dette hever Israel seg over.
Slike systematiske brudd på folkeretten er tankevekkende i disse Ukraina-tider.

8. november 2022
"Israeli Far-right Activist Tapped for Spokesperson Unit Position in IDF"
Itamar Sassover is a well-known figure to the police and the Shin Bet and is the spokesman of Lehava - an extreme far-right group whose leaders have previously been charged and convicted of incitement, violence, and racially motivated terrorism
  (Haaretz 8. november 2022)

Når Lehava-aktører blir tatt opp i IDFs talsmannsavdeling ... hva blir da det neste?

Skudeneshavn   24. oktober 2022 / 8. november 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
24. oktober 2022 

8. november 2022

18. november 2022

16. januar 2023

Ny info:
8. november 2022

24. oktober 2022

lørdag 22. oktober 2022

Boris Jonhson vender tilbake ?

"Take back control"        Tegning av Bos van der Schot

 Denne tegningen fra en nederlandsk avis summerer opp den politiske situasjonen i UK hva gjelder Toryenen og Boris Johnson.

Boris Johnson har avbrutt sin ferie og er tiltake som kandidat til leder av Toryene, og dermed statsminister. 

Det er utrolig hva som er mulig hos de konservative i UK.
Noen mener at et eventuelt valg av Boris Johnson er døden for Toryene:

"Senior Tories say Johnson’s return as PM would risk Conservative party’s death"
(The Guardian 22. oktober 2022) 

Boris Johnson?
Er han det beste Toryene kan varte opp med nå?

Skudeneshavn  22. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen 

Ny info:
22. oktober 2022 
Lederartikkel i Aftenposten med kommentarer

22. oktober 2022

Bør Israels okkupasjon vurderes av ICJ?

En nedsatt FN-komite  har laget en 28-siders rapport.
Her åpnes det for å avklare grunnleggende folkerettslige spørsmål om Israel-/Palestinakonflikten:

"UN pushes to declare 'Israeli occupation' illegal, may seek ICJ opinion"
(JPost 21.oktober 2022)
Umiddelbart erklærer Israels statsminister:
"Lapid: UN's CIO report is antisemitic and written by antisemites"
(JPost 21. oktober 2022) 

Bør Israels okkupasjon vurderes av ICJ?
Er det antisemittisk å gjøre det?

27. oktober 2022
N. Pillay, leder av FN-komiteen "Commisson on Israel" har levert en 5-sides oppsummering til FNs Generalforsamling. Hun oppsummerer i klar språkbruk at Israels okkupasjon vurderes å ha blitt permanent, og dette betyr en rekke brud på internasjonale  lover og folkerett.
Hennes rapport er en poengtert gjennomgang av situasjonen.

Og hun avslutter med den nylige avstemmingen i FNs Generalforsamling om Ukraina, der hun spør:
"Only two weeks ago, 143 States, including Israel, voted in favour of a
resolution which reaffirmed that “no territorial acquisition resulting from the
threat or use of force shall be recognized as legal".
I have but one question to you:
- why does this not apply to Palestine?"

Skudeneshavn   22. oktober 2022 / 27. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

Ny info:
27. oktober 2022
"Statement by Navanethem Pillay" til FNs Generalforsamling: Lenke


22. oktober 2022

21. oktober 2022 

21. oktober 2022

Hva har Shadi Khoury gjort?

En 16-åring, Shadi Khoury,  er arrestert av israelsk politi i Jerusalem midt på natten.
Banket opp, blodig og halvnaken dradd ut av huset og til avhør.

Hva er det som skjer?
Hva har han gjort?

To overskrifter:

"EPF PIN Decries Violent Arrest of 16-year-old Grandson of Sabeel Co-founder"
(Espiscopal News Service) 
"Shadi Khoury – an additional victim of the Occupation; when will Israeli human rights violations stop?"
(Geneva International Centre for Justice)
Gutten er skole-elev ved "Quakers Friends School".
Hva kan det være han har gjort?
Vil noen grave i  og opplyse denne saken?
Skudeneshavn  22. oktober 2022
Jan Marton Jensen


20. oktober 2022


20. oktober 2022 

tirsdag 18. oktober 2022

- IDF har mistet den lille tilbakeholdenhet den hadde

IDF har endret sin "rule of engagement" under pågående kampanje på Vestbredden.
Så sier kommentator Yagil Levy i Haaretz 17. oktober 2022:

"In the West Bank, the Israeli Army Is Losing the Little Restraint It Had"

Resultatet er langt flere drepte palestinere enn under lignende omstendigheter i tidligere år.
Tankevekkende artikkel, Israel har erstattet diplomati med vold.

Skudeneshavn  18. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

18. oktober 2022

22. oktober 2022



17. oktober 2022

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 17. oktober 2022:

Opinion | 

In the West Bank, the Israeli Army Is Losing the Little Restraint It Had


Palestinians clash with Israeli forces during a protest against the killing of 4 Palestinians in an Israeli military raid into the Jenin refugee camp on September 28, 2022 in Jenin, West Bank.
Palestinians clash with Israeli forces during a protest against the killing of 4 Palestinians in an Israeli military raid into the Jenin refugee camp on September 28, 2022 in Jenin, West Bank.Credit: Nedal Eshtayah / Anadolu Agency via AFP)

In late March, following a series of terror attacks, Israel's policing army launched Operation Breaking the Wave, in the course of which it raided Palestinian cities to arrest and kill terror suspects. According to UN reports, from the operation’s inception to the end of September, Israel killed 74 Palestinians in the West Bank.

