søndag 27. mars 2022

- Invitasjon til ukrainske flyktninger: - Flykt fra okkupasjon i Ukraina og bli okkupanter på Vestbredden

I et innlegg i Haaretz 27. mars 2022 tar Arkadi Mazin for seg den invitasjonen som settlerne i Israel sender til ukrainske flyktninger:

"Israeli Settlers’ Grim Offer to Ukraine's Jewish Refugees"

"Israel’s settler council is preying on vulnerable refugees from Ukraine, offering help and homes in West Bank settlements.
Beneath the smiles, there's a toxic message: Flee occupation, become occupiers."

Hva skal man si?
Hva sier venner av Israel om dette?

Skudeneshavn  27. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

28. mars 2022



27. mars 2022

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 27. mars 2022:

Israeli Settlers’ Grim Offer to Ukraine's Jewish Refugees

Israel’s settler council is preying on vulnerable refugees from Ukraine, offering help and homes in West Bank settlements. Beneath the smiles, there's a toxic message: Flee occupation, become occupiers.

I am looking at a leaflet in Russian distributed by the Judea and Samaria  Council, the representative body for Israel’s West Bank settlements.

It reads: "Dear friends arriving in Israel from Ukraine and the former Soviet Union! We are ready to host you in the towns and settlements of Judea and Samaria. We will help you to choose a destination, settle in, choose an ulpan [Hebrew language course] for yourself and a school for your kids, and navigate the bureaucracy."

Not bad, but it lacks a creative spark. As a former copywriter, let me fix this for them. How about "Fleeing occupation? Let us help you become the occupier!" Now we nailed it!

"Dear friends arriving in Israel from Ukraine and the former Soviet Union! We are ready to host you in the settlements of Judea and Samaria!" A leaflet in Russian distributed by the settlers' council
"Dear friends arriving in Israel from Ukraine and the former Soviet Union! We are ready to host you in the settlements of Judea and Samaria!" A leaflet in Russian distributed by the settlers' council   Credit: Facebook

The Council even launched a mission to the Ukraine-Romania border to scoop up the Jews and send them straight to settlements that included the militant, ultranationalist settlement of Yitzhar. 

First, these are not exactly the secure and peaceful sanctuaries the newcomers probably hoped for. Second, I seriously doubt they are being told the whole truth, so let me fill in the gap.

Dear Ukrainian Jews! The ongoing occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel is illegal and immoral. It is not justified by Israel’s security needs, and it inflicts immense suffering on millions of people. There is a growing understanding in the world that what Israel has built on the occupied lands amounts to apartheid. At the very least, it is a military dictatorship.

You have been offered to become a peg in this system of oppression. I beg you to decline.

When you are told vile, toxic lies by your recruiters, see if you can spot the similarities between their narrative and the Russian propaganda that has embittered your lives. 

They will tell you that Judea and Samaria are "historically our land." That’s what Putin says about Ukraine.

They will try to convince you that "there’s no such thing as the Palestinian people." That’s what you’ve been hearing about the Ukrainian people.

They will portray Palestinians as bloodthirsty Jew-hating wild beasts you cannot reason with. That would be just as true as "There’s a Nazi regime in Kyiv.” 

They will insist that Israel is fighting for its very existence against the vast Muslim world, just like Russia supposedly wages war not against a smaller Ukraine but against the whole NATO bloc that wants to dismantle it. 

Judea and Samaria Settlement Council celebrates the arrival of "repatriate" Ukrainian Jewish refugees to West Bank settlements
Judea and Samaria Settlement Council celebrates the arrival of "repatriate" Ukrainian refugees to West Bank settlements   Credit: Facebook

Finally, your settler hosts might admit, with a sigh, that the whole world is at odds with Israel when it comes the occupation, but only because the whole world is deeply antisemitic. Compare that to "all the world is against Russia because they're deeply Russophobic." Trust me, nationalists and supremacists who want to conquer, dominate, and oppress use the same old but effective playbook every damn time.

When the world is shocked by the images of death and destruction from besieged Mariupol and Kharkiv, I implore you to look at the pictures of Gaza devastated by Israeli bombing raids. Yes, our situation is more complex. There is terrorism, there are rocket attacks, and Israel has the right to defend itself. But this endless cycle of violence is fueled first and foremost by occupation, dispossession, and dehumanization. It becomes clear as day when you take a closer look.

Today, many are wondering how tens of millions of Russians allowed state propaganda to invade their brains and totally zombify them. Is there something about Russians that makes them vulnerable to manipulation? Is this because they have never lived in a truly free country?

The Judea and Samaria Settlement Council's Facebook page in Russian
The Judea and Samaria Settlement Council's Facebook page in Russian   Credit: Facebook

Unfortunately, this could easily happen to any people. Just look at Trump’s Big Lie about the "stolen election" that is believed by about a third of the U.S. population – no proof needed, no questions asked.

The Israeli Right runs a mighty propaganda machine peddling a finely tuned narrative that is so easy and tempting to embrace, especially when your hosts are caring and warm-hearted. I know that firsthand because this happened to me three decades ago when I arrived in Israel. 

