mandag 26. juli 2021

NSO spionvare brukt i India mot kritikere av Modi

I det såkalte "verdens største demokrati" India er en kritiker av Modi råket av NSO-skandalen
Swati Chaturvedi sin artikkel om dette i Haaretz 25. juli er skremmende lesning.
Her må norske UD følge med  i timen ... og reagere.
Og også øke presset mot NSO og israelske myndigheter.

Dette er så avorlig at en internasjonal gruppe av land bør ta føringen med både avdekking av NSO-saken og med mulige tiltak. - Her kan Norge lede an.


Skudeneshavn  26. juli 2021

Jan Marton jensen



HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 25. juli 2021:

I Was Targeted by NSO Spyware. Here's How Israel Is Helping Modi Undermine India's Democracy  
Swati Chaturvedi  
July 25, 2021
From trolls to NSO: India's ruling party already uses troll farms to shut up critics, to threaten rape and death, to incite against the Muslim community. But for PM Modi, that clearly wasn't enough
From trolls to NSO: India's ruling party already uses troll farms to shut up critics, to threaten rape and death, to incite against the Muslim community. But for PM Modi, that clearly wasn't enough Adnan Abidi/ REUTERS

India loves to describe herself as the world’s largest democracy, and Israel as the only democracy in the Middle East. Yet opaque officials and executives in both countries have come together in a dark dance against democracy.

Indian journalists, top political leaders, judges and civil servants sworn to protect our constitution were subjected to an intrusive surveillance campaign, a "hijacking" of our phones, by military grade surveillance spyware sold by the Israeli company NSO.

I am an investigative journalist, and for two years, I was one of the targets of that invasive Pegasus spyware. In other words, for two years, aided by Israeli technology, my own government was snooping on me.

The spyware called Pegasus is marketed for use against terrorists and drug lords. It is so powerful and intrusive that it is sold only to governments, according to NSO, and every sale requires a sign off from the government of Israel itself. And according to Forbidden Stories, the not-for-profit media organization that, in partnership with a consortium of global publications, broke the story about the reach and misuse of the spyware, once the spyware was deployed our phones were, in effect, weaponized against us.

So why did the Modi government decide to treat me like the head of a crime syndicate, or a bloodthirsty terrorist?

Swati Chaturvedi: I'm an independent journalist, without any institutional security. I put my family, my loved ones, in danger every time I expose a wrongdoing tied to India’s power centers. And the Modi government is unforgiving
Swati Chaturvedi: I'm an independent journalist with no institutional security. I put my my loved ones in danger each time I expose wrongdoing in India’s elite. And the Modi government is unforgivingSwati Chaturvedi

Since Narendra Modi came to power in 2014 he, like many strongman leaders around the world, has treated the free press with disdain bordering on contempt. During the seven years Modi has been in power (he’s now in his second term) he has never once held a press conference. This is a first in the history of India's democracy: all prime ministers before him made themselves available for scrutiny by the free press.

In many ways, Modi was a trendsetter in using social media, bypassing traditional media, to reach out to voters and control the political narrative, first as the state of Gujarat’s Chief Minister and later as candidate for the premiership. Yet the same pioneering spirit led to a deeply problematic usage of Twitter which has outsize political influence in India, with a user base and reach estimated at between 18 million and 100 million.

Starting in 2014, I and other journalists were savagely trolled for asking question (our job) about the government’s policies and behavior. Women journalists in particular were targeted: we were sent rape threats, pornographic pictures and subjected to vile slander about "affairs" with opposition leaders. Our "rates" as prostitutes were discussed.

As an investigative journalist, the only way I could to retaliate against this daily, horrific abuse was to investigate it. I delved into the Bharatiya Janata Party’s social media operations for two years, turned an abusive troll into a source, and discovered that the party in power was paying to have dissenting citizens targeted for abusive and concerted pile-ons.

Congress workers in Kolkata shout slogans during a protest against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Pegasus spyware scandal last week
Congress workers in Kolkata shout slogans during a protest against Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Pegasus spyware scandal last weekDIBYANGSHU SARKAR - AFP

The result of my work was a book, "I am a Troll: Inside the BJP’s Secret Digital Army," which established incontrovertibly that BJP-directed trolls, called yodhas (warriors) attacked all critics of Modi in a synchronized fashion, and that the ruling party used troll farms to shut up critics.

The trolls pushed rape and death threats, as well as communal incitement against India’s Muslim community to incite riots. From inflaming rioters using fake news to organizing boycott campaigns against Bollywood movie actors like Aamir Khan (who, together with his wife, Kiran Rao, had expressed alarm at rising intolerance in India, and was then accused by the BJP of participating in a "political conspiracy to defame India"), the trolls did it all.

