lørdag 28. oktober 2023

Israel og USA angriper AlJazeera

20. oktober
Times of Israel

"Israel approves emergency regulations that could pave way to closing Al Jazeera offices"


27. oktober
The Guardian

"US asks Qatar to ‘turn down the volume’ of Al Jazeera news coverage"

"Secretary of state Antony Blinken made request of Qatari prime minister Sheikh Mohammed during frantic trip to Doha"

 Den 25. oktober ble familien til AlJazeeras journalist bombet og drept.


Mine Twittermeldinger nedenfor.


Skudeneshavn  28. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

25. oktober

25. oktober

25. oktober

26. oktober

27. oktober

27. oktober 2023

20. oktober


onsdag 25. oktober 2023

Gaza: Aftenpostens leder 24.10.23 - Og mine kommentarer

 Aftenposten har denne lederartikkelen 24. oktober 2023:

Dagens lederartikkel

"Israel bør lytte til advarsler fra sine venner"

"Hamas må slås ned, men sivile palestinere må skjermes.

En bakkeinvasjon av Gaza blir en humanitær katastrofe."


Min kommentar til denne lederartikkel i Aftenposten:

Jan Marton Jensen
for 18 minutter siden

"Aftenpostens leder har denne oppsummering:

"Hamas må slås ned, men sivile palestinere må skjermes. En bakkeinvasjon av Gaza blir en humanitær katastrofe."


Den humanitære katastrofen ER DER ALLEREDE NÅ.
En bakkeinvasjon, med ytterligere drap og ødeleggelser, ligger an til å bli et folkemord, slik retorikken i Israel er.
USA holder lite igjen, der har man selv bombet og drept på samme vis i Irak og Afghanistan.
Derfor må de klare stemmene komme fra andre enn USA (og UK, Frankrike og Tyskland).
Aftenpostens lederartikkel bidrar lite og ingenting til en slik klar stemme."

Skudeneshavn 25. oktober 2023
Jan Marton Jensen

24. oktober 2023


mandag 23. oktober 2023

Røde Kors om bombing av vannforsyningen i Gaza

Røde Kors har kommentert IDFs bombing av infrastruktur for vann mm i Gaza.
Jeg har to Twiitter-innlegg som påpeker dette:

Innlegg 1:
Røde Kors:
"The International Committee of the Red Cross called the damage to Gaza's essential infrastructure "devastating" – impacting drinking water, water treatment plants, wastewater systems and hospitals." Slik ødeleggelse av sivil infrastruktur:

Innlegg 2:
Sivil infrastruktur bombes, det er ulovlig. Summen av å stenge av VANN fra Israel, samt å BOMBE SØNDER #Gaza sin egen vannforsyning, DA har man angrepet ALLE menneskenrs basisbehov.
Er "Med Israel i Fred" "med Israel i KRIG" på denne måten?
"The International Committee of the Red Cross called the damage to Gaza's essential infrastructure "devastating" – impacting drinking water, water treatment plants, wastewater systems and hospitals." Slik ødeleggelse av sivil infrastruktur:
#Krigsforbrytelse. #Gaza
Vis mer
Skudeneshavn  23. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

søndag 22. oktober 2023

Gaza: "Bombing tilbake til steinalderen" - Hva betyr det?

12. oktober 2023 var det et debattinnlegg i Aftenposten:

"Et varslet folkemord i Gaza"

Forfatter var:
Johan Ræder
Anestesilege og professor emeritus, tidligere helsearbeider og underviser i Gaza

Til Joahn Ræders ytring har jeg lagt inn to kommentarer, som gjengis nedenfor.
Det gjelder omfanget av bombing av infrastrukturen i Gaza, og hva det resulterer i:

Kommentar 1:
Jan Marton Jensen
for 22 timer siden

"Å bombe tilbake til steinalderen" er Israels erklærte, OG praktiserte modus: "Dahiya-doktrinen", brukt i Beirut.

Dette er nå virkeligheten i Gaza, i større skala.

Gaza by og nordlige del av Gazastripen bombes sønder og blir ubeboelig.