So, beware. Protect yourself. The good news is that Israel is still a democracy with mostly unrestricted access to information. This will allow you to form your own opinion once you arrive. To quote the famous sign brandished by the brave Marina Ovsyannikova on Russian TV, "Don’t believe the propaganda, they’re lying to you here."

I am not telling you not to come to Israel. Please, come, it’s great that you can find a safe haven here. Just don’t become occupiers and oppressors. If anything, after what you’ve gone through, maybe you’d want to join the peace camp. Hopefully, we will meet there.

Arkadi Mazin is a contributor to Re:Levant Israeli website (in Russian) and a staff science journalist at Lifespan.io, and currently based in Seattle. He was previously a journalist at Vesti, Israel’s leading Russian-language publication, and a freelancer for Yedioth Aharonoth, Haaretz, and YNET. Twitter: @ArkadyMazin


lørdag 26. mars 2022

- Da Israel nesten angrep Iran

Intervju i Haaretz 24. mars 2022 av Zohar Palti om hans tid i Mossad og Israels Forsvarsdep:

"The Dramatic Moment When Israel Almost Struck Iran"

"He was in the room at every critical, defense-related moment in the past decades. Now, Zohar Palti, who held senior Mossad and Defense Ministry posts, recalls what happened when Netanyahu and Barak ordered the army to prepare an Iran strike – within 16 days".

Ten minutes into the conversation with Zohar Palti, who this week concluded his term as head of the Defense Ministry’s political-military bureau, it was clear that he wasn’t about to go easy either on himself or on the system in which he had spent nearly 40 years. 

“One time, when I gave a talk in the Mossad’s senior command course, I was asked which past leader I would like to talk to if I could go back in time,” he relates. “I told the cadets: If only I could talk to Yitzhak Rabin, even for just five minutes, I would ask him one thing: Why in the world did you wait and not take us out of Lebanon? Why did we have to wait for more than 15 years, until Ehud Barak arrived on the scene? We were all doormat officers. None of us, from the rank of lieutenant and up, came out against the political echelon and their decision to remain in southern Lebanon. It was the silence of the lambs. Barak was right, of course. We should have gotten out long before that.”

Om Libanon ... spørsmål til Rabin:
"Why in the world did you wait and not take us out of Lebanon
Why did we have to wait for more than 15 years ..."
Ja, 15 år med israelsk okkupasjon av Sør-Libanon.
Og tortur og ummenneskelig behandling av fanger i Khiam-fengselet i samarbeid med SLA. 

Resten av intervjet er under betalingsløsning.

Skudeneshavn  26. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen




24. mars 2022


fredag 25. mars 2022

Ved Madeleine Albright's død må man ikke glemme barnedøden i Irak pga sanskjoner

Ved Madeleine Abrights død kom det en påminnelse av J. Cook om hennes ansvar for barnedød i Irak pga av sanksjonene mot Saddam Hussein.

Albrights kommentar i denne anledning: "The price is worth it" er skremmende.

Og trenger å bli minnet om:

J. Cook 25. mars 2022
"If Putin is a war criminal, then Madeleine Albright was no less of one"

Skudeneshavn  25. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


25. mars 2022

Farlig eskalering: Israel trapper opp angrep på Iran fra hemmelig base i Erbil, Irak

I februar angrep israelske droner et produksjonssted for droner i Iran.

I mars svarte Iran med å angripe  ... med cruise-missiler ... det angivelige stedet de israelske dronene ble sendt ut fra: Erbil i Irak.

NY Times 16. mars 2022:
"Iran’s Attack Was Response to Secret Israeli Attack on Drone Site"
"Israel and Iran are pushing the boundaries of a long-running clandestine war that is increasingly spilling out of the shadows."

Israel har lenge hatt et vennskap med kurderne. Og historisk støttet kurdisk opprør med veiledning og våpenhjelp. Men at man nå hadde israelske baser der var ukjent. Dette benektes da også ...

Direkte militære angrep mellom Israel og Iran ... her via anlegg i Irak ... det er en farlig opptrapping.
Det siste verden trenger akkurat nå er militære pyromaner som leker med ilden.

Skudeneshavn  25. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

25. mars 2022


23. mars 2022

21. mars 2022

16. mars 2022

13. mars 2022

torsdag 24. mars 2022

Khiam: Frigitt informasjon i Israel bekrefter omfattende tortur og mishandling. Stilles noen til ansvar?

Al Jazeera 16. mars 2020
"Lebanon military court drops charges against ‘Butcher of Khiam’"
"Amer Fakhoury is accused of overseeing torture of thousands and killing of several inmates at the notorious prison."

"Fakhoury is accused of overseeing the torture of thousands at the Khiam Prison in the 1980s and 1990s and being personally involved in the murder of several detainees, earning him the nickname, the Butcher of Khiam.

He fled Lebanon along with hundreds of other former SLA members after Israel withdrew from the country in 2000, eventually settling in the US state of New Hampshire. 

He was arrested after he entered Lebanon in September.

However, a civil case against Fakhoury by former inmates of the Khiam Prison is continuing in a Beirut court on charges that he arrested, imprisoned and tortured them."