So that we don’t take such death tolls for granted, it would be proper to compare them to Operation Critical Time (“Godel Hasha’a”), when from October 2015 through March 2016, the army operated to suppress the “lone wolf Intifada” – attacks by Palestinians not officially affiliated with any organization—against Israelis in the summer of 2015.

Like the current pattern, the army’s first response was offensive: Raids in areas where the attacks originated. But the commander of the Judea & Samaria Regional Brigade, Brig. Gen. Lior Carmeli, declared it a failure “so palpable, that we decided to halt this offensive action within a few days.”

The army realized that its methods are unsuited to deal with unorganized attacks, and according to Carmeli, deduced that “[Palestinian] casualties from the clashes are the main fuel for their continued intensification. Avoiding this is one of the most significant lessons from previous uprisings.”

Therefore, a restrained 'rules of engagement' policy was devised. Major General Roni Numa the head of IDF Central Command at the time boasted that “In the effort of deploying the tactical force, the combat trooper’s ability to neutralize an assailant without killing…. so as to reduce the number of funerals that turn into public displays of sympathy…” 

This policy was supported by Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, who preached restraint, although he says most ministers pushed for a tough response, but were contained by then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon. Eventually, a third Intifada was averted. This does not mean that the military brass were peaceniks, but they understood the limitations of force.

Nothing is left of this restrained approach. Under the shock of the Azaria affair, the military itself began to revel in the numbers of casualties. When Aviv Kochavi replaced Eisenkot as IDF Chief of Staff he echoed this trend through the terminology of “lethality” and in turning the body count into a measure of success. 

The increased right-wing influence on the government following Netanyahu's removal, and the criticism of so-called “abandonment” of the soldiers, brought about a loosening of the rules of engagement by late 2021, when firing on Palestinians throwing rocks and incendiary devices was permitted even after they had released their projectile.

More captive to the settlers than ever before, Israel's policing army has yielded to their increased violence toward the Palestinians. The wisdom of restraint has evaporated. An indication of the trigger-happiness can be gleaned from B’tselem reports, which are based in part on IDF Spokesperson’s Office official reports and which present the circumstances of each casualty.

Let a single indication suffice, pertaining to the killing of rock throwers (excluding cases in which the army claims that the deceased used other means of assault as well) – i.e., cases in which the soldiers could have reacted without killing.

Out of 142 casualties in the 2015-2016 operation, 7 were shot after throwing rocks, or some 5 percent. In “Breaking the Wave” it’s 9 of the 47 cases reported by B’tselem until the end of July, or some 20 percent. Under such circumstances, the odds increase of the clashes expanding into a broad and bloody operation, and perhaps the collapse of the Palestinian Authority.

The conduct of the military strengthens the conclusion that perhaps the difference between the two cases is not only the leadership but also the agenda, which seeks piecemeal annexation of the West Bank, starting with Area C, while rejecting the option of renewing talks. This is the most likely interpretation for the combination of proactive violence, which the Israeli leadership should know the likely outcome of, along with diplomatic paralysis.

mandag 17. oktober 2022

Meta/Facebook forskjellsbehandler i Israel/Palestina-konflikten

I september 2021 bestilte Meta/Facebook an uavhengig vurdering av sin rolle i Israel/Palestina-konflikten. Bakgrunnen var påstander om forskjellsehandling.

Rapport fra BSR ( Business for Social Responsibility) forelå 22. september 2022:

Rights Due Diligence of Meta’s Impacts in Israel and Palestine in May 2021
In September 2021, Meta commissioned BSR to review the human rights impacts of the company’s policies and activities during the May 2021 crisis in Israel and Palestine. 

Times of Israel  oppsummerer slik 22. september 2022:
"Probe finds over-enforcement of policies on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp adversely impacted freedom of expression and other rights during conflict, especially for Palestinians"

Human Rights Watch oppsummerer 27. september 2022:
"For years, digital and human rights organizations have been calling for an independent review of Meta’s content moderation policies. These calls came as a result of Meta’s constant and deliberate actions to censor the voices and narrative of Palestinians and those in solidarity with them. Thus, denying Palestinians their right to freedom of expression, affecting their freedom of assembly and freedom to political participation and non-discrimination and further distorting the international community’s understanding of what is happening in Palestine. We appreciate and value BSR’s efforts and professionalism through their assessment and independent review." 


Da er det klarlagt skjevbehandling av Facebook til ugunst for palestinerne.
Og Facebook har fått en rekke forslag til forbedringer.
Vil det bli bedre?