Når "freden senker seg" blir det umulig å få inn byggematerialer og sement.

Dette er en annen form for etnisk rensing.

 Kommentar 2:
Jan Marton Jensen
svarte Jan Marton Jensen 
for 22 timer siden (redigert)

Israels bombevolum over Gaza er EKSTREMT: 1000 om dagen.

Det er LANGT over historiske bombetall mot ISIS og Afghanistan:

Det er ikke rart at Israel trenger penger og materiell fra USA for MER bomber:

"Israel dropped more bombs on Gaza in 6 days than the US-led coalition dropped in any month fighting ISIS"


"Averaged out, Israel's 6,000 bombs dropped on Gaza between October 7 and October 12 comes out to 1,000 per day — smashing the average of 164 bombs dropped per day by the US-led coalition in August 2017. Both Israeli and US officials — including President Joe Biden — have compared Hamas to ISIS in the wake of last weekend's assaults.

That IAF figure also tops some annual tallies recorded during the US war in Afghanistan, in which there was no year between 2013 and 2018 where American forces dropped more than 4,400 bombs on the country, according to the AFCENT data."


Skudeneshavn   22. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


12. oktober 2023


lørdag 21. oktober 2023

Adam Raz: - En kort historie om Netanyahu - Hamas - alliansen

Den israelske historiker Adam Raz har en fyldig gjennomgang av det han kaller "Netanyahu-Hamas-alliansen.
Netanyahu har ønsket seg Hamas, og understøttet Hamas i praksis, for å vise at man ikke har noen å snakke med.

Adam Raz har en rekke konkrete eksempler på denne politikken.
Da Abbas sluttet å finansiere Gaza etter at Fatah ble kastet ut derfra, så ble midler til Gaza levert fra Qatar:
"In practice, the injection of cash (as opposed to bank deposits, which are far more accountable) from Qatar, a practice that Netanyahu supported and approved, has served to strengthen the military arm of Hamas since 2012."

Hele artikkelen under Kilde.

Skudeneshavn  21. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

20. august 2023

HELE artikkelen til Adam Raz 20. oktober 2023:

A Brief History of the Netanyahu-Hamas Alliance | Opinion

הצבעה על ממשלת האחדות
Benjamin Netanyahu. "The pogrom of October 7, 2023, helps Netanyahu, and not for the first time, to preserve his rule. "Credit: Richard Drew /AP

Much ink has been spilled describing the longtime relationship – rather, alliance – between Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas. And still, the very fact that there has been close cooperation between the Israeli prime minister (with the support of many on the right) and the fundamentalist organization seemingly evaporated from most of the current analyses – everyone’s talking about “failures,” “mistakes” and “contzeptziot” (fixed conceptions). Given this, there is a need not only to review the history of cooperation but also to conclude unequivocally: The pogrom of October 7, 2023, helps Netanyahu, and not for the first time, to preserve his rule, certainly in the short term. 

The MO of Netanyahu’s policy since his return to the Prime Minister’s Office in 2009 has and continues to be, on the one hand, bolstering the rule of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and, on the other, weakening the Palestinian Authority.

His return to power was accompanied by a complete turnaround from the policy of his predecessor, Ehud Olmert, who sought to end the conflict through a peace treaty with the most moderate Palestinian leader – PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

For the last 14 years, while implementing a divide-and-conquer policy vis-a-vis the West Bank and Gaza, “Abu Yair” (“Yair’s father,” in Arabic, as Netanyahu called himself while campaigning in the Arab community before one recent election) has resisted any attempt, military or diplomatic, that might bring an end to the Hamas regime.

In practice, since the Cast Lead operation in late 2008 and early 2009, during the Olmert era, Hamas’ rule has not faced any genuine military threat. On the contrary: The group has been supported by the Israeli prime minister, and funded with his assistance.

When Netanyahu declared in April 2019, as he has after every other round of fighting, that “we have restored deterrence with Hamas” and that “we have blocked the main supply routes,” he was lying through his teeth.

For over a decade, Netanyahu has lent a hand, in various ways, to the growing military and political power of Hamas. Netanyahu is the one who turned Hamas from a terror organization with few resources into a semi-state body.