JPost 19.3.2020
"US airlifts citizen Fakhoury from Lebanon in dramatic helicopter flight"


Ny Info:

Haaretz 23. mars 2022
"EXPOSED: Torture, Hunger in Israeli-run Prison in South Lebanon"

"During its 15 years, Khiam Prison in Lebanon saw detainees imprisoned indefinitely with no trial, food shortages, electrocution, denial of medical care and other grave issues, newly declassified Israeli documents show."

Middleeasteye 23. mars 2022
"Lebanon: Extent of torture in Israeli-backed prison revealed in declassified documents"
"Shin Bet released documents about the notorious Khiam facility ahead of legal proceedings set to take place in early April."

Torturen og mishandlingen i Khiam-fengselet i regi av SLA i Sør Libanon og av Israels Shin Bet har vært kjent lenge.

"Khiam-bøddelen" Amer Fakhoury rømte til USA og ble amerikanske statsborger.
Da han i 2020 besøkte Libanon igjen ble han arrestert ... men frigitt av en libanesisk militær domstol fordi saken var foreldet ... selv om der fortsatt var en sivil sak mot ham.

Straks han ble frigitt satte USA inn et helikopter og hentet ham ut fra Libanon.

To år senere, i mars 2022 frigis det informasjon i Israel om den omfattende mishandlingen i Khiam.

Siste ord ord nok ikke sagt ... selv om IDF bombet Khiam-fengselet i 2006 og drepte FN-observatører der:

 The Guardian 27. juli 2006:
"Israelis ignored repeated warnings before killing UN observers"


Skudeneshavn  19 mars 2020 / 24. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

Ny Info:

23. mars 2022

23. mars 2022




19. mars 2020

17. mars 2020

16. mars 2020

25. november 2019

27. juli 2006  IDFs bombing av Khiam
"Israelis ignored repeated warnings before killing UN observers"

onsdag 23. mars 2022

- "Riksrevisoren mener Solberg-regjeringen forsøkte å skjule Bergen Engines-dokumenter"


Riksrevisor har gått gjennom saken om "Bergen Engines".

Hans konklusjon: "Sterke kritikkverdig"  behandling av Solbergregjeringen


E24 desember 2021:
"Riksrevisoren mener Solberg-regjeringen forsøkte å skjule Bergen Engines-dokumenter"
– Jeg tror i hvert fall ikke det er et arbeidsuhell. Dette er gjort bevisst, og det er kreativt gjort for å forsøke å hindre innsyn.

Dagsavisen 8. desember 2021:
«Dette er gjort bevisst, og det er kreativt gjort for å forsøke å hindre innsyn», slår riksrevisor Per-Kristian Foss fast ovenfor E24. Det er uakseptabelt, men ikke enestående. Dagens Næringsliv kunne denne uka fortelle at avisa fant rundt 40 dokumenter fra 2019 og fram til første halvdel av 2021 som først i oktober ble journalført.

Bergens Tidende 19. mars 2022:
"Stortinget kritiserer hemmelighold"

"I rapporten peker Riksrevisjonen blant annet på at Justis- og beredsskapsdepartementet la dokumenter som verken var gradert eller skjermet i et hemmelig arkiv, og at Utenriksdepartementet ga dokumentene intetsigende titler slik at de ikke dukket opp i slk, påpekte Yadar." (Stortingsrep. Seher Aydar).

Bevisst feilarkivering ... i hemmelig arkiv og med intetsigende titler.
Tilbakehold: Sen arkivering av dokumenter, som da ikke var tilgjengelig da saken ble behandlet i Stortinget,.

Riksrevisors rapport om saken er behandlet  i Stortinget  i mars 2022 nærmest som en sak om "dårlige arkivrutiner".

DET svekker alvoret i saken.

Alvoret er egentlig som angitt av E24:
- "Riksrevisoren mener Solberg-regjeringen forsøkte å skjule Bergen Engines-dokumenter"


Skudeneshavn  23. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


18. januar 2022

7. desember 2021

Desember 2021


Likhet og paralleller - Er Ukraina Europas Palestina?

To synspunkter om dette:

Gideon Levy 14. mars 2022:
"Russia-Ukraine war: Israelis are in denial at parallels between their occupation and Putin's"

Skudeneshavn  23. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



23. mars 2022

14. mars 2022

mandag 21. mars 2022

Al-Walaja : Mot slutten etter 75 år med israelsk politikk?

50 demokratiske Kongress-medlemmer ber Israel spare den palestinske landsbyen Al-Walaja:

Haaretz 21. mars 2021:
"WASHINGTON - Fifty House Democrats urged U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to prevent Israel from moving forward with the planned displacement of Palestinian families and the demolition of their homes in the West Bank village of Walaja"

The Guardian 13. mai 2018:
"Seven decades of struggle: how one Palestinian village's story captures pain of 'Nakba"

I denne Guardian-artikkelen fra 2018 vises med kart hvordan denne palestinske landsbyen er blitt metodisk skviset.
Hjelper det at noen amerikanske politikere nå motsetter seg sluttbehandlingen?


