fredag 29. april 2022

- "Israel’s Ukraine Policy Isn't Only Immoral. It's Also Unwise "

 Umoralsk OG uklok.

Det er kommentator Alon Pinkas sin mening om Israels holdning til Ukraina-krigen.
Ved sin "nøytrale" posisjonering støtter Israel Russland etter Pinkas sin mening.

"Israel’s Ukraine Policy Isn't Only Immoral. It's Also Unwise"
(Haaretz 29. april 2022)

 "Umoralsk" og "Uklok".
Sterk vurdering fra kommentator Pinkas.

HELE artikkelen til Pinkas under her.


Skudeneshavn  29. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



29. april 2022 


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 29. april 2022:

Analysis |
Israel’s Ukraine Policy Isn't Only Immoral. It's Also Unwise

By employing a false 'two-side-ism' approach, Israel is giving legitimacy to Russia – forget about the moral high ground or standing by its mega-strategic ally, the United States

Ukrainian rescue workers carry an elderly woman under the destroyed bridge in Irpin, close to Kyiv close to Kyiv, Ukraine, Friday, April 1, 2022. Talks to stop the fighting in Ukraine resumed Friday, as another attempt to rescue civilians from the shattered and encircled city of Mariupol broke down and Russia accused the Ukrainians of a cross-border helicopter attack on an oil depot. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)
Ukrainian rescue workers carry an elderly woman out of the bombarded city of Irpin near Kyiv this month. Credit: Efrem Lukatsky /AP

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a time of great moral crisis maintain their neutrality.” – Dante, “The Divine Comedy,” Part 1, “Inferno”

Fumfering – a word we get from Yiddish – means to mumble, mutter, murmur, dither, waffle, be evasive, temporize and stall. Fumfering is also the right term to describe Israel’s immoral and imprudent policy on the Ukraine crisis and war.

In a week when Russia has escalated the fighting and rattled its nuclear weapons once again, while the U.S. president has asked Congress for $33 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel’s policy seems to transcend fumfering and is just untenably unwise and morally embarrassing.


Friday is day number 65 of the war, and for 65 days Israel has tip-toed around the issue of condemning Russia, explaining that there are “strategic sensitivities” to relations with Moscow – which increasingly sounds like a lame, unjustifiable excuse.

Israel has adopted a patently immoral and politically imprudent type of quasi-neutrality. “Neutrality” is a misleading term in this context. By supposedly acting neutral – basically endorsing the false “two-side-ism” approach – Israel is essentially supporting Russia.

Furthermore, this “neutrality” means Israel blatantly refrains from standing with the United States, its mega-strategic ally, military benefactor and diplomatic umbrella of support.

As the pre-invasion Ukraine crisis evolved, Israel’s fence-sitting policy had some merit. There was no real American pressure to publicly state a policy, and Israel’s defense posture warranted caution – considering Russia’s presence in Syria and the need to coordinate fly zones to allow Israeli airstrikes on Iranian targets. It’s highly debatable whether those airstrikes have achieved anything substantial or even slightly altered Iran’s behavior.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy speaking to Israeli legislators last month in a speech broadcast live on Tel Aviv's Habima Square.
Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelenskyy speaking to Israeli legislators last month in a speech broadcast live on Tel Aviv's Habima Square.Credit: Moti Milrod


It’s even more debatable whether Israel’s position – that Russia is crucial to curtailing Iran and eventually will push it out of Syria – is anything but wishful thinking. Then there’s Vladimir Putin, long considered a friend by Israel, someone who, according to the previous prime minister, was “in a different league” along with Donald Trump and that previous prime minister. But as long as Putin was only threatening invasion, there was no real reason for Israel to take sides.

Then came the full Russian incursion, the bombardment of Ukrainian cities, the indiscriminate killing of civilians, the inevitable atrocities and the deliberate creation of a refugee crisis. Russia has also threatened to escalate the war into other countries or use nonconventional weapons.

On the other side, the United States has been steadfast in the face of Putin’s aggression. Joe Biden has consolidated NATO, imposed heavy sanctions on Russia and eventually called him a butcher and a war criminal, wondering out loud whether such a man can "remain in power."

Israel, America’s greatest ally, with which its has “an unshakable relationship” based on “shared values,” kept totally quiet. It refused to condemn Russian aggression or atrocities. In fact, while a Ukrainian flag was projected on city halls and parliament buildings around the world, the image projected on the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City was a Ukrainian flag next to a Russian one. Can you imagine the “antisemitism” tantrums if a European city projected an Israeli and a Hamas or Hezbollah flag jointly because “there are two sides”?

Israel remained self-declared neutral, noncommittal to the coalition of the United States, NATO, EU and Asian countries.

Not only that, Israel grandiosely appointed itself a mediator, a ridiculous exercise in conceit and futility. Israel has no experience in international mediation, and Putin never wanted to negotiate with Ukraine but only with the United States and NATO. And a mediator, by definition, needs clout and leverage on both sides to establish credibility, something Israel clearly doesn’t possess.

The United States only tolerated Israel’s mediation antics because they were more a short-lived nuisance than a real disruption.


Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking during their meeting in Sochi, Russia, in October.
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Russian President Vladimir Putin speaking during their meeting in Sochi, Russia, in October.Credit: Evgeny Biyatov/ AP

There is a potent phrase and concomitant ethos in the Hebrew language and Israel’s concept of history: “From Holocaust to revival.”