Releasing Palestinian prisoners, allowing cash transfers, as the Qatari envoy comes and goes to Gaza as he pleases, agreeing to the import of a broad array of goods, construction materials in particular, with the knowledge that much of the material will be designated for terrorism and not for building civilian infrastructure, increasing the number of work permits in Israel for Palestinian workers from Gaza, and more. All these developments created symbiosis between the flowering of fundamentalist terrorism and preservation of Netanyahu’s rule.

Take note: It would be a mistake to assume that Netanyahu thought about the well-being of the poor and oppressed Gazans – who are also victims of Hamas – when allowing the transfer of funds (some of which, as noted, didn’t go to building infrastructure but rather military armament). His goal was to hurt Abbas and prevent division of the Land of Israel into two states.

It’s important to remember that without those funds from Qatar (and Iran), Hamas would not have had the money to maintain its reign of terror, and its regime would have been dependent on restraint.

In practice, the injection of cash (as opposed to bank deposits, which are far more accountable) from Qatar, a practice that Netanyahu supported and approved, has served to strengthen the military arm of Hamas since 2012.

Thus, Netanyahu indirectly funded Hamas after Abbas decided to stop providing it with funds that he knew would end up being used for terrorism against him, his policies and his people. It’s important not to ignore that Hamas used this money to buy the means through which Israelis have been murdered for years.

In parallel, from a security standpoint, since Operation Protective Edge in 2014, Netanyahu has been guided by a policy that almost completely ignored the terrorism of the rockets and the incendiary kites and balloons. Occasionally, the media has been exposed to a dog-and-pony show, when such weapons were captured, but not more than that.

It’s worth reminding that last year, the “government of change” (the short-lived coalition led by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid) exercised a different policy, one of whose expressions was the halting of funding for Hamas arriving via suitcases full of cash. When Netanyahu tweeted, on May 30, 2022, that “Hamas is interested in the existence of the weak Bennett government,” he was lying to the public. The government of change was a disaster for Hamas.

Netanyahu’s nightmare was the collapse of the Hamas regime – something that Israel could have expedited, albeit for a difficult price. One of the proofs for this claim was given during Operation Protective Edge.

At the time, Netanyahu leaked to the media the contents of a presentation that the military had made to the security cabinet laying out the potential repercussions of conquering Gaza. The premier knew that the secret document, which noted that occupying Gaza would cost the lives of hundreds of soldiers, would create an atmosphere of opposition to a widespread ground invasion.

Palestinians Israel
Palestinians ride on an Israeli military vehicle taken by Hamas militants during its coordinated attack on October 7, near the Gaza Strip fence.Credit: Abed Abu Reash / AP

In March 2019, Naftali Bennett told the Channel 13 program Hamakor: “Someone took care to leak that to the media to create an excuse for not taking action… it’s one of the gravest leaks in Israeli history.” Of course, the leak was not investigated, despite many demands from members of the Knesset. In closed-door conversations, Benny Gantz said then, when he was the IDF’s chief of staff, “Bibi leaked this.”

Let this sink in. Netanyahu leaked a “top secret” document in order to thwart the military and diplomatic position of the cabinet, which sought to defeat Hamas with various means. We should heed what Avigdor Lieberman told Yedioth Ahronoth, in an interview published just before the October 7 assault, that Netanyahu “continuously thwarted all the targeted assassinations.”

It should be stressed that Netanyahu’s policy of keeping Hamas in charge in Gaza didn’t find expression only through opposition to physical occupation of Gaza and to assassinations of key Hamas players, but also in his determination to thwart any political reconciliation between the PA – Fatah in particular – and Hamas. A prominent example is Netanyahu’s behavior in late 2017, when talks between Fatah and Hamas were actually taking place.

A fundamental disagreement between Abbas and Hamas concerned the question of the Islamist group’s military being subordinate to to the PA. Hamas agreed that the PA would return to running all civilian matters in Gaza but refused to yield its arms.