Skudeneshavn   21. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



Informasjon og videoer fra Flyktningehjelpen

21. mars 2022



13. mai 2018

Israel om samarbeid med Egypt: Dekker opp for internasjonal kriktikk av Egypts brudd på menneskerettigheter

Israels statsminister Bennett og Egypts president  Al-Sissi har hatt møte i september 2021:

"Bennett Praises Egypt’s Role After Sissi Meeting, Hails Start of ‘Deep Relationship’"

(Haaretz 13. september 2021)

Og en israelsk talsmann har da denne vurderingen:

 "Egypt sees relations with Israel and efforts to rebuild Gaza as a path to the White House," an Israeli official said, adding Cairo "needs it" to deflect international pressure over its human rights record." 


Skudeneshavn  21. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



13. september 2021

søndag 20. mars 2022

"Kleptopia" - Om Putin og andre korrupte statsledere som stjeler sine lands ressurser

 Oppsummerende artikkel i The Guardian 20. mars 2022:

Tom Burgis: ‘To confront his kleptocracy, we must first cease our complicity in it’

Tom Burgis is investigations correspondent at the Financial Times and author of Kleptopia (William Collins)

Artikkelforfatter Tom Burgis beskriver hvordan vi i Vesten bidrar til den systematiske korrupsjon som pågår åpentlyst i flere regimer ... og der Russland ved Putin er dagens eksempel.

"Kleptopia" var "Årets Bok 2020" hos "The Economist".
Nå sørger Putin for at den tas alvorlig.

Skudeneshavn  20. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



Tom Burgis: "Kleptopia"

20. mars 2022

lørdag 19. mars 2022

Egypt: Sisi bruker terrorlovgivning for å skvise eiere av private bedrifter

I Egypt er Sisi brutal diktator.

Nå tar han i bruk terrorlover for å slå kloa i privateide bedrifter, som Juhayna Dairy, Egypts største bedrift inn melk og juice. Eierne nekter å bli slått sammen med en militæreid bedrift. Og da arresteres de for terrorisme:

Amnesty: (27. september 2021)
"Egypt: Businessmen behind bars for resisting security agency demands"

Human Rights Watch (18. november 2021)
"Egypt: Terrorism Laws Abused in Businessmen’s Arrests"
"Juhayna Owners Charged as ‘Terrorists’ after Refusing to Surrender Shares"

 Militær-regimer ordner seg slik:
Tilegner seg bedrifter på alle vis.

Beskyldningene er at Juhayna-eierne støtter terrorisme.
Men "bevisene" holdes hemmelige.

Dette er samme metode Israel bruker mot utvalgte palestinske organisasjoner:
Beskyldninger om terror-støtte ... basert på "beviser" som holdes hemmelige.

Skudeneshavn  19. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


"How Israel Legalized Theft"

Lederartikkel i Haaretz 19. mars 2022:
"How Israel Legalized Theft"

Denne artikkelen må leses sammen med dette blogginnlegget:
Skudeneshavn 19. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


19. mars 2022
HELE lederartikkelen i Haaretz 19. mars 2022:

Editorial |
How Israel Legalized Theft 
The disputed land, this month. The residents never left their homes or abandoned their property at any point.

The disputed land, this month. The residents never left their homes or abandoned their property at any point.Credit: Amir Levi

The Absentee Property Law was enacted in 1950 to create a quick, easy way to nationalize the vast amount of property left behind by hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees when they fled or were expelled in the Nakba. This is an extraordinary and unreasonably sweeping law. It states that anyone who spent any time in an enemy country or “in any part of the Land of Israel that is outside of the area of Israel” is an absentee whose property is automatically transferred to the state, with no compensation. 

Effectively, this law is so sweeping that according to the literal meaning of the words, any settler or soldier who lives or is stationed in the West Bank could be defined as an absentee, since they are in a part of the Land of Israel that is outside the State of Israel. But the settlers obviously don’t need to worry. This law has served as a discriminatory and destructive constitutional weapon against the Arab population in Israel and the territories.

The latest example of this law’s destructiveness was the ruling by Supreme Court Justices Alex Stein, Noam Sohlberg and David Mintz upholding the seizure of 7.5 acres from residents of Taibeh. In defiance of both the spirit of the law and its rationale, this land was seized even though Taibeh’s residents were never refugees and in fact became Israeli citizens shortly after the state’s establishment.

The pretext for the ruling was that for a few months during Israel’s War of Independence, a temporary border separated Taibeh from lands to its west which were owned by Taibeh residents. This fact sufficed to define these lands as absentee property, since during that brief period, Taibeh residents lived in a part of the Land of Israel that was outside the rule of the State of Israel.

Consequently, in 2017, almost 70 years after the war and decades after the land had switched hands without any problem, the state’s administrator general suddenly remembered this fact and expropriated the property. The justices confirmed this move, and even ordered the petitioners to pay 30,000 shekels ($9,300) in court costs.