Literally, it means Jewish history progressing from the genocide in Europe between 1939 and 1945 to the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and the regeneration of Jewish national and sovereign life.

Figuratively, it represents deeper historical insights on the continuum of Jewish history, which is why it’s often used in conjunction with another expression: “Never again.” That is, not only should the Jewish people never allow a second Holocaust to happen, but the horrors of mass methodical murder and the tragedy of near-annihilation must be learned as a recurring human phenomenon. And Jews, because of their experience, must always be alert and vocally warn against this phenomenon.

Yes, the Holocaust was unique in scope and the vile ideological intentions underlining it, but no, it’s not a singular event. Whether you define it as a genocide or a massacre or ethnic cleansing, it means the same: The banality of evil that exists in human nature can manifest itself in “advanced” and “cultured” civilization.

Meanwhile, the Israeli government refused to recognize as a “Holocaust” the Armenian genocide of 1915-1917 that saw between 600,000 and 1.5 million Armenians killed by the Ottomans, explaining that there were sensitivities in the relationship with Turkey, then a key regional ally.

Israel never reacted to the Pol Pot-led Khmer Rouge regime that murdered 1.5 million to 2 million Cambodians between 1975 and 1979. Cambodia is far away.

Israel sent a small field hospital to Rwanda during the 1994 Hutu massacre of hundreds of thousands of Tutsis. But that’s in Africa.

People demonstrating in Tel Aviv last month against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
People demonstrating in Tel Aviv last month against Russia's invasion of Ukraine.Credit: Nir Elias/Reuters

Then came Ukraine.

What could better express “From Holocaust to revival” than the Israeli defense minister being invited by the U.S. secretary of defense to a conference, in Germany no less, to discuss ways to aid Ukraine.

Seventy-seven years after the Holocaust and 74 years after independence, the defense minister of the State of Israel was asked to participate in a conference on European security.

An astounding feat. And what did he do? He decided not to go, sending instead a department head from the Defense Ministry. Why? Officially because the date, Tuesday, was two days before Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. Unofficially? He didn’t want to upset the very sensitive and vulnerable Putin.

The other perspective that demands attention is that of foreign policy. There are two ostensibly equally legitimate approaches: One, you take the moral high ground from the moment Russia invades and, employing the strategic rationale, you stand by the United States. Israel hasn’t done that.

Two, you employ a realist foreign policy, or realpolitik. You base policy solely on national interest, national security and a clear reading of the strategic picture. In this approach, Israel callously equated fly zones shared with Russia with a strategic alliance shared with the United States. Then Israel complained that its invaluable input and deep concerns regarding a possible new Iranian nuclear deal weren’t being heeded in Washington. That’s hardly realpolitik

Furthermore, you can take realpolitik to the crude extreme, be patient and convince yourself that you’ll side with the inevitable winner. Israel’s reading of the crisis map was so accurate that it’s now siding with the clear loser.

So if you don’t take the moral position, if you get the strategic picture wrong and don’t stand by the United States, what are you left with? Fumfering as foreign policy.


torsdag 28. april 2022

- "Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Vanunu, Eternal Prisoner of Zion"

"Vanunu  er blitt evig fange av Zion" .
Det mener kommentator Yossi Melman i Haaretz 28. april 2022:

"Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Vanunu, Eternal Prisoner of Zion" 

Nå skal hans reiseforbud vurderes av Israels Høyesterett.
Kommentar Melman har ingen tro på den vurderingen som da gjøres av Israels Forsvarsdepartement.

Melman har ingen tro på dette ... det er gått 36 år siden Vanunu jobbet i Dimona-anlegget.

Skudeneshavn   28. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

Yossi Melman head

28. april 2022

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 28. april 2022:

Israeli Nuclear Whistleblower Vanunu, Eternal Prisoner of Zion 

Mordechai Vanunu in the magistrate’s court.
Mordechai Vanunu in the magistrate’s court.Credit: Lior Mizrahi

Brig. Gen. (res.) Yuval Shimoni is a sensitive, thoughtful man. Or that’s what he would like us to conclude from his recent written assessment concerning former Israeli nuclear spy Mordechai Vanunu: “His desire to leave Israel is completely comprehensible to me, and on a personal level, I can even identify with it.”

Shimoni is the chief of the Defense Ministry’s security department, known by its Hebrew acronym, Malmab. He based his opinion on a 75-minute conversation with Vanunu.

Their meeting was held at the recommendation of Supreme Court Justice Ofer Grosskopf, who is hearing a petition Vanunu filed via his attorney, Avigdor Feldman. But that didn’t stop Shimoni from writing, “I’m holding this conversation with an open mind and a willing heart, with the goal of getting a personal, unmediated impression from what he says.”

But then come several sentences that completely contradict his “identification” and “open mind.” Shimoni said that under no circumstances should Vanunu be permitted to leave Israel, and that all the restrictions imposed on him should remain in place, for the sake of safeguarding national security.

The restrictions, which have been eased slightly over the years, were imposed immediately upon his release from prison in 2004 after serving a 16-year sentence. Vanunu, a former technician at the nuclear reactor in Dimona, was convicted of grave security offenses after providing information about his work to the British newspaper Sunday Times in 1986. On the basis of this information, the paper concluded that Israel had a stockpile of sophisticated nuclear weapons that included hydrogen and neutron bombs.