Egypt and the United States supported reconciliation and worked to achieve it. Netanyahu totally opposed the idea, asserting repeatedly that “reconciliation between Hamas and the PLO makes achieving peace harder.” Of course, Netanyahu didn’t pursue peace, which wasn’t on the agenda in any way back then. His position only served Hamas.

Over the years, from time to time, various figures on both sides of the political spectrum repeatedly pointed to the axis of cooperation between Netanyahu and Hamas. On the one hand, for example, Yuval Diskin, head of the Shin Bet security service from 2005 to 2011, told Yedioth Ahronoth in January 2013, “If we look at it over the years, one of the main people contributing to Hamas’s strengthening has been Bibi Netanyahu, since his first term as prime minister.”

In August 2019, former prime minister Ehud Barak told Army Radio that people who believed that Netanyahu had no strategy were mistaken. “His strategy is to keep Hamas alive and kicking… even at the price of abandoning the citizens [of the south] … in order to weaken the PA in Ramallah.”

And former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot told Maariv in January 2022 that Netanyahu acted “in total opposition to the national assessment of the National Security Council, which determined that there was a need to disconnect from the Palestinians and establish two states.” Israel moved in the exact opposition direction, weakening the PA and strengthening Hamas.

Shin Bet head Nadav Argaman spoke about this when he finished his term in 2021. He warned explicitly that the lack of dialogue between Israel and the PA had the effect of weakening the latter while bolstering Hamas.

He warned that the relative quiet in the West Bank at the time was deceptive, and that “Israel must find a way to cooperate with the PA and to strengthen it.” Eisenkot commented, in that same 2022 interview, that Argaman was right. “This is what’s happening, and it’s dangerous,” he added.

People on the right said similar things. One of the mantras being repeated was that of newly elected MK Bezalel Smotrich, who in 2015 told the Knesset Channel that “Hamas is an asset and Abu Mazen is a burden,” referring to Abbas by his nom de guerre.

In April 2019, Jonatan Urich, one of Netanyahu’s media advisers and a Likud spokesman, told Makor Rishon that one of Netanyahu’s achievements was separating Gaza (both politically and conceptually) from the West Bank. Netanyahu “basically smashed the vision of the Palestinian state in these two places,” he boasted. “Some of the achievement is related to the Qatari money reaching Hamas each month.”

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets with the Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Khaled Mashal and the vice Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh in Doha, Qatar on October 28, 2016.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas meets with the Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Khaled Mashal and the vice Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Ismail Haniyeh in Doha, Qatar on October 28, 2016.
Credit: Handout / Palestinian Presidency

Around the same time in 2019, Likud MK Galit Distel Atbaryan wrote in an effusively complimentary Facebook post: “We must say this honestly – Netanyahu wants Hamas on its feet, and he is ready to pay almost any incomprehensible price for this. Half the country is paralyzed, children and parents are suffering from post-trauma, homes are blown up, people are killed, a street cat holds a nuclear tiger by the balls.” Read it but don’t believe it? It’s worth believing, because this is exactly the policy by which Netanyahu comported himself.

The prime minister himself spoke briefly at times about his position regarding Hamas. In March 2019, he said during a meeting of Likud MKs, at which the subject of transfer of funds to Hamas was under discussion, that, “Whoever opposes a Palestinian state must support delivery of funds to Gaza because maintaining separation between the PA in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza will prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

In a tweet two months later, Channel 13 quoted former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak as telling a Kuwaiti newspaper: “Netanyahu isn’t interested in a two-state solution. Rather, he wants to separate Gaza from the West Bank, as he told me at the end of 2010.”

Gen. (Res.) Gershon Hacohen, a prominent right winger, made things crystal clear in an interview with the online magazine Mida in May 2019. “When Netanyahu didn’t go to war in Gaza to defeat the Hamas regime, he basically prevented Abu Mazen from establishing a united Palestinian state,” he recalled at the time. “We need to exploit the situation of separation created between Gaza and Ramallah. It’s an Israeli interest of the highest level, and you can’t understand the situation in Gaza without understanding this context.”