It must be hoped that when an expanded panel of justices holds an additional rehearing of the case, following a request from the families, justice will be done and the theft restored. But either way, this is further proof of the crying injustice of the Absentee Property Law. MK Mossi Raz (Meretz) recently submitted legislation to repeal it. Every Knesset member with a conscience and every Israeli ought to support his bill.

The above article is Haaretz's lead editorial, as published in the Hebrew and English newspapers in Israel.

fredag 18. mars 2022

Boikott og sanksjoner innført mot Russland - Hva med BDS som Emneknagg?

UD melder om sanksjoner innført av Norge mot Russland.

Min kommentar på Twitter 18. mars 2022:

Ja, sanksjoner og boykott er et virkemiddel. 
Det er effektivt og det sender et signal. 
Det virket også i sin tid mht #SørAfrika
Bør disse tiltakene, boykott og sanksjon mot #Russland få sin "emneknagg"? 
Er ikke #BDS allerede et begrep? 
Hva med?: #BDSRussland

Skudeneshavn  18. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



18. mars 2022




18. mars 2022

torsdag 17. mars 2022

Jordandalen - Hvordan palestinerne der skvises ut planmessig

Noen israelere skryter av sine "øko-bosetninger" i Jordandalen.
I en artikkel i Haaretz 14. mars 2022 blir Israels politikk i Jordandalen fullstendig avkledd som det den er:
Systematisk sjikanering av palestinerne der ... for å presse dem bort.
HELE artikkelen nederst her.

Skudeneshavn  14. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

17. mars 2022

7. mai 2022



14. mars 2022

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 14. mars 2022:

This Israeli Eco Settlement's Problem Isn’t Tourists. It Is Abuse of Palestinians

Mud homes in Rotem.

Mud homes in Rotem. Just a few minutes’ drive from the ecological settlement of Rotem, Israel is demolishing wretched tents and shacks inhabited by Palestinians almost every week.Credit: Gil Eliahu

Sarit Michaeli

According to Meirav Moran’s greenwashing article in Haaretz, the ecological settlement of Rotem in the occupied Jordan Valley has only one problem. Alongside its amazing views, mud houses and diverse array of residents – who run the gamut from religious to secular Jews, and didn’t come to settle the land, but “to see a full rainbow and the rising of the moon,” as they put it – tourists have also discovered this site.

But for the Palestinian shepherding communities that live there and earn a meager living from the pastureland in the northern part of the valley, the problem is local Jewish settlements like Rotem: Through them Israel realizes its vision of annexing the valley de facto, perpetuating control over its land and water resources, and pushing out the Palestinian residents.

The high road to achieving the latter goal passes through unending abuse of the Palestinian shepherds by the state and the army, using all the means at their disposal, in cooperation with local governments and, at the least, the turning of a blind eye when it comes to Jewish residents, until the Palestinians finally give up and leave.

A pastoral view from Rotem. The best contribution Rotem’s settlers could make to the environment would be for them to stop denying this reality while parroting cliches.
A pastoral view from Rotem. The best contribution Rotem’s settlers could make to the environment would be for them to stop denying this reality while parroting cliches.Credit: Gil Eliyahu

The lives of the Jordan Valley’s herdsmen have been affected for decades by the restrictions Israel imposes on them. These restrictions prevent the sustainable development of these Palestinian communities, the construction of houses suited to their needs and the hook-up to local water and sewage infrastructures.

Due to these constraints, the Palestinian residents’ existence has deteriorated to a level resembling that of people who are undergoing a humanitarian crisis due to a natural disaster. But in this case, the humanitarian crisis is the work of human beings – a direct result of the policies implemented by successive Israeli governments for years.

Just a few minutes’ drive from the ecological settlement of Rotem, Israel is demolishing wretched tents and shacks inhabited by Palestinians almost every week, on the grounds that they were built without a permit, or in an army firing zone or a nature reserve – or in some other part of the 85 percent of the Jordan Valley that Palestinians are barred from using on various pretexts.

A truck converted into a home in Rotem.
A truck converted into a home in Rotem.Credit: Gil Eliahu

Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank confiscates tractors and tanks that the herders use to transport water, since Israel has prevented them from being hooked up to water mains. And even the few Palestinian residents of the valley lucky enough to be allowed to buy water from Israel’s Mekorot Water Company get only a trickle.

The Civil Administration’s bulldozers have also destroyed solar panels serving the Bedouin community of Khirbet Humsa. The Palestinians aren’t ecological in the Israeli environmentalist sense, but they must have a solar energy system because Israel doesn’t let them connect to the electricity grid.

The Jordan Valley settlements aren’t just a theoretical problem, as implied by a Haaretz editorial last week. They are the direct cause of numerous examples of concrete damage done to specific individuals and to their communities.

A settler, resident of the ecological settlement Rotem.
A settler, resident of the ecological settlement Rotem, is holding a baby. Credit: Gil Eliyahu

Over the last six years, ever since the settlers began the accelerated construction of their own herding outposts – or “agricultural farms,” as they are euphemistically called – the level of harm Israel causes to Jordan Valley Palestinians has been ratcheted up a notch. Violence seems to be the business model for these outposts.