Perhaps in order to maintain his facade of “sensitivity,” Shimoni noted in the opinion that his assessment was professional, but also based on “my personal impressions.” And talking out of both the personal and the professional sides of his mouth, he concludes that “the information Mr. Vanunu possesses is still extremely sensitive.” Yet his opinion is full of logical flaws.

Shimoni’s claim that the information possessed by Vanunu is still “sensitive” does an injustice to Israel and portrays it as a third-rate nuclear state. According to foreign reports, Israel was the sixth country in the world to develop nuclear weapons, 55 years ago. Vanunu described what he saw, heard and photographed at the reactor around two decades after that.

In other words, according to the security directorate’s logic, nothing has changed in Israel’s nuclear program since then, despite the passage of 36 years. Its technology hasn’t improved, its equipment and means of production haven’t been upgraded and its knowledge hasn’t increased.

If we are to believe Shimoni’s opinion, the only possible conclusion is that while the nuclear world has advanced, Israel has remained frozen in time. Therefore, everything Vanunu knew then is what the scientists on the Israel Atomic Energy Commission know today? It doesn’t make sense. But perhaps it’s also possible that Israel has improved its nuclear program and made it more sophisticated, obviously without Vanunu’s knowledge, yet the Defense Ministry prefers not to say so, in part to continue justifying its abuse of him.

In the conversation with Malmab officials, Vanunu said he didn’t intend “to publish any information in the future about his work at the Negev Nuclear Research Center,” meaning the Dimona reactor, “that he has no interest in what’s being done at the research center, that he has completed his historical role” – that is, exposing Israel’s nuclear secrets – and that “he’s tired of the war against the state and its institutions.” Shimoni doesn’t believe Vanunu, and to justify his conclusion that Vanunu constitutes a security risk he cited previous cases in which Vanunu violated the restrictions imposed on him. Once bitten, twice shy.

In his response to the Defense Ministry’s assessment, Feldman wrote that Vanunu’s violations, for some of which he had been prosecuted, were minor. They included failing to report “that he moved from the second floor of his apartment building to the third floor,” talking to people with foreign citizenship and saying “something that was ostensibly a secret related to his work” during an interview with Israel Channel 2 television that had been approved by the military censor.

Yet none of these violations “entailed any harm whatsoever to national security,” Feldman wrote, adding, “Even the indictment against him over his Channel 2 interview didn’t claim that he harmed national security.” He argued that the assessment “relies mainly on sporadic violations of absurd restrictions.”

But let’s assume that the Malmab is right. What would actually happen if Vanunu were permitted to leave Israel and live with his Norwegian wife, Dr. Kristin Joachimsen, and then resumed telling what he knows? Would Israel’s deterrence be harmed by Vanunu’s disclosures? Some people think the opposite is true – that his disclosures would only bolster our deterrence.

This is a Jekyll and Hyde story: Brig. Gen. Shimoni, the sensitive, attentive man, and the hard-nosed, professional director of Malmab. In my view, this is nothing but a sleight of hand meant to conceal the simple fact that Vanunu will always be a prisoner of Zion. And given that the Israeli judicial establishment always snaps to attention when it hears the world “security,” it’s very doubtful that any judge, from the lowest court in the land to the highest, can find the courage to disagree with Malmab Shimoni’s contradictory logic.

tirsdag 26. april 2022

- "Religion, Not Nationalism or Real Estate, Is to Blame in Israel"

Diskusjon i Haaretz:
Hva driver de israelske settlerne?

Etter et innlegg av Gideon Levy svarer B. Michael:
"Religion, Not Nationalism or Real Estate, Is to Blame in Israel"

Og Michael bruker sterke ord om den religiøse ekstremismen settlerne står for.
Han er ikke opptimistisk for utviklingen.
HELE hans artikkel nedenfor her.


Skudeneshavn   26. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



26. april 2022
B. Michael 

24. april 2022
G. Levy


HELE artikkelen til B. Michael  i Haaretz 26. april 2022

Apr. 26, 2022 1:12 A

Religion, Not Nationalism or Real Estate, Is to Blame in Israel

Settlers march to the wildcat West Bank outpost of Homesh, this month.
Settlers march to the wildcat West Bank outpost of Homesh, this month.Credit: Amir Levy

No, Gideon Levy, it’s not “nationalism or real estate” that stands behind Israeli evil, as you wrote (Haaretz, Sunday). No, it’s really about religion. It’s almost all about religion. And religion is absolutely not “just scenery,” as you wrote in your op-ed. I wish it was. But this is a religious drama, in which faith is the playwright, the director, the producer, the cast and even the cashier selling tickets.

You wanted to make things look worse than they seem by casting messianic settlers as imposters, cynics and pseudo-believers who in real life are greedy realists pursuing real estate. But that’s not who they are: They are authentic religious lunatics. They really want to “remove the abomination” from the land and to purify it. They really do dream of the day when the blood of the sacrifices will be sprinkled on the altar. Likewise, they are true zealots, in the fullest historic and bloody sense of the word. And zealots, history teaches us over and over, are much more dangerous than cynics.

They are also nationalists, but nationalists of a completely religious kind, a nationalism that comes down from heaven and is sanctified by it. They are also after real estate, about stealing land. But it is holy theft, theft committed at the command of God, to glorify him, to realize his promise of the land and to fulfill his commandments.