Skudeneshavn  17. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



27. september 2022

22. september 2022

22. september 2022

fredag 7. oktober 2022

Forhandlinger oktober 2022 om grenselinje i havet mellom Israel og Libanon - Twittermeldinger i denne anledning

Det pågår forhandlinger om delelinjet i havet mellom Israel og Libanon, under ledelse av USA.
På oppløpsiden oppstår problemer, og disse blir del av valgkampen i Israel, takket være Netanyahu.
MIFF tvitrer om dette, og får tilsvar fra meg:


Twittermelding 1
Conrad, det er #NETANYAHU som sier han vil heve avtalen med #Libanon, hvis han blir valgt. Slik forhindrer han at en avtale blir gjort: Netayahu sier dette MENS man er i ferd med SLUTTFØRE avtalen under USA's ledelse.

Twittermelding 2
Conrad, #Israel har ved selvtekt lagt ut bøyer 5 km ut fra kysten, UTEN at det foreligger avtale med Libanon om grensene. #Libanon ber at disse israelske bøyene angis som "de facto" istedet for som foreslått "status quo". Problematisk? @Aftenpsosten
Twittermelding 3
Conrad, ALLE fornuftige må understøtte at en avtale om grenselinjer i havet mellom #Israel og #Libanon er positivt. Da ville man ha EN mindre mulig årsak til krig. Men #Netanyahu vil det MOTSATT, i valgkamp hisser han til krig. En farlig mann
Twittermelding 4
Conrad, USAs ambassadør sier om påstandene fra #Netanyahu : Latterlig! "Ambassador Nides on allegations that #Israel ceded to #Hezbollah over #Lebanon gas deal: ‘Ridiculous'" Klar melding fra en ambassadør: Latterlig!  

Skudeneshavn   7. oktober 2022 / 8. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


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7. oktober 2022 

7. oktober 2022

7. oktober 2022 

8. oktober 2022


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7. oktober 2022

7. oktober 2022


Israels våpenleveranse og støtte til militærjuntaen i Myanmar

Den israelske menneskerettsadvokat Eytan Mack har flere artikler om israelske myndigheters forhold til militærjuntaen i Myanmar.

Her følger to av hans artikler:

 6. oktober 2022:
"Israel Saw Brutal Myanmar Regimes as a Business Opportunity, Documents Reveal"

"Newly declassified documents show how Israel armed, trained and for decades built up successive military regimes in Myanmar. A murderous civil war? Torture? Massacre? For Israel, it’s fertile ground for cooperation"

23. april 2021:
"Myanmar’s genocidal military is still a friend to Israel"

"Public pressure has forced Israel to halt arms sales to the brutal military junta, but the state’s political support remains strong." (972 magazine)

Det er snakk om omfattende våpenleveranser og opplæring.
Et eksempel på det politiske samarbeidet er avtalen av 2018:

"Israel, Myanmar Sign Education Pact for Programs About 'Holocaust and Its Lessons' and Xenophobia"
"Accord with country accused of ethnic cleansing will allow each side to edit how it is depicted in the other's textbooks" (Haaretz 29. mai 2018)
27. oktober 2022
Ny artikkel, av Oded Yaron:
"Broker for Israeli Arms to Myanmar Arrested in Thailand for Drug Dealing, Money Laundering"

"Documents reveal that a corporation implicated in corruption, served as a middleman between IAI, Elbit, and Israel Shipyards and Myanmar's brutal junta, despite international sanctions over the Rohingya genocide."

Dokumentasjon på hvordan israelske firmaer lenge har bygget opp militærjuntaen i Burma, nå Myanmar, med våpenleveranser og opplæring.

Her må det gransking til av en internasjonal kommisjon.
Slik at de som står bak kan stilles til ansvar.

5. september 2023
Ny artikkle av Oded Yaron:
"Revealed |Israel Sold Arms to Myanmar Even After the 2021 Military Coup

"Shipping records show Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems arming Myanmar’s junta, which bombs civilian targets in the country"

Det må gjentas:
Her må det gransking til av en internasjonal kommisjon.
Slik at de som står bak kan stilles til ansvar.

Skudeneshavn  7. oktober 2022 / 27. oktober 2022 / 5. september 2023
Jan Marton Jensen

5. september 2023

Ny info:
5. september 2023

27. oktober 2022


6. oktober 2022

23. april 2021 

29. mai 2018

Avdekket: Israel har brukt biologisk krigføring tilbake til 1948

Nye avsløringer om israelsk bruk av forgifting av motstandere er publisert 6. oktober i Haaretz.Fra før er kjent en rekke tilfeller av slike snikmord, tilsvarende det Russland har gjort i nyere tid i bl.a. UK

Det nye er at gift også ble brukt i 1948, slik det dokumenteres av de israelske forfatterne Benny Morris og Benjamin Kedar. Da er det blant annet snakk om bruk av tyfoid-basiller til å forgifte palestinsk drikkevann, så som i Acre, men også flere andre steder.

Haaretz har valgt tittelen:
"Meshal Poisoning Provided Only a Glimpse Into Israel’s Biological Warfare Arsenal"

Dette er det mislykte forsøket i 1997 på snikmord med gift av Khaled Meshal i Amman Jordan. 
Mossad-agenten ble tatt, og Netanyahu måtte levere ut motgift som reddet livet til Meshal.

Det er skremmende at slike giftmord har foregått.
For da senkes listen til at det gjentas.