And even though the outposts were ostensibly built against the state’s will, they are being entrenched with generous government funding, perched on the tips of Israel Defense Forces bayonets. Effectively, they serve the state as yet another, unofficial, tool for implementing its policies – much like the Civil Administration’s bulldozers.

This space is too small to describe the scale of violence Palestinian shepherding communities in the northern Jordan Valley are suffering from local settlers, who are funded and armed by various Israeli government agencies. The settlers patrol the Palestinian enclaves, attack herders, threaten and also expel them, with the IDF's help, from places that in the past served as their pastureland. Every new outpost established in the area further restricts the lives of Palestinian shepherds, making it even harder for them to care for their flocks and support themselves with dignity.

A lazy evening at the illegal eco settlement of Rotem.
A lazy evening at the illegal eco settlement of Rotem.Credit: Gil Eliyahu

Many of the attacks are filmed by the herders themselves or by Israeli activists who come to offer assistance and to report on events. The information is then disseminated via social media and sometimes even by mainstream media. The footage is thus readily accessible to the settlers of Rotem if they would like to know what's going on.

The best contribution Rotem’s settlers could make to the environment would be for them to stop denying this reality while parroting cliches like “the left-wing organizations ... come from outside and generate provocations.” Taking responsibility for their own contribution to injustice would be a first step toward changing this brutal reality.

Sarit Michaeli is B’Tselem’s international advocacy officer..


onsdag 16. mars 2022

Israels Høyesterett har nå dommere som tar avgjørelser der underlagene ikke tåler dagens lys

 Etter 70 år gjør Israel krav på et landområde etter lovgivningen om "Absentee Property".

"Israel Seized Land From Arab Citizens Based on Temporary 1948 Cease-fire Line"

"In 1948, a temporary border separated Arab families from their land in Israel’s Triangle region. Several months later, the border was erased. But in 2017, in a stunning upset of norms, Israel justified seizing the lands under the Absentee Property Law."

"But in this case, the families neither fled their homes nor left their property behind. To understand the absurdity of the administrator general’s decision, it’s necessary to return to the war in 1948, when a temporary border was drawn between Israel and Jordan. This line separated the families from their lands for a few months in 1948-49."  (Haaretz 15. mars 2022) 

Det er 3 konservative dommere i Israels Høyesterett som har dømt:

"The case was heard by three conservative justices – Noam Sohlberg, Alex Stein and David Mintz. Stein, who wrote the ruling, rejected all of the family’s arguments."

De nåværende eierne får ikke se de kart som retten har dømt etter:

"Following the ruling, the families asked the administrator general to see the maps of the temporary border so that they could consider their next legal moves. Their request was rejected on the grounds that revealing the maps could undermine the state’s foreign relations ..." 


Israels Høyesterett har nå dommere som tar avgjørelser der underlagene tydeligvis ikke tåler dagens lys.  


Skudeneshavn  16. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



15. mars 2022


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 15. mars 2022:

Nir Hasson

Israel Seized Land From Arab Citizens Based on Temporary 1948 Cease-fire Line

In 1948, a temporary border separated Arab families from their land in Israel’s Triangle region. Several months later, the border was erased. But in 2017, in a stunning upset of norms, Israel justified seizing the lands under the Absentee Property Law

Few remember the brief period, spanning just a few months in 1948-49, when the cease-fire line between Israel and Jordan ran through the Little Triangle – a concentration of Arab towns in northcentral Israel, roughly bounded by Baka al-Garbiyeh, Taibeh and Tira.

Even the two families from Taibeh and Kalansua that own land there would have lived out their lives without ever remembering. That is, until they received a Kafkaesque reminder in 2017 when the Justice Ministry’s administrator general decided to seize the lands.

The agency justified the seizure under the Absentee Property Law. They argued that the owners had been absentees during those few months, decades ago, when the border ran through the area. Even though the families never left their homes and became Israeli citizens after the war, the Supreme Court upheld the decision.

The saga began in 2017, almost 70 years after the temporary border disappeared. The landowners (who asked that their names not be published) applied for a permit to fill in a large quarry and convert the area to agricultural land. With the request, the administrator general and official receiver suddenly remembered it considers the land state-owned.

Chaim Herzog, Assaf Simhoni and a Jordanian officer during the 1948 ceasefire negotiations with Jordan.
Chaim Herzog, Assaf Simhoni and a Jordanian officer during the 1948 ceasefire negotiations with Jordan.Credit: IDF Spokesperson's Unit

In the ensuing legal battle, the families weren’t permitted to request that the land be returned to them, contrary to the wording of the law. Further, they were barred from seeing the maps upon which the state’s claim was based. The battle ended with these 7.5 acres in the state’s possession.

The Absentee Property Law of 1950 allowed the state to seize the property of Palestinian refugees who fled during the War of Independence. An absentee owner was defined as anyone who spent time in territory controlled by “forces that sought to prevent the state’s establishment” from November 1947. It ruled that absentees’ property inside Israel would be transferred to the administrator general. The law’s passage enabled Israel to seize a great deal of property belonging to Palestinians who had fled to places like Jordan, Syria and the Gaza Strip.