Judaism, I need not remind you, is the only religion on the planet that believes that God himself registered a piece of property in its name for its exclusive use. Judaism is the only religion on the planet that is also a nation, a kind of hybrid nation-religion. Three times (at least), this nation-religion tried to become a nationality as well, with territory, a government, an army and a temple. Three times it tried, and each time it was a crazed brand of religion that undid the whole enterprise and led it to catastrophe. It wasn’t nationalism or real estate.

The religious ban on any attempt to renew sacrifices on the Temple Mount or to reestablish a Jewish state is not one of those arbitrary or ridiculous laws that religions often conceive of to tame believers, like the laws of shatnez – Jewish law which prohibits clothes containing a mixture of wool and linen. This is a ban that grew out of bitter experience. It was a ban that righteous scholars imposed because they knew full well the beast that lived in the souls of men. They understood what would happen if the Jews tried again.

To their credit, they sought to lock up the Jewish faith in its proper place (as it is with all other religions) – in the life of the individual, the family and the community. There, and only there, far away from nationalism, and politics, it could do no harm and could even do some good. Judaism flourished and suffered, suffered and flourished, for 2,000 years.

Then, alas, we tried again. After the Holocaust, there was every reason to do so. Again, we forgot the lessons of history, again we failed to separate between religion and state, and again we failed to restrict the priests to the temple. Secularism used to be the order of the day – Mapai, Israel's major labor party established in 1930 was about “nationalism and real estate” only, and for a while, religion was kept in a corner, napping.

 But on June 5, 1967, it awoke, stretched its arms and yawned. In April 1968, it celebrated the Passover seder night in Hebron with Moshe Levinger – Hebron settler leader rabbi – and the rest is history. Religion is doing what it is so good at when a state fails to distance itself and falls into its trap: It is then free to bring insanity, evil, racism, religious supremacy, unbridled passion, murder and rot.

Once, not too long ago, there was still a chance to stop it. No more. Many thought we could control it. Many others erred by underestimating its strength. Many more don’t understand even today where it is leading us. Now it’s too late. We can no longer prevent it from completing its mission. It's about religion, not real estate. Religion only, not nationalism. Real estate and nationalism are at the service of faith, not the other way around.

Twitterinnlegg av 25. april 2022 til MIFF ... hvor er det blitt av?

Twitterinnlegg av 25. april 2022  ... hvor er det blitt av?

Følgende Twittermelding la jeg inn 25. april:

"Jan Marton Jensen @janmarton 13 t  

Conrad, re your retweet of David Collier:
From an interview: “Israel and the Jewish People are caught up in a wider battle for the future of the Western world,” Collier says.
What world view is this?
Perhaps Conrad or Collier can explain? 


Dette innlegget har det skjedd noe med.
Nå finnes det bare under "statistikk".
Hva kan årsaken være?
Har noen sørget for å "parkere" det?

Det virker ikke som mottakerne vil svare.
Men har de muligheter til å gjøre mer enn det? 

Noen som vet?

Skudeneshavn  26. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

29. april 2022
Innlegget dukket opp igjen  ... hvor har det vært i mellomtiden?
Her er det:



lørdag 23. april 2022

Advokat Muhammad Assaf skutt av IDF - To versjoner av samme drap

Informasjon gitt av IDF:
"A military statement on West Bank operations on Wednesday said an "armed suspect" was hit near Nablus. It was unclear whether it was referring to Assaf."
(Reuters 13. april 2022)

Gravejournalister i Haaretz:
"An Israeli Soldier Opened Fire From a Moving Jeep, Killing a Lawyer Taking Kids to School"
(Haaretz 23. april 2022)

Tydeligvis er en uskyldig palestiner skutt uten grunn.
IDF-soldaten som skjøt fra en bil i fart vet hvorfor han skjøt.
Hva sier han?
Og hva sier ... og hva gjør ... ledelsen i IDF?


Skudeneshavn  23. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



13. april 2022

tirsdag 19. april 2022

Palestinsk pressefotograf får erstatning 5 år etter at han ble skutt på av bosetter

Israel Recognizes Settler Shooting of Palestinian Photographer as Nationalistic Crime

Press photographer Majdi Shtayyeh, who was shot while covering a 2017 demonstration in Nablus for the Associated Press, will receive one-time compensation from Israel's Defense Ministry
(Haaretz 19. april 2022)

En bosetter fra  Itamar  ved Nablus kjørte ned palestinere i 2017 og skjøt mot dem etterpå.
En ung palestiner ble drept  og en pressefotograf skadet i hånda av flere skudd.
IDF og Israelsk militærpoliti undersøkte saken ... men bosetteren gikk fri.
5 år senere ...nå i 2022 får pressefotografen oppreising.
Han matte gå til sak og det er avgjørelsen her som nå foreligger.

Saken viser i klartekst hvordan IDF og israelsk militærpoliti opererer.
Ingenting utført av voldelige bosettere virker være straffbart.

I kommentarene under artikkelen er det klar melding om den forskjellsbehandling som skjer straffemessig avhengig av om en er israel eller er palestiner.

HELE artikkelen nedenfor her. 
Den er verdt å lese i sin helhet.
Samt en ytring fra en kommentaror ved navn Liz.

Skudeneshavn    19. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



19. april 2022


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 19. april 2022

Israel Recognizes Settler Shooting of Palestinian Photographer as Nationalistic Crime

Press photographer Majdi Shtayyeh, who was shot while covering a 2017 demonstration in Nablus for the Associated Press, will receive one-time compensation from Israel's Defense Ministry


Palestinian press photographer Majdi Shtayyeh after being shot in the West Bank, in 2017.
Palestinian press photographer Majdi Shtayyeh after being shot in the West Bank, in 2017. 