Skudeneshavn   7. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

10. oktober 2022


6. oktober 2022


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 6. oktober 2022:

Meshal Poisoning Provided Only a Glimpse Into Israel’s Biological Warfare Arsenal

New article by Benny Morris and Benjamin Kedar indicates that well before the botched assassination attempt 25 years ago, Israel attempted mass poisoning during the war in 1948

Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal addresses the 8th General Conference of Sudanese Islamic Movement in Khartoum, 2012.
Hamas Leader Khaled Meshal addressing the 8th General Conference of Sudanese Islamic Movement in Khartoum, 2012.Credit: Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters

On September 25, 1997, Mossad operatives from the special forces’ unit of Kidon (Hebrew for Bayonet) poisoned Khaled Meshal, the chairman of the political bureau of Hamas, in Amman, Jordan. One of the operatives held a small tube and sprayed Meshal’s ear with the material.

The Mossad modus operandi is to send one of its doctors into the arena of operation in case an operative is injured and needs medical treatment, without risking exposure at a local hospital. A female doctor, accompanied by Mishka Ben David, one of Mossad intelligence officers, was chosen for the mission in Jordan. They posed as an Israeli couple on vacation in an Amman hotel. The doctor and Ben David possessed an antidote, which would neutralize the poison if it leaked and injured the operatives by mistake. Israel kept a backup antidote at another location in Amman.

The mission failed. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu showed negligence and arrogance in executing an operation on Jordanian soil, Israel’s most strategic ally in the Middle East. Just three years earlier, Jordan had signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state. However, the intelligence was also poor and the performance by the operatives in the field was inadequate. Mossad operatives holding falsified Canadian passports were arrested. Four others found shelter at the Israeli embassy.

Jordan’s King Hussein threatened to storm the embassy and to execute the operatives. To placate the king, Israel agreed to release from prison Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, the founder and spiritual leader of Hamas, and to save Meshal’s life. The doctor and Ben David gave one of the antidotes to a Jordanian intelligence officer, who forwarded it to a Jordanian doctor. Israel saved the life of Meshal, a bitter enemy of Israel until today.

On top of these self-inflicted wounds to Israel’s own national interests, one of the most troubling ramifications was the fact that the Meshal affair forced Israel to publicly admit that it had used poison – a form of biological warfare by at least one measure. Until then, the reports about the use of poison by Israeli intelligence agents were always attributed to “foreign sources.”

Wadie Haddad in 1970.
Wadie Haddad in 1970.Credit: Wikipedia

At least two other incidents of this nature were revealed in the world press. One was in 1978 after the death of Wadie Haddad, the operational officer of the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine. Haddad was the architect of the spectacular hijacking of Israeli and international airliners in the 1970’s, including the Air France flight diverted to Entebbe, Uganda, in 1976. In a daring operation, Israeli commandos killed Haddad’s terrorists, who included German members of the Bader Meinhof gang, and saved most of the hostages.

The Mossad retaliated. Knowing that Haddad had a sweet tooth, it recruited one of his aides to be a spy. As instructed by Mossad handlers, the aide purchased English-made Cadbury Chocolate in Belgium. The chocolate was filled with poison prepared by Israeli scientists for the Mossad. The Palestinian aide personally delivered it to Haddad, who ate it without sharing. Haddad, who had suffered from severe underlying illnesses, died a few weeks later in an East Berlin hospital. Until today, Mossad veterans debate whether Haddad died of the poison or due to his sickness, or because of the combination of the two factors.

Thirteen years after the failed assassination attempt against Meshal, the Mossad struck again. In 2010, Mossad agents poisoned Mahmoud Mabhouh, a senior Hamas operative who liaised with Iran to smuggle weapons to Gaza, in his Dubai hotel room. Mabhouh died, and all members of the hit team returned safely to Israel. But the Dubai police managed to reconstruct the operation, revealing that the Mossad had used forged Western passports. The Mossad suffered a blow to its prestige and omnipotent image, and the affair damaged Israel’s foreign relations. 
The Dubai police commander presenting evidence regarding the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai in 2010.
The Dubai police commander presenting evidence regarding the assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in Dubai in 2010.Credit: Reuters

The 1925 Geneva Protocol forbids the use of biological weapons.
Fifty years later another international agreement was signed: The Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction, commonly referred to as the Biological Weapons Convention.

However, while 183 states have ratified the treaty, Israel, together with Egypt, Somalia, Eritrea and Comoros, have refused to join it.

It is widely assumed and reported that the various poisoning materials used by the Mossad for the already published cases, and few more which have remained secret, were manufactured at the Israel Institute for Biological Research in Nes Ziona, 20 kilometers south of Tel Aviv.

The institute, which jointly belongs to the Prime Minister’s Office and the Defense Ministry, was founded in 1952, replacing the army’s Scientific Corps. Its first director was Alexander Keynan.

Alexander Keynan, the first director of the Israel Institute for Biological Research.
Alexander Keynan, the first director of the Israel Institute for Biological Research.Credit: Shaul2806/Wikipedia

This unit now stars in a fascinating article revealing the clandestine history of the biological warfare that Israel conducted during its War of Independence in 1948. The article is written by two historians, Benny Morris, professor emeritus at Ben-Gurion University in Be’er Sheva, and professor emeritus Benjamin Ze’ev Kedar of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. The article – “‘Cast Thy Bread’: Israeli Biological Warfare during the 1948 War” – was recently published by Middle Eastern Studies.