But in this case, the families neither fled their homes nor left their property behind. To understand the absurdity of the administrator general’s decision, it’s necessary to return to the war in 1948, when a temporary border was drawn between Israel and Jordan. This line separated the families from their lands for a few months in 1948-49. 

But in early 1949, after the Armistice Agreement was signed, the Triangle was transferred to Israel. Its residents received Israeli citizenship, and the temporary border was erased from the maps.
In the decades since, land in the area has been transferred from hand to hand with no problems and the administrator general never made any effort to claim it – until 2017, when it declared that since these lands had temporarily been on the other side of the border, it could seize them.

The city of Taibeh. After the war, the residents became Israeli citizens.
The city of Taibeh. After the war, the residents became Israeli citizens.Credit: Ofer Vaknin

Following this upset, the case took yet another unexpected turn. The Absentee Property Law states that someone whose property was seized under the law can appeal the decision. But the administrator general, Ronen Baruch, refused the families’ request on the grounds that only the original absentees could put in such a request, not someone who had purchased the land from them.

The families’ lawyers, Nir Raber and Yonatan Morell of the Herzog Fox & Neeman law firm, said there’s no hint of any such provision in the law. Moreover, the families say it’s no longer possible to locate the dozens of heirs of the original owners in order to have them file the request for return.

In their petition to the High Court of Justice, the attorneys argued that a case in which, after over 70 years, the state suddenly “remembers” to claim land that “it does not and has never needed and that has already been sold to buyers who paid good money for it,” and then refuses to even let the families request its return, “is intolerable and patently unreasonable.”

The case was heard by three conservative justices – Noam Sohlberg, Alex Stein and David Mintz. Stein, who wrote the ruling, rejected all of the family’s arguments.

A meeting of the Israel-Jordan Armistice Committee at the Mandelbaum Gate, 1953.
A meeting of the Israel-Jordan Armistice Committee at the Mandelbaum Gate, 1953.Credit: Thodore Brauner / National Pho

“It’s clear that the land belongs to the administrator and the Development Authority and that the petitioners have no claim against the administrator or the state,” he wrote. The fact that the administrator made no effort to claim the land until 2017 in no way detracts from its right to do so, he added.

The justices even ruled that the family must pay the state 30,000 shekels ($9,100) in court fees.

Following the ruling, the families asked the administrator general to see the maps of the temporary border so that they could consider their next legal moves. Their request was rejected on the grounds that revealing the maps could undermine the state’s foreign relations – a common pretense for refusing to divulge information.

In November, Haaretz reported that the administrator general was fighting a freedom of information request for a list of the assets it holds in East Jerusalem. In that case, too, the agency said revealing the information could undermine the state’s foreign relations.
The families recently asked the High Court to rehear their petition with an expanded panel of justices. They are awaiting Supreme Court President Justice Esther Hayut’s ruling on the request. In the meantime, one of the petitioners – the land’s original purchaser – had a stroke. He died two weeks ago.

The lands that were divided by the temporary 1948 ceasefire line, earlier this month.
The lands that were divided by the temporary 1948 ceasefire line, earlier this month.Credit: אמיר לוי

The Finance Ministry, speaking on the administrator general’s behalf, said that since the issue is still in legal proceedings, it would offer its response in court.


onsdag 9. mars 2022

"Israel to Decide for Palestinians Which Foreign Lecturers Can Teach at West Bank Universities"

Overskriften her er fra en artikkel i Haaretz 8. mars 2022:
Israel vil innføre nye innreisebestemmelser til de okkuperte palestinske områdene.
Der er en rekke nye detaljer i disse ferske bestemmelsene.
Det virker som all innreise må skje via Jordan ... og ikke via Ben Gurion-flyplassen i Isrel.
Det er Israel som okkupant som bestemmer hvem som eventuelt får innreise og opphold.
Videre er det Israel som holder det palestinske folkeregistertet og avgjør hvilken status den enkelte palestiner har.

Skudeneshavn  9. mars 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


8. mars 2022


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 8. mars 2022:

Israel to Decide for Palestinians Which Foreign Lecturers Can Teach at West Bank Universities

A set of procedures published by the Defense Ministry puts further restrictions on who can enter, work and stay in the West Bank

Israel will permit Palestinian institutions of higher education to employ lecturers from overseas only if they teach in fields that have been designated as essential by Israel, and only if the lecturers and researchers are accomplished and possess at least a doctorate, according to a new set of procedures by the Defense Ministry.

Aspiring instructors will have to submit applications for such permits at the Israeli consulate in the applicant’s country of origin. The procedure states that only authorized persons at the Defense Ministry’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) can approve the entry of an instructor “after they have proven to our satisfaction that the lecturer will make a significant contribution to academic education, to the regional economy or to the promotion of regional cooperation and peace.” The number of lecturers will be limited by a quota to be determined by Israel, which currently stands at 100.

Last month, COGAT published new instructions regarding foreign citizens who wish to enter and reside in the West Bank. The document, titled “procedure for entry and residence of foreigners in the Judea and Samaria region,” will go into effect in May and will work in a pilot format for the next two years. It determines that a quota of just 150 foreign students a year will be permitted to study at Palestinian academic institutions, and allows COGAT to limit the fields of study at Palestinian universities that are open to foreign students.