Israel's Defense Ministry recognized last month a Palestinian photographer shot five years ago by a West Bank Jewish settler as a victim of a nationalistic crime, meaning committed out of political motives.

The Associated Press photographer, Majdi Shtayyeh, was shot in the hand while photographing a demonstration by Palestinians near Hawara in the Nablus area of the West Bank.

The Defense Ministry’s determination will entitle Shtayyeh to one-time compensation based on the degree of disability that he experienced. That is to be determined by a medical committee from Israel’s National Insurance Institute.

The 2017 incident occurred when a Jewish settler – from the West Bank outpost of Itamar – drove toward a Palestinian demonstration  before accelerating and running over several of the protesters. In response, they began throwing stones at him.

Majdi Shtayyeh after being shot.
Majdi Shtayyeh after being shot. 

The settler then drew a weapon and shot at them numerous times right before an Israeli army jeep arrived on the scene. The protesters began to evacuate but the settler stood by his car, next to the Israeli troops and began shooting at them.

Shtayyeh was covering the demonstration for the Associated Press. While holding a camera, he was wearing a protective vest with the word “press” and a helmet bearing the abbreviation AP. He began moving away from the settler’s car when the shooting started. 

Shtayyeh was standing about 20 meters (66 feet) from the car and was attempting to photograph the incident. While his back was to the car, he was shot in his hand and seriously wounded in three fingers. A 23-year-old Palestinian resident of Beita, standing next to him, was shot and killed. 

Following the incident, the Israeli Police and military began investigating, taking eyewitness accounts, including the settler’s testimony. However, no conviction of wrongdoing nor charges were filed against him. 

The photographer then sued the Defense Ministry, seeking recognition as a victim of a nationalistically motivated crime. Last month, years later, a committee with representatives from the Defense, the Justice, the interior, and finance ministries issued a decision granting his request.

 The Israeli law on compensation for victims of hostile acts applies to Israeli citizens and residents of Israel. It provides a monthly benefit based on the degree of the victim’s disability. But, there is a separate compensation system for Palestinians from the West Bank, providing for one-time payments. It is through this system that Shtayyeh’s will receive the compensation.

“I am pleased that at least recognizing Shtayyeh as a victim [of a nationalist act] will do justice to him that will permit him to rehabilitate his hand,” said Eitay Mack, his lawyer.

The Defense Ministry said that once Shtayyeh’s degree of disability is determined, the interministerial committee will decide on the amount of the compensation.


Kommentar fra Liz:

"One killed, one wounded and what happened to the Jewish terrorist? He was not charged, retained his freedom and is probably heralded as a hero by equally maniacal settlers and benefits from the funding and political power bestowed on the settlers by successive Israeli governments! Of course, if the tables had been reversed and it was a Palestinian, Israeli Jews would have seen he served a long term in prison, condemned Abbas for giving funds to his family and viewed it as ‘look what Israel as victim has to endure’, demolished his family’s home. The stench created by Israel’s supremacist behaviour is overpowering. These episodes should be completely unacceptable except to a lunatic fringe of the Jewish community. Unfortunately this is not the case or things would be different. "


torsdag 14. april 2022

Oslo: Ny plan begrenser tomteutnyttelse og sikrer småhus-bebyggelse med hage

Oslo er i ferd med å lage nye bestemmelser for hvor tett det skal bygges.
Man vil sikre småhusbebyggelse og hager:

"Ny plan begrenser utnyttelsen radikalt"

"Ny småhusplan er ute på høring. Nå blir det mindre å hente for eplehageutbyggere."

"OSLO: Plan- og bygningsetaten har sendt forslag til ny småhusplan ut på høring. Det mest radikale ved dette er at tomtens utnyttelsesgrad blir redusert fra 24 til 16 prosent og at minste tillatte tomtestørrelse er 600 m2 for hver boenhet. I tillegg får trær og vegetasjon et større vern sammen med at eksisterende bebyggelse får et større vern. Samtidig åpner byrådet for å bygge høyere ved knutepunkter."  (se Kilde).

Minste tomtestørrelse er 600 m2
Høyhusbegyggelse søkes lagt til "knutepunkter"

Skudeneshavn   14. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



6. april 2022

Ukrainas forventninger til Israel pr 14. april 2022

 Artikkel i Haaretz 14. april 2022

"Israeli Mediation No Substitute for Aid in Russia’s ‘Phase of Destruction,’ Ukrainian FM Says" 

Ukrainas utenriksminsiter blir intervjuet.
Han forventer av Israel:
- Medfølelse
- Våpen

Den første kommentar under artikkelen:

"Israel is unfit to mediate. Indeed, it would be a better idea for it to get serious about resolving its own conflict with the Palestinians,
instead of continuing to violate international laws."

Det er en rar situasjon når to nasjoner som begge bryter internasjonal lov skal være de som forhandler med Ukraina.


Skudeneshavn  14. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

14. april 2022

14. april 2022 



14. april 2022

tirsdag 12. april 2022

- "Israel Prevented 15 Terror Attacks, but How Many Did It Cause?"

 Interessant artikkel i Haaretz 12. april 2022:

- "Israel Prevented 15 Terror Attacks, but How Many Did It Cause?" 