This article is a rarity for two reasons. First, it was researched and published against the wishes of the Israeli security establishment, which has tried for years to block any embarrassing historical documents about that war exposing war crimes against Arabs, like murdering prisoners, ethnic cleansing and destroying villages. Second, the article is based on original documents stored in the Israel State Archive and other archives.

Morris and Kedar had already discovered that the codename for the operation was “Cast Thy Bread” – taken from a verse in the Book of Ecclesiastes (11:1). Based on their research, they detail how scientists from the Scientific Corps, together with battlefield units, were involved in a systematic campaign to poison water wells and spread typhoid bacteria in Arab villages and cities as well as among the invading armies of Egypt and Jordan. The purpose was to frighten the Arab-Palestinian population, to force them to leave and to weaken the Arab armies.

The order to use the biological warfare was given or at least approved by the founder of the Jewish state, David Ben-Gurion, who was its first prime minister and defense minister. Ben-Gurion consulted with the top scientists at the time including Prof. David Erenst Bergman, who is consider the father of the Israeli nuclear program, Prof. Ephrain Katzir, a future president of the state, and Prof. Alex Keynan, the founder of the biological research institute. The top military echelon privy to the clandestine operation included generals Yohanan Ratner and Yigal Yadin, who was the de facto chief of staff during the 1948 war and then-Lt. Col. Moshe Dayan. Dayan, a future chief of staff and foreign minister, was given by the scientists tubes with typhoid bacteria. His assignment was to deliver them to his subordinates. The instruction was to spread it in water wells near Jericho, where the Jordanian army was deployed, and in Jerusalem area villages where the most fierce battles took place.

Moshe Dayan in August 1948.
Moshe Dayan in August 1948.Credit: Jim Pringle/AP

However, one of Dayan’s tubes broke, and his 3-year-old son Assi (a future writer, actor and film director) was infected and had to stay in bed for days.

Typhoid germs were also sent in bottles to the southern front. But local left-leaning commanders refused to participate in the operations. They complained to their senior commander Haim Bar-Lev, also a future chief of staff and cabinet minister. Bar-Lev told them to get rid of the bottles. Nevertheless, a few Israeli troops thought the bottles contained soft drinks and drank them. Luckily, they were not seriously ill.

The article by Morris and Kedar also sheds light on a few more cases in which Israeli soldiers were sent with the poison to Acre and the Galilee village of Ilabun. According to British Arab and Red Cross documents, dozens of local residents of Acre were poisoned and became severely ill. An unknown number of them died.

The same method was also used in May 1948, a week after Israel proclaimed independence, in Gaza. Two Jewish soldiers from a special forces unit posed as Arabs and infiltrated Gaza with tubes containing the typhoid germs. Their mission was to poison the Gaza water well in order to stop the advancement of the Egyptian army. But they were arrested, tortured and sentenced in August 1948 to death by an Egyptian military court.

Israel has never admitted the true nature of their mission but recognized them as fallen soldiers. The article does not specify what was the actual number of casualties caused by these biological warfare operations. Its probably was not significant and was not widespread due to the amateurish nature of the operation Cast Thy Bread and the logistical difficulties. Yet, it’s no wonder that the Israeli security establishment is ashamed of some chapters of its past and has been trying to suppress the information.


torsdag 6. oktober 2022

Spionvare nå også i Hellas

Politisk oppvask i Hellas.
Opposisjonspolitikere og journalister er hemmelig overvåket med spionvare:

"Greek intelligence service admits spying on journalist - sources"
(Reuters 3. august 2022)

"One more Greek lawmaker files complaint over attempted phone hacking"
(Reuters 9. september 2022)

"Criminal Allegations Against Israeli-linked Spyware, Ex-intel Commander in Greek Hacking Scandal"
"Investigative journalist Thanasis Koukakis was under surveillance by Greece. Now he’s decided to take Intellexa, the firm behind the Predator spyware allegedly used against him, and its owners to court." (Haaretz 6. oktober 2022)


Nå også i demokratiets vugge.
Det er skremmende hvordan spionvare brer seg i noen politiske miljøer.

Skudeneshavn   6. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



6. oktober 2022

9. septenber 2022

26. august 2022 

3. august 2022


onsdag 5. oktober 2022

To ferske artikler verd å lese om Israel - Palestina-konflikten, - mye om den negative utviklingen etter Oslo-avtalen

To ferske artikler summerer opp situasjonen i Israel - Palestina-konflikten:

1) "Why Israel’s plan of subcontracting the occupation is failing"

Oslo-avtalene har over tid resultert i at palestinerne administrerer sin egen okkupasjon, og ikke gitt PA noe reelt politisk fundament for en statsdannelse, snarere tvert imot.

2) "The Real Escalation Is the Destruction of Palestinian Space"

Beskrivelse av Amira Hass om hvordan gjennom årene de palestinske områdene på Vestbredden systematisk er oppdelt/omringet av ulovlige israelske nybygginger, slik at de fremståe som enklaver, ja en hullet sveitserost.
- Og det er dette som er den israelske strategien, hvevder Amira Haas.
(HELE artikkelen i Haaretz nederst under Kilde)

Oslo-avtalene skulle åpne en politisk vei til statsdannelse og selvstendighet og statsdannelse for palestinerne.
Det er blitt motsatt, og disse to artiklene går grundig gjennom årsakene og viser resultatene pr oktober 2022.