Each student will be required to be questioned at an Israeli diplomatic mission in their country of origin, after which an authorized COGAT representative will weigh the results of the interview and the student’s documents to determine whether to grant them a visa.

The procedure states that documents from students and outstanding lecturers must include an official invitation from the Palestinian Authority, but does not specify which PA institution should give that invitation should come from. The permits for students and lecturers will be valid for one year with an option to extend. The maximum period that foreign lecturers will be allowed to teach at Palestinian universities is five non-consecutive years. This period must include a stay of at least nine months overseas following the first 27 months in the West Bank. The maximum period of study for foreign students is four years for graduate studies and five years for doctoral and postdoctoral studies.

The procedure applies only to citizen of countries that have diplomatic relations with Israel. Although Jordan, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have diplomatic relations with Israel, their citizens will have to apply for a visitor’s permit for a shorter period, which is even more difficult to obtain.

Students at the Arab-American University in Jenin, West Bank.
Students at the Arab-American University in Jenin, West Bank.Credit: Yasser Waked

The new procedures come after 15 years of Israel gradually tightening limitations on entry of citizens of friendly countries, whose destination is the Palestinian communities (and not settlements) in the West Bank. The worsening limitations also target spouses of Palestinian residents, businesspeople, lecturers and students. Over the years, this policy was the subject of dozens of petitions to the High Court of Justice. The state’s response to these petitions was that the authorities were formulating a new policy on the issue; decisions on the matter were therefore postponed.

The petitioners hoped that the new procedure would respect the right of the Palestinians and their institutions to operate according to their choices and needs in developing the Palestinian economy, business and academic ties with other countries. The new policy, however, codifies a stricter approach and further intensifies the invasive interference of COGAT in the civil and family affairs of Palestinians.

The procedure differentiates between a short-term visitor’s visa (up to three months with the possibility to extend by a further three months), which is received at a border crossing, and long-term visas that require an application to be submitted months in advance. Short-term permits can be obtained by spouses, children aged 16 and under and other immediate relatives of Palestinian residents, as well as by businesspeople, investors and journalists who have convinced COGAT that they work for an international media outlet. The procedure does not mention journalists who work for Palestinian media, tourists whose destination is the West Bank, friends of Palestinian residents, visiting artists or political delegations. It is unclear whether this is an oversight, or if Israel intends not to allow their entry.

People eligible for long term visas, as mentioned by the procedure, are lecturers and students, employees of international organizations, businesspeople, investors and unpaid volunteers for Palestinian organizations that Israel has determined are eligible to bring in volunteers.

Only authorized personnel at COGAT may decide which fields of activity are “essential” and what the economic criteria are that justify an applicant’s entry to the West Bank. Receipt of a visa does not guarantee entry, which is dependent on questioning at the point of entry. The requirement to stay overseas for up to a year between periods of residency in the West Bank is a new restriction, and it will harm the economic activities of businesspeople and the work of organizations that rely on volunteers.

Students at the Arab-American University in Jenin, West Bank.
Students at the Arab-American University in Jenin, West Bank.Credit: Yasser Waked

Another group that can apply for permits is spouses of Palestinians who intend to request Palestinian residency in the West Bank. They must first request a three-month permit while overseas. When they are in the West Bank, they will be required to submit an application for permanent residency to the Palestinian Authority – but it is only Israel that determines who, when and how many may become Palestinian residents. If they have failed to do so, they will be required to leave and will not be allowed to return to their families and homes in the West Bank for six months. This contrasts with the previous procedure, which enabled very short periods abroad between visa renewals.

The procedure states that upon submitting an application for residency status, the residency visa will be extended if the application is refused for political, rather than personal, reasons – that is, an Israeli political decision not to add residents to the Palestinian population register. Compared to the previous policy, which was unclear on the issue, this one includes a positive change for spouses of Palestinians, as it allows them to work in the West Bank.

On the other hand, the new procedure enables officers in the civil administration and COGAT to require high financial guarantees from people wishing to enter the West Bank. The higher the rank of the officer, the higher the sum of the guarantee that can be requested. This can climb to more than 70,000 shekels ($21,180). Financial guarantees were not mentioned in previous procedures, but over the years, more and more partners of Palestinians were required to put down deposits before entering the West Bank. The new procedure allows entry to the West Bank only through the al-Karameh (Allenby Bridge) border crossing with Jordan. The former procedure allowed entry through Ben-Gurion International Airport as well, though for several years the Interior Ministry forbade visitors to the West Bank to use it. The trip through Jordan is longer and more expensive.

The new procedure was included in the state’s response to a petition filed via attorneys Yotam Ben Hillel and Liora Bechor in 2019 against tightened policies and restrictions. The State Attorney’s Office reported that the new procedure was in the process of being translated into English, but they did not address the issue of its publication in Arabic. Ben Hillel told Haaretz that the procedure shows “just how far Israel refuses to let go of the desire to control every component of the lives of Palestinians and their families.”