Myndighetene i Israel angir hvor mange terror-angrep man nylig har stanset.
Skribenten spør hvor mange kommende terror-angrep har man skapt?

Og så går han grundig gjennom alle de prøvelser og ydmykelser som  palestinerne utsettes for under den brutale okkupasjonen ... og som vil ha påvirkning på menneskene der.

HELE artikkelen nedenfor her.
Skribenten er klar på hva han mener om IDF's oppførsel.

Skudeneshavn   12.april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



12.april 2022

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 12. april 2022:

Israel Prevented 15 Terror Attacks, but How Many Did It Cause?


Israeli forces at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem at an event marking the beginning of the month of Ramadan in April
Israeli forces at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem at an event marking the beginning of the month of Ramadan in AprilCredit: Ohad Zwigenberg

The story is always the same: Following a bloody terror attack, the prime minister, defense minister and chief of staff stand before the microphones and proudly announce how many terror attacks had been prevented in the weeks leading up to the attack that was not prevented.

The nation should know that its guardians are as alert as ever, and that it’s just that the terrorists refuse to cooperate with Israel’s deterrence and counterterrorism efforts.

It was the same last week. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett declared that 15 attacks had been prevented, Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi spoke of “at least 10” and Defense Minister Benny Gantz touted 200 arrests, and promised he was ready to make thousands. This is all very impressive, but one statistic was not relayed to the public for some reason, namely how many attacks were caused by all these mighty efforts to thwart, prevent and deter.

The attackers don’t set out to do harm just out of boredom. And, contrary to popular belief, they are not determined to wipe out the entire Jewish people, just like the fighters of the Jewish pre-state militias were not out to wipe out the entire British people, Algeria’s FLN had no intentions of exterminating the French people and French Resistance fighters had no intention of finishing off each and every German.

All of the above committed attacks because they were occupied, because their liberty and their rights had been stolen from them, because they had been severely abused by the occupiers’ acts of prevention and deterrence.

For example, think of the common Israeli practice of raiding homes in the middle of the night, pulling youngsters out of their beds, beating them up and handing them over to investigators who threaten them and put them through the wringer. How many terror attacks has this practice prevented and how many has it given rise to?

Or the lovely custom of demolishing the homes of innocent people because someone in the family was involved in a terror attack. This surely deters people. But how many of them will decide to pick up a kitchen knife and avenge the family that was left homeless?

And the regular abuses by the local “captain” of those subject to his arbitrary authority, how many attacks have they foiled and how many have they caused?

And the humiliation of parents in front of their children, and the serial theft of land for punks from the settlements, and the blackmailing of those seeking medical treatment so they’ll act as collaborators, and the denial of work permits, the negation of any chance of a decent life, the endless abuse at the checkpoints, the torture in the interrogation rooms and the dozens of bodies that were taken from their families and kept in refrigerators (Punishment? Evil? Bargaining material? The devil only knows). Not to mention the appalling ease with which killing is done, as if this was just bird-hunting. How many attacks has the aggregation of all these things prevented, and how many has it wrought?

Logic therefore requires that, whenever the politicians laud the number of attacks that have been prevented, the public should also be informed about the other side of the coin. It could go something like this: “In the past few months, the security forces prevented 18 terror attacks, and created pretexts for 179 new terror attacks. Five of those occurred this month. A statement will be made about the other attacks after they are committed.”

This is precisely the trap for every occupier: The more actions it takes “to thwart, prevent and deter,” the more pretexts for attacks these actions create. And the more attacks there are, the more the efforts to thwart, prevent and deter increase. So it goes ad nauseam, until the occupation ends or catastrophe occurs.

Once upon a time, years ago, there was one way out of this vicious cycle – through genocide, as the Spaniards committed with the Aztecs and Incas, the Americans with the Native Americans and the Australians with the Aborigines. To the dismay of many Israelis, this method is no longer in fashion. It has lost its charm. What a shame our current occupation didn’t happen back in the days of Yehoshua Bin-Nun.

Ukraina : Korrupsjon og drapsforsøk - Og PwC bannlyst av Ukrainas sentralbank

En samling dokumemtasjon av mulig korrupsjon i Ukraina.
Det gjelder hva som skjedde i banksektoren der.

Stikkord: Privatbank, Kolomoisky og Ukrainas sentralbank og PwC

Her kommer diverse oppslag. Det innledes med mulig drapsforsøk i London:

NY Times 19.jan.2020
“Giuliani flying in — rather than fighting corruption, he was supporting and meeting with all of the past corrupt people,” said Valeria Gontareva, the former head of Ukraine’s central bank."

"It is possible that when a car drove into Valeria Gontareva at a pedestrian crossing in Knightsbridge, central London, in late August it was merely an accident.
But soon after, while Gontareva was recovering in hospital, her son’s car was set on fire back home in Kyiv. A few days after that, her family home in the Ukrainian capital was also burned down. For Gontareva there is no doubt that the attacks are part of a disturbing pattern."

"Since Zelenskiy’s election, Kolomoiskiy has returned to Ukraine, amid rumours he is seeking a financial settlement for the PrivatBank case, and international investors have been spooked by Zelenskiy appointing a number of Kolomoiskiy-linked figures to key posts, including making the oligarch’s former lawyer, Andriy Bohdan, his chief of staff." 