Modi even outplayed Donald Trump’s worst Twitter excesses: he openly followed the trolls responsible for threatening violence and rape and participated in incitement too. One troll followed by Modi celebrated the cold-blooded murder of journalist Gauri Lankesh in September 2107 by tweeting: "A bitch has died and her puppies are crying." Despite the justified outrage, Modi has yet to unfollow a single abusive Twitter account.

Perhaps it was my book, which won a Reporters without Borders prize for courage, triggered the Modi government’s decision to hack my phone. Perhaps it was the investigative stories about disturbing conflicts of interests in his party and government, or the reporting on allegations of corruption relating to the multibillion dollar deal for French Rafale fighter jets, which made the government decide I should be treated like a terrorist.

I would love to say that, having won a prize for courageous reporting, I indeed have indomitable courage in my everyday life. But I am an independent journalist, without any institutional security. I put my family, my loved ones, even my dogs at risk every time I expose a wrong doing connected to India’s power centers.

The Modi government is unforgiving. I have had job offers dry up, my government accreditation withdrawn, a talk I was to give in a foreign embassy canceled, repeated ad unfounded harassment by the tax authorities, and a social media profile contaminated by slander and defamation.

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) supporters wear masks depicting Prime Minister Narendra Modi as they gather for a rally addressed by Modi ahead of West Bengal state elections in Kolkata, India earlier this year
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) supporters wear masks depicting Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a rally addressed by Modi ahead of West Bengal state elections in Kolkata, India earlier this yearBikas Das,AP

I am passionate about my job but I did not sign up for this kind of intimidation – or this kind of intrusive surveillance. When my phone’s microphone and camera could be remotely controlled to invade my own privacy and that of my loved ones; where I have to consider the grotesque idea that even the privacy of my own bedroom could have become gratuitous viewing for those spying on me.

I still get chills thinking about the independent forensic analysis which revealed that an earlier phone of mine was infected with Pegasus, and my current phone also showed infected logs. The outrage, the incredible hurt, that your own country did this to you, hits you each day afresh. I broke down and cried when I told my father about the surveillance. I wanted to be comforted for what had been done to me.

I will never give up being an investigative journalist. And I think only cowards, drunk on such absolute power, act in such paranoid ways. I also wonder what on earth has happened to my own country’s national security priorities. Surely China, which has intruded into our sovereign territory, would have been a worthy target for my government, not me.

The abuse of spyware has gone viral in the Indian government. It is perpetrator, judge and jury. Forensic investigation has revealed that malware was planted in activists’ computers, which then became the evidence to hold them in jail without bail under draconian anti-terror laws. I still get nightmares thinking the government could have used Pegasus to plant such malware in my phone and put me in prison, and I would have had no recourse.

A man walks past the logo of Israeli cyber firm NSO Group at one of its branches in the Arava desert, southern Israel
A man walks past the logo of Israeli cyber firm NSO Group at one of its branches in the Arava desert, southern Israel AMIR COHEN/ REUTERS

And I am angry at the Israeli government for licensing such a reckless sale of spyware that so obviously invites weaponization and abuse by a government in India that can fairly be described as embracing digital authoritarianism. Why is Israel’s NSO group allowed to get away with, allegedly, offering its clients around the world the possibility of targeting more than 50,000 phones, including 300 in India?

The truth is very different from the high-minded talk coming from NSO, that its advanced spyware is a path for progress against drastic national security threats and crime.

The toxic cyberweapon they sell, and the shadowy, implausible process they, and the Israeli government, follow to ensure it is not abused, have created for authoritarian leaders a vector for surveillance, the invasion of privacy, the intimidation and prosecution of the free press and even, in the wrong hands, murder.

For the sake of its relations with the democracy camp in India and around the world, Israel needs to shut down NSO and companies like it.

Swati Chaturvedi is an award-winning print and broadcast journalist. She regularly contributes investigative stories and analysis to and Gulf News, and is a frequent political commentator on television. She is the author of "I am a Troll: Inside the BJP’s Secret Digital Army" (2016). Twitter: @bainjal

søndag 18. juli 2021

Israelske Pegasus spionvare brukt mot 180 journalister

18. juli 2021
En analyse kalt "The Pegasus Project" har funnet at det israelske spionsystemet "Pegasus" fra leverandøren NSO har vist omfattende misbruk mot journalister verden rundt:

"NSO's Pegasus: The Israeli Cyber Weapon Oppressive Regimes Used Against 180 Journalists"

Undertrykkende regimer har her fått et verktøy til å spionere på kritiske røster.
Og som kjnet gikk Saudi Arabia så langt at de drepte og parterte Khashoggi i Tyrkia

Her følger noen tidligere hendelser relatert til NSO:

14. jan 2020  Amnesty
Israel: Stop NSO Group exporting spyware to human rights abusers

16. jan 2020
Sak i Israel om NSO Groups eksporttillatelse ... lukkes selv om Amnesty ønsker den åpen

University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab has linked NSO’s cellphone hacking software, Pegasus, to tracking human rights activists in Saudi Arabis, Mexico and the United Arab Emirates.