Netanyahu’s entire policy since 2009 has sought to destroy any possibility of a diplomatic agreement with the Palestinians. It’s the theme of his rule, which depends on the continuation of the conflict. Destroying democracy is an additional aspect of his continuing rule, something that has brought many of us out to the streets during the past year.

In that same 2019 interview with Army Radio, Barak said that Netanyahu was keeping the south “on a constant low flame.” One should pay particular attention to his assertion that the security establishment laid on the cabinet table several times plans “to drain the swamp” of Hamas in Gaza, but the cabinet never discussed them.

Netanyahu knew, Barak added, “that it’s easier with Hamas to explain to Israelis that there is no one to sit with and no one to talk to. If the PA strengthens… then there will be someone to talk to.”

Back to Distel Atbaryan: “Mark my words – Benjamin Netanyahu keeps Hamas on its feet so that the entire State of Israel won’t become the ‘Gaza envelope.’” She warned of disaster “if Hamas collapses,” in which case, “Abu Mazen is liable to control Gaza. If he will control it, voices from the left will arise advocating negotiations and a diplomatic settlement and a Palestinian state, including in Judea and Samaria.” Netanyahu’s mouthpieces are incessantly pumping out such messages.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas have an unspoken political alliance against their common enemy – the Palestinian Authority. In other words, Netanyahu has cooperation and agreement with a group whose goal is the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jews.

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman was on the mark when he wrote in May 2021, at the time of the establishment of the government of change, that Netanyahu and Hamas were scared of the possibility of a diplomatic breakthrough. He wrote that the premier and Hamas both “wanted to destroy the possibility of political change before it could destroy them politically.”

He then explained that they didn’t need to talk or have an agreement between them. “They each understand what the other needs to stay in power and consciously or unconsciously behave in ways to ensure that they deliver it.”

I could go on and on expanding on the subject of this cooperation, but the preceding examples speak for themselves. The 2023 pogrom is a result of Netanyahu’s policy. It is not “a failure of the concept” – rather, this is the concept: Netanyahu and Hamas are political partners, and both sides have fulfilled their side of the bargain.

In the future, more details will emerge that will shed additional light on that mutual understanding. Don’t make the mistake of thinking – even now – that as long as Netanyahu and his present government are responsible for making decisions, the Hamas regime will collapse. There will be a lot of talk and pyrotechnics about the current “war against terror,” but sustaining Hamas is more important to Netanyahu than a few dead kibbutzniks.

Adam Raz is a historian, and author, most recently, of “The Demagogue: The Mechanics of Political Power” (in Hebrew).


onsdag 18. oktober 2023

Om "Krigens Rett" - Uttalelse fra eksperter i UK

En rekke ledende ekspert i UK har følt det viktig å uttale seg om "Krigens rett" i den pågående krigen i Gaza:

"The laws of war must guide Israel’s response to Hamas atrocity"

En lesverdig analyse og med klar grenseoppgang.
Og med uro mht det Israel signaliserer. 

Skudeneshavn   18. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


17. oktober 2023



tirsdag 17. oktober 2023

Haaretz lederatikkel 17.okt 2023: - Etnisk rensing av palestinere i krigens skygge


"Palestinian Expulsion Amid the Fog of War"

Dette er den israelske avis Haaretz sin lederartikkel 17. mars 2023.
I skyggen av Gaza-krigen bedriver kriminelle israelske såkalte "bosettere" etnisk rensing på Vestbredden, med våpen i hånd.

Det graverende er at dette skjer "mens IDF ser på".
Grunnen er at dette er israelsk politikk overfor de palestinske samfunnene dette gjelder.
De skal bort, og mange politiske og militære virkemidler har i årevis vært tatt i bruk av israelsk okkupasjonsmakt for å få dette til.

Det nye nå er at de kriminelle bosetterne tvinger de palestinske familiene bort med våpen i hånd.

Avisen Haaretz sin lederartikkel er klar og tydelig.
Men velger å bruke ordet "Expulsion", som vil si "Utvising, Bortdriving".