NY Times 5. mars 2021: Biden setter inn sanksjoner
"U.S. Sanctions Key Ukrainian Oligarch"

NY Times 3. nov 2019:
"In 2017, Mr. Kolomoisky went into self-imposed exile in Switzerland and then Israel after the government seized his prize asset, Privatbank, and accused him of embezzling billions of dollars. He returned to Ukraine this year after the comic Volodymyr Zelensky, a former business partner of the oligarch, won the presidential election in April.

OCCRP 7. august 2020
"US Targets Property Linked to Multi-Billion PrivatBank Scandal"
"The $5.5 billion hole in PrivatBank’s balance sheet was also not reported by its auditor, PwC – one of the world’s largest accountancy firms – which was banned by Ukraine’s central bank from performing future audits in the country."

12. april 2022
PwC ble bannlyst av Ukrainas sentralbank i 2020 for mangelfull revisjon av Privatbank.
Og så er PwC i søkelyset nå i april 2022 for sin hjelp til russiske oligarker, ref mitt innlegg av 11. april 2022:

"PwC har bidratt til gjemsel av oligarkenes midler - Reform av eierskapsform for revisjonsselskaper må til"


Skudeneshavn  4. april 2021 / 12. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

14. april 2022


7. mars 2021

5. mars 2021
7. august 2020

19. januar 2020

13. november 2019

12. november 2019

13. september 2019 

26. mai 2019

mandag 11. april 2022

PwC har bidratt til gjemsel av oligarkenes midler - Reform av eierskapsform for revisjonsselskaper må til

Nye Pandora-lekkasjer viser hvordan PwC, et av verdens største revisjonsselskaper, har vært konstruktøren av russiske oligarkers oppbygging av hemmelige selskaper i skatteparadiser, der eierstruktur er skjult best mulig:

"The oligarch’s accountants: How PwC helped a Russian steel baron grow his offshore empire."
(ICIJ 11. april 2022, se Kilde)

Nok en gang er de store revisjonsselskapene i søkelyset for dubiøs moral.

Der er noe grunnleggende feil med eierstrukturen i disse selskapene.
Det er lønnsomt for partnerne å strekke grensene ... av grådighet og med tvilsom etikk.

Dette er bidrag til korrupsjon ... og dette vet ledelsen i selskapene.
Men de bryr seg lite.

Søkelyset må settes mer på av mediene.
Og lovregulering vurderes mht til akseptabel eierstruktur som gir åpenhet og ansvar.


Jeg har tidligere skrevet om dette i et innlegg fra 2018:

"Når vokterne må voktes" (11. juni 2018).

Pandora Papers har tydelig bekreftet behovet for lovregulering som  gir åpenhet om det som skjer i disse store selskapene.

EDIT 10. juli 2023:
1) Skandale i Autralia der PWC har misbrukt fortrolig informasjon til å rådgi selskaper til å unngå skatt, se Reuters-artikkel under Ny Info.

2) Artikkel i Dagsavisen 10. juli 2023: "Putin, skatteparadisa og vi", se Ny Info.

Det er tydelig hvilken destruktiv rolle skatterådgivere, advokater og konsulentfirmaer kan ha.
Mer fokus må til, slik som artikkelen i Dagsavisen 10. juli 2023, som konkluderer:
"Men fyrst trengst det eit haldningsskifte i diskusjonen om skatt og openheit. Er ein opptatt av å styrke demokrati, bør det å bekjempe skatteparadis tufta på hemmeleghald bli sett som det det eigentleg er – sikkerheitspolitikk."

Skudeneshavn  11. april 2022  /  10. juli 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
11. april 2022

12. april 2022 

16. juli 2023

Ny Info:
10. juli 2023

3. juli 2023

11. april 2022

fredag 8. april 2022

Regeringskrise i Israel - Er løsningen å angripe Iran?

Det er blitt regjeringskrise i Israel.
Da  anbefaler en israelsk "strategisk rådgiver" å angripe Iran:

"On Wednesday, Moshe Klughaft, who has worked as a strategic adviser for both Netanyahu and Bennett, was interviewed on Army Radio. Asked what he would recommend to Bennett under the new circumstances, he replied without hesitation: Attack Iran."  (Haaretz 8. april 2022).

Hva skal man si til dette?
Og hvem skal si det?

Skudeneshavn  8. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

8. april 2022



8. april 2022

Arbeidet med Samfunnsplan 2021-2030 for Karmøy bør diskuteres og evalueres

Behandlingen av den foreslåtte nye samfunnsplan for Karmøy for årene 2021-2030 ble utsatt i Karmøy kommunestyremøte 4. april.
Det var to angitte årsaker:
- Melding om flere tusen nye planlagte arbeidsplasser på Gismarvik i Haugaland Næringspark.
- Usikkerhet om foreliggende plan hadde politisk flertall i kommunestyret.

Forut for den politiske behandlingen i kommunen ble det stort engasjement og deler av planen fikk justert innhold og ordlyd. Allikevel må man spørre seg hvorfor det gikk som det gikk.

Om dette har jeg gitt en kommentar i Haugersunds Avis den 5. april 2022.
Her er min kommentar til et innlegg der fra Hein Berdinesen den 4.april 2022, se Kilde.

"Den nye samfunnsplanen for Karmøy har betydelige svakheter.

Den fremstår i form så "overordnet" .... at virkeligheten er blitt underordnet.