In October, Facebook, through its WhatsApp subsidiary, sued NSO in a US federal court in California, alleging it illegally hacked the phones of around 1,400 users on four continents.



Presset mot leverandøren NSO Group  må økes.
Og mot de israelske myndighetene som godkjenner salgene til undertrykkende regimer.

3. november 2021: 
USA svartelister NSO.
28. januar 2022: 
Artikkel i NY Times og Haaretz. Netanyahu har personlig gjenåpnet NSO-lisensen til Saudi-Arabia (lisensen var inndradd etter likvideringen av Khashoggi).


Skudeneshavn  18. juli 2021 / 3. november 2021 / 28. januar 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
25. juli 2021
3. november 2021

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28. januar 2022

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16, januar 2020 

14. januar 2020

13. mai 2019 

søndag 11. juli 2021

Aaron David Miller om Clintons mislykkede Camp David-forhandlinger: "Lost in the Woods: A Camp David Retrospective"

Aaron David Miller har deltatt som Israel/Palestina-ekspert for flere amerikanske presidenter.
Han deltok i Clintons mislykkede Camp David-forhandlinger  ... og har klare meninger om hvorfor det gikk galt.

Millers artikkel fra 2020 er klargjørende (se hele artikkelen under Lenke)
"Lost in the Woods: A Camp David Retrospective"
"Twenty years after Camp David, a one-time negotiator reflects on what was achieved at the historic presidential summit."

Han er tydelig på den grunnleggende svikt var at USA ved Clinton var Israels advokat.
Det ble ikke tatt nok hensyn til begge parter ... slik Carter gjorde i sin tid  ... og Carter fikk det til.

Skudeneshavn  11. juli 2021

Jan Marton Jensen



7. juli 2021 Debattinnlegg i Aftenposten av Lars Gule
Se under Kommentarer ... der har jeg vist til Aarin David Miller: "Lost in the Woods ...."

13. juli 2020 

23. mai 2005


onsdag 7. juli 2021

"MIFF informerer" ... Og så er det juks og bedrag!

MIFF har laget ny "faktaside" om bosettinger.
Direkte feil og mangler i "informasjonen" har jeg påpekt i flere Twittermeldinger.  
Feilinformasjonen er bevisst.
Det er derfor dette er så farlig for Israels omdømme.
Man kan ikke forsvare Israel med info som er  .... juks og bedrag.
Det graverende er at MIFF ekspanderer med samme etiske plattform til Danmark og Sverige.
Da lekes det både  med Israels og Norges omdømme.
Nedenfor her er mine Twittermeldinger den 6. juli 2021: 
Min Twittermelding nr 1 den 6. juli 2021
"MIFF har en ny "faktaside", kalt "Hva du trenger å vite om israelske bosetninger". MEN "informasjonen" er ren propaganda. Og fakta er UTELATT, som at domstolene ICJ og ICC har en mening om saken. Conrad, dette ville stått til stryk i enhver historieprøve. Juks og bedrag!"


Min Twittermelding nr 2 den 6. juli 2021

"Juks og bedrag er også MIFFs info om det areal bosettingene beslaglegger på Vestbredden. Det virkelige arealbeslaget er noe helt annet og fremgår av B'Tselems ferske rapport: Bevisst desinformasjon fra Conrad som kjenner fakta/B'Tselem-rapporten."


Skudeneshavn  7. juli 2021

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

6. juli 2021
6. juli 2021
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21. juni 2022
21. juni 2022
22. juni 2022
23. juni 2022

mandag 5. juli 2021

KLP ut av flere israelske selskaper - MIFF i strupen på KLP-ansatt

KLP har valgt å følge opp sitt etiske regelverk og selger seg ut av flere  selskaper som bidrar til livet i de ulovlige bosettingene på Vestbredden. 
FN har tidligere utgitt en liste over slike selskaper.
KLP baserer seg på denne listen ... og er mer prinsippiell enn Oljefondet ... ved også å gå ut av tele-selskaper og banker som betjener bosetterne.
MIFFs Conrad Myrland velger personangrep i en slik situasjon.
Han går i strupen på en KLP-ansatt.
Som om dette var en enkeltpersons beslutning.
Mens det er ledelsen/styret i Norges største pensjonsselskap som nå tar investeringsetikk alvorlig.
Det bør være en vekker for MIFFs styre at selskaper som KLP er opptatt av etikk.
Mens for MIFFs operative leder Conrad Myrland er det motsatt ... der er det personangrep som gjelder.
Skudeneshavn  5. juli 2021
Jan Marton Jensen
På Twitter:
5. juli 2021
5. juli 2021
5. juli 2021