Men det er "etnisk rensing",
Og en krigsforbrytelse

Skudeneshavn  17. oktober 2023
Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:

17. oktober 2023

21. november 2023

17. oktober 2023


HELE lederartikkelen i Haaretz 17.oktober 2023:

Haaretz Editorial

Palestinian residents of Ein Shibli in the West Bank leaving their village last week under threats from Israeli settlers.
Palestinian residents of Ein Shibli in the West Bank leaving their village last week under threats from Israeli settlers.Credit: Itay Ron

What to the sane majority in Israel is the greatest catastrophe in its history, is to the settlers an opportunity to chase Palestinians from their land and take it over. Hagar Shezaf exposed (Haaretz, Oct. 15,) that a wave of flight has begun since the outbreak of the war, by Palestinians belonging to shepherd communities in the West Bank, due to settler violence.

In some cases the locales have been completely depopulated, and in others some of the families have left, or women and children have been evacuated. The residents report threats by settlers, at times armed, ordering them to leave. This is not an isolated incident, but a broad campaign, taking place under the auspices of the government of the right-wing and the settlers, and that now, under cover of the war, has gained immense momentum. According to the UN’s office for humanitarian aid coordination report published in September, 1,105 shepherds – some 12.5 percent of this population – have left their homes in the West Bank over the past year. 

Most of the residents of Ein Shibli in the Jordan Valley have fled in recent days. According to the residents and Israeli activists accompanying them, a settler named Moshe Sharvit, who lives in a nearby outpost, gave them five hours to clear out. All the residents of Wadi a-Siq in the central West Bank did so. The community, numbering some 20 families, fled for their lives from where it lived due to repeated harassment by settlers. The 100 people who had remained fled on Thursday. “We didn’t leave, we escaped,” said one of the residents. “On Thursday they came and attacked us.” 

Farasiya in the northern Jordan Valley also reported threats. A local resident said that five settlers came to them on Saturday night and told them that they must leave. “They were armed, and they hit children in the legs with their weapons,” he said. The residents say the Israeli police and civil administration don’t help them. 

Not only expulsion is flourishing under the roar of guns in the south. The number of fatalities in the West Bank has also soared to an extraordinary degree. According to Palestinian Health Ministry data, 58 Palestinians were killed in the past week. According to the security establishment, about 10 of them were shot to death by settlers. 

What is happening in the territories calls for military intervention and governmental attention. This time it isn’t “just” deepening the annexation and apartheid. Against the backdrop of the war in Gaza, the settlers’ crimes may push the Palestinians in the West Bank to violence, and bring about the opening of another front, which will make it difficult for the IDF to defend the country. The fact that the military and government allow these crimes to take place during wartime is itself a crime and a security failure. Unlike the failures that brought the current disaster upon Israel, this one can be stopped. The question is whether a government populated by settler representatives, who dream of Nakba 2.0 – or worse – is interested in, and capable of, enforcing limits upon these people.

The above article is Haaretz’s lead editorial, as published in the Hebrew and English newspapers in Israel.

mandag 16. oktober 2023

- "Israelsk språkbruk om palestinerne er folkemordersk"

Den erfarne britiske reporteren Chris McGreal er skremt: 

"The language being used to describe Palestinians is genocidal"

Han har lang erfaring som journalist.
Og i ordbruken i Israel ser han klare likheter med andre konflikter der det har endt med folkemord, som i Rwanda, og ekstreme ødeleggelser som i Irak og Afghanistan.

Et sterkt varsel!

Lenke til artikkelen under Kilde

Skudeneshavn  16. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
16. oktober 2023

16. januar 2023

lørdag 14. oktober 2023

- En kollektiv moralsk svikt om "krigens rett"

Innlegg i The Guardian 14.oktober 2023 av Simon Tisdall:
"Angry old men set the Middle East ablaze. The young will pay the price"

En meget lesverdig artikkel.
Han går gjennom en rekke krigsområder i "vår tid"
Og peker på ansvaret til navngitte "gamle menn" i politikken.

Det tar litt tid før han kommer til denne konklusjonen:

"Underlying all this is another basic failure – the collective moral failure of the “international community” to enforce the laws of war, prevent collective punishments, respect the lives of civilians in conflict zones and