Skudeneshavn   5. oktober 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


3. oktober 2022

27. september 2022 


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 3. oktober 2022:

Opinion |

The Real Escalation Is the Destruction of Palestinian Space
Through its conduct since Oslo, Israel has proven what the Palestinians have claimed for more than 100 years – that the goal of Zionism is to dispossess and expel them from their homeland.
א-תוואני הר חברון
The remains of the village of al-Tuwani in the South Hebron hills.Credit: Alex Levac

The frenetic elections that take place with Italian frequency stands in contrast to the stability of Israeli policy in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem). By that, I mean the policy that, ever since the occupation began in 1967, has been breaking up Palestinian territory into as many small enclaves as possible, each surrounded and disconnected from each other by as many Jewish-only settlement blocs as possible. These blocs are expanding and are increasingly being connected to Israel by a network of roads that is upgraded frequently.

The shredding of Palestinian space is the first and most important escalation, a permanent one written in advance into all government plans. Every Palestinian witnesses it and experiences it personally. Israeli Jews ignore it, out of elective ignorance, indifference and because they profit from it.

This is the mother of all escalations, avout which every diplomat from the European Union or the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem receives regular reports. But in the mouths of their bosses at these nations’ foreign ministries, it is translated into cliches such as “we support Israel’s right to defend itself.” Diplomatic cynicism is also escalating.

East Jerusalem, the Israeli settlement town of Ma'ale Adumim, and the Dead Sea, in the occupied West Bank.
East Jerusalem, the Israeli settlement town of Ma'ale Adumim, and the Dead Sea, in the occupied West Bank.Credit: Avshalom Halutz

Our media enthusiastically obsesses over minor, transient issues like the latest election poll and parrots ad nauseam the military/settler mantra about the escalation in Jenin. Its most important mission is to avoid dealing with what’s truly important – the planned, calculated territorial dissection that many Israelis have been carrying out with cold, juridical, surgical efficiency, wrapped in cunning, sophisticated propaganda and carefully calculated pious lustfulness. The geographic, demographic and aesthetic mutilation of Palestinian space is carried out in broad daylight.

Israelization is racing forward. Luxurious suburbs awash in greenery, signs at every intersection with ads for affordable single-family homes, new traffic circles, and malls which boast a neighborly atmosphere have all been turning Palestinian communities into two-dimensional scenery or hiding them completely behind iron gates, bypass roads, blocked roads and Israeli signs announcing that it’s illegal for Israelis to enter. Israel’s spatial planning screams the Palestinians’ redundancy and the unassailable superiority of residents of the Jewish colonies, now and in the future.

Here and there, Haaretz or +972 website report on acts of spatial rape perpetrated by Israel. But two or three reports per month, or even per week, don’t reflect its scale, pace and serial nature. To understand the destructiveness of Israeli planning in this Palestinian territory and the diligent work of breaking it apart, you have to keep redrawing the lines connecting thousands (did I say thousands? It’s millions) of points – the facts on the ground created by all Israeli governments over the years.

An outpost in the Umm Zuka reserve, West Bank, in 2017.
An outpost in the Umm Zuka reserve, West Bank, in 2017.Credit: Gil Eliahu

It started with a military order from 1971 that abolished Palestinian towns’ planning authority. This order remains valid today in roughly 60 percent of the West Bank.

It continues with the expropriation of land for military purposes and its subsequent transfer to the settlements, in violation of international law; forbidding Palestinian construction and development; environment-guzzling roads; agricultural land expropriated (“for the public’s needs”) to benefit every isolated settlement; California-style highways that connect the settlements to Israel; shining new paved roads that connect the heart of each settlement with its new neighborhoods and outposts – built several kilometers away – and in the process swallow up more of the nearby Palestinian villages’ land reserves and pasturage; a ban on Palestinian construction near these roads; and let’s not forget the security road that surrounds each settlement.

It is taken further by preventing Palestinians from accessing their lands for years, on various pretexts and through various  means; limiting the amount of water allocated the Palestinians and restricting their own drills to find water; declaring hundreds of thousands of dunams of Palestinian land to be “state land”; allocating these state lands exclusively to Jews; creating army firing zones to block Palestinians’ natural rural development; acquiring land through forged sale documents; outposts that begin with mobile homes and turn into permanent villas; blocking the exits from nearby Palestinian villages for the sake of these outposts’ security; agricultural outposts that plant vineyards on ostensibly “abandoned” Palestinian land; and herding outposts, which are the new hot thing, so far the most gluttonous devourers of Palestinian land.

  • And it concludes with cabinet decisions to legalize all of the above, as well as the separation fence, which imprisons large swaths of fertile Palestinian land to its west. The owners of this imprisoned land can obtain permits to access it at certain times only with great difficulty, but any Israeli can wander through it to his heart’s content, and sometimes even take it over.
The mount of Olives in East Jerusalem and in the background the settlement city of Ma'ale Adumim, in the West Bank.
The mount of Olives in East Jerusalem and in the background the settlement city of Ma'ale Adumim, in the West Bank.Credit: Avshalom Halutz

Every such fact must be connected to all the others. Otherwise, it’s impossible to understand that fact and its implications. Otherwise, you can’t see the whole monster.