Dette vises tydeligst av det samfunnsplanen IKKE behandler grundig ... eller ikke i det hele tatt.
Bærekraftsmessig er Haugesund nærmeste by for Fastlandssiden i Karmøy.
Å ta opp dette konkret ville vært naturlig både FAGLIG ... og ikke minst POLITISK.

Og så er det i planen ikke belyst alternative scenarier ut fra Karmøys største satsing næringslivsmessig: Haugaland Næringspark på Gismarvik.
Det er som om Karmøys satsing her har vært  en ikke-sak.

Så å si 1 minutt på tolv ble nyheten om batterifabrikk og flere tusen nye industriplasser på Gismarvik saken som ga utsettelse av behandling av samfunnsplanen i kommunestyret idag. - En slik mulighet skulle vært behandlet i samfunnsplanen som et mulig utfall, gitt satsingen.

Nå blir både nye arbeidsplasser og ikke minst Karmøysamfunnets fysiske nærhet til Gismarvik et naturlig tema.
Det vil  ha betydning både for samfunnsplanen og for arealstrategien.

Derfor var det godt at det nå blir tid til å rette opp de svakheter som samfunnsplanen har hatt. - Det er alltid positivt når virkeligheten innhenter teorien."
Man bør trekke lærdom både faglig og politisk av denne prosessen.
Da må diskusjonen og vurderingene fortsette saklig. 
Både forarbeidet, planleggingen, organiseringen og gjennomføringen av prosessen bør evalueres.
Slik at man raskt høster lærdom til det videre arbeid.
Og til neste planprosess.

Skudeneshavn   8. april 2022

Jan Marton Jensen



6. april 2022

4. april 2022


tirsdag 5. april 2022

Okkupasjon korrumperer okkupanten

B. Michael peker i et innlegg i Haaretz den 5. april på hvordan langvarig okkupasjon påvirker okkupanten:

"There Is No Such Thing as a Free Occupation, nor Even a Cheap One" 

 Han konkluderer:

"I remember a country in which all of the above had not yet become yawn-inducing routine.
A country that had not yet been corrupted or turned ugly, losing its soul and conscience. A country that had some chance of being normal and humane. This chance was also taken away by the occupation."


Skudeneshavn  5. april 2022   / 10 mai 2023

Jan Marton Jensen 

På Twitter:
11. mai 2023

Ny info:
10. mai 2023


5. april 2022 

18. mars 2022

5. januar 2012


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 5. april 2022:

There Is No Such Thing as a Free Occupation, nor Even a Cheap One 

Israeli soldiers take part in a raid in Ramallah, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank April 1, 2022.
Israeli soldiers take part in a raid in Ramallah, in the Israeli-occupied West Bank April 1, 2022.  
Credit: REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman

"Waves, being waves, pretty much repeat themselves. Sometimes they’re high, sometimes low. Sometimes fierce, sometimes gentle. Sometimes gladdening, sometimes wistful. At this very moment, yet another wave is washing over us.

It, like all the waves that came before and all the ones to follow, carries with it all the usual components: blood, death, bravery, burial. Deep shock, photogenic shock, resolute leaders, furrowed brows, orchestrated hysteria, a rising and howling rabble. All-day special programming that manages to make even grief and death boring. Herds of hosts who call for censure to prove their patriotism to their public.

Cliches at cemeteries, promises at press conferences. Mobilization of reserve soldiers, “heightened presence,” a show of elite forces. And of course a motley crew of retired generals is brought out of mothballs and given protected tenancy status at the TV studios, where they fill the airwaves with the same pearls of wisdom that got us to where we are today.

This goes on until the all-clear signal. Until routine is resumed. Until the next wave. This is what we’ve grown accustomed to over the past 55 years, convincing ourselves that this is the full cost of the occupation: a few people killed every year, a few days of fear and commotion, and that’s it. Not so terrible. We can live with that.

But there’s no such thing as a free occupation, nor even a cheap one. To correctly determine the full, cumulative cost of the occupation, it’s not enough to price out only current events. One has to drag in the past as well. Those who are old enough can rummage through their memories.

I am old enough. I remember, for example, the first television story (was it by Rafik Halabi?) about an olive tree the Israel Defense Forces had removed in the occupied West Bank. What a commotion it stirred up! It can’t be. That’s impossible, it’s wild slander. “Our army doesn’t uproot trees,” said people shaken by the news. The reporter was almost fired.

I also remember the first time live gunfire was directed at protesters. The first person wounded. The first one killed. I remember the days when the earth quaked when private Palestinian land was stolen by cunning to serve the pagan whim of settlers. I remember a country in which there was no torture (at least not officially), a country in which the army spokesman occasionally spoke the truth. A country that prided itself on its oranges, and not on “stripping” the fertile land of the vanquished and manufacturing weapons of mass destruction and oppressing all who are needy.

I can still remember a country that didn’t have a ghetto for millions of prisoners, as well as millions of disenfranchised people. A country whose army was not an occupying police and whose “armed forces” had not become the suffocating arms of an octopus. That did not brutalize tens of thousands of people daily, that did not compile hit lists or have “target banks.” That did not steal water from the thirsty or demolish the homes of the destitute. That did not deploy legions of sharpshooters to kneecap teens. That did not turn a blind eye to pogrom gangs and in which the Smotriches and Ben-Gvirs were reviled.

I remember a country in which all of the above had not yet become yawn-inducing routine. A country that had not yet been corrupted or turned ugly, losing its soul and conscience. A country that had some chance of being normal and humane. This chance was also taken away by the occupation."