You can quantify the enormous number of dunams taken over by the herding outposts again and again. You can calculate how many dunams have been expropriated from Palestinian areas, whether de jure or de facto. You can describe the teeth of the bulldozers that uproot olive groves both ancient and new. And you can measure almost to the inch how much clearly Palestinian agricultural land, with ancient wells and gurgling springs, has been converted into a treasury of real estate for Jews or green lungs free of Arabs (except for the workers), or on the way to becoming Arab-free.

But you have to connect all these facts again and again to understand how the land has been filled with settlement blocs – the Shiloh bloc, the eastern and western and northern Etzion blocs, the Reihan bloc, the Latrun enclave, the Talmonim bloc, the Ariel bloc, the Rimonim bloc, the bloc comprised of the Old City of Hebron plus Kiryat Arba. These will soon be joined by the northern Jordan Valley bloc, the Shima bloc in the southwestern Hebron Hills and the Susya bloc in the southeastern West Bank. And Israel’s grasping hand is still outstretched.

There’s no doubt that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s hope/plan of 1995 has been fulfilled. A month before he was murdered, he told the Knesset that one of the foundations of any permanent-status agreement would be “to establish settlement blocs like Gush Katif – and I wish theywere [already] established – in the West Bank as well.” Gush Katif, located in the Gaza Strip, was admittedly dismantled. But in its place, more and more settlement blocs and metastasis have been and still are being established in the West Bank including East Jerusalem, as numberless as the grains of sands on a beach.

Aside from the ongoing reports in the Palestinian press, Israeli organizations like Kerem Navot, Bimkom, Ir Amim, Peace Now, Emek Shaveh, B’Tselem and Yesh Din, as well as Arij, the Palestinian Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem, provide a great deal of information about all of the above, along with real-time alerts and periodic in-depth analyses. Nevertheless, anyone who hasn’t experienced this process or seen it with their own eyes will have trouble grasping the violence and destructiveness of these planning measures.

Dedicated lawyers, both self-employed and from organizations like Haqel, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel and Hamoked – Center for the Defense of the Individual, together with Palestinian and Israeli activists from various organizations try to stop this serial rape, or at least send alerts. But these organizations, which are few and small in number, are increasingly being persecuted and marginalized.


Ariel University in the settlement city of Ariel, the occupied West Bank.
Ariel University in the settlement city of Ariel, the occupied West Bank.Credit: Moti Milrod

The rightist media and settler organs frequently publish victorious reports about another Godly Zionist real estate achievement. Consumers of this media experience the shredding and fragmentation, and the compression of Palestinians into pales of settlement as a redemption of the land, the fulfilment of a divine commandment and a leap forward in their quality of life and material gains.

The settlers’ violence and their takeover of Palestinian land, beyond that of the official, published master plans, are an inseparable part of the system. The violence is reported on a bit more, because it’s a story with a plot. Nevertheless, despite occasional expressions of shock, the forces of “law” and order permitted and continue to permit this systematic violence, and thereby legitimize and encourage it.

It all takes place before the soldiers’ very eyes, yet they either stand aside or shoot the Palestinians who rush to the assistance of their brethren. The victims of the attacks are arrested, the Jewish assailants file complaints against the victims, the police either fail to locate any Jewish suspects or fail to question them, the case is closed due to lack of public interest, and the prosecution doesn’t file indictments. That’s what happens month after month, year after year.

The Jewish violence that accompanies every new outpost was and is like the urine a dog uses to mark his territory. After it comes the army, the planners, the settlements' regional council and the lawyers. Then they finish the job with mobile homes, followed by hookups to water and electricity, and most likely by taking over a spring and/or barring Palestinians from accessing their olive groves. The grove’s owners are allowed to go there only twice a year, with advance coordination and a military escort – if the settlers are so kind as to allow it.

The Israeli settlement city of Betar Illit.
The Israeli settlement city of Betar Illit.Credit: Emil Salman

But this is never a permanent, final border. More violence expands the territory even further, if only by a few dunams each time. And amid it, the pockets intended for the Palestinians get swallowed up. The smaller, denser and more isolated they are from other such pockets, the better.

Shattering the territory goes far beyond “thwarting the establishment of a Palestinian state.” It’s deliberate, institutionalized abuse of each and every one of the five million Palestinians living in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip (the severance of Gaza’s population from the West Bank's is part of this territorial segmentation). This abuse targets property and income, tradition and family life, the possibility of an education, social ties, freedom of movement, any chance of a future.

The institutionalized, sophisticated theft of territory assaults both the present and the history of every locale, city, village and family and harms the physical and mental health of every Palestinian. The problem with this territorial carve-up isn’t that it weakens the Palestinian Authority, but that it inevitably and intentionally sabotages the collective living in Gaza and the West Bank.

The world once promised that this collective’s right to independence and freedom would be realized. It promised and betrayed its promise. Only the Palestinians’ impressive rootedness and endurance have disrupted the Israeli master plan a tad.

Some people criticize the outgoing (anti-Netanyahu) government, which has been in place for the past year, saying it’s worse than its predecessors with regard to its policy in the West Bank – the high number of Palestinians killed by soldiers; the pogroms perpetrated by settlers with a green light from the police, prosecution and army; the plans to legalize outposts; and so forth. This accusation is both correct and incorrect.

Israeli security forces deploy on the roof of a Palestinian home during a search, following reports of a shooting attack on a bus in Salem village, near the West Bank city of Nablus, on Sunday.
Israeli security forces deploy on the roof of a Palestinian home during a search, following reports of a shooting attack on a bus in Salem village, near the West Bank city of Nablus, on Sunday.Credit: Majdi Mohammed /AP

Because the shattering of Palestinian space is a planned, calculated process that spans successive governments, it’s only natural that every stage of it is more sophisticated and more destructive than its predecessor and crosses some line that wasn’t crossed in the previous stage. This is a preordained escalation that’s happening before our very eyes, and the center-right government formed by Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid and Benny Gantz (with help from Merav Michaeli and Nitzan Horowitz) neither stopped it nor intended to stop it.

But it’s only by chance that the current government played this part in 2022. In 2023, the planning escalation will continue, because – disastrously for us – there’s no chance that the world will wake up anytime soon and exert significant pressure on Israel and Israelis to stop it.

This destruction and dispossession isn’t a new invention; Israel has both expertise and experience in this field. It is now doing in the West Bank what it has been doing within it's recognized borders ("the green line") ever since 1948.

In the early 1990s, when the diplomatic process between Israel and the PLO was launched, the logical expectation – on the part of the Palestinians; the Israeli peace camp, which once existed but no longer does; and the countries that lent their aegis to the Oslo process – was that Israel would stop this process of carving up and stealing land in 22 percent of historic Palestine. But under cover of the peace talks, Israel actually accelerated this process and developed an ever greater appetite for real estate.

It thereby proved the accuracy of the Palestinians’ analysis and claims for more than 100 years – that the goal, and the essence, of Zionism is their dispossession and expulsion from their lands and their homeland.

The Oslo Accord was worded vaguely enough that it was possible to waste time on interpretive arguments over the dates, the amount of territory to be transferred to Palestinian civilian authority in each military redeployment, the connection between Gaza and the West Bank, the return of the Palestinians uprooted in 1967, construction in the settlements, the right to water and the economy. Given the patently unequal balance of power, the interpretations and interests of the stronger side – Israel – obviously won out and were reflected in practical policy.

The interim period stipulated by that agreement was supposed to last five years and end in May 1999. By that time, the sides were supposed to have reached understandings about a permanent agreement that was then supposed to be implemented immediately.

The Palestinian leadership and the leaders of the Fatah party, which headed the PLO, as well as Israeli peaceniks and both Arab and Western countries, all concluded that the permanent agreement would be based on establishing an independent Palestinian state in the territory Israel occupied in 1967, despite the vehement opposition to such a state by the Israeli leaders responsible for Oslo, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. The belief of the Palestinian negotiators, headed by Yasser Arafat, that Israel had indeed decided to change its spots and stop taking over occupied Palestinian lands is a subject for historical, psychological and political research.

The belief of the Palestinian negotiators, headed by Yasser Arafat, that Israel had indeed decided to change its spots and stop taking over occupied Palestinian lands is a subject for historical, psychological and political research.
The belief of the Palestinian negotiators, headed by Yasser Arafat, that Israel had indeed decided to change its spots and stop taking over occupied Palestinian lands is a subject for historical, psychological and political research.Credit: Adel Hana / AP

In exchange for a gradual shrinking of the occupation during the “interim period,” which was supposed to end 23 years ago with the transfer of most of the West Bank to Palestinian authority (that is, to what the Oslo Accord termed Area A), the Palestinian leadership agreed to begin security coordination and cooperation with the main mechanisms of the occupation – the Shin Bet security service and the army. It agreed to take action against members of its own people who used or advocated the use of weapons to oppose the agreement with Israel. The reasons it gave for this were that only the Palestinian Authority was entitled to bear arms, and that security coordination was essential to the success of the five-year-long interim phase, and thus to the establishment of the Palestinian state.

Almost 30 years have passed since then, and the promise embodied by the Oslo Accord – that the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank would be freed from the Israeli occupation – hasn’t been kept. Nevertheless, Israel demands that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian security services continue protecting the occupation – the settlers and the army. And Abbas and the security services obey. This behavior peaked two weeks ago, when, under a steamroller of Israeli pressure, the PA security services acted like an army of occupation and arrested a Palestinian in Nablus who was suspected of shooting at Israeli military targets and settlers.

What benefit or meaning there is in weapons that do nothing to stop the Israeli machinery of destruction and dispossession and leave tens of thousands of Palestinians prey to settler violence is a question for another article. But the absurdity is clear. The army and the Shin Bet have a Palestinian subcontractor. They continue to demand that it uphold its part of a deal that expired long ago and that Israel, from the very first moment, gutted of any respect of Palestinian rights, whether human rights or their rights as a people. How long will senior Fatah officials and the Palestinian security services continue collaborating with this Israeli escalation and humiliation? Only time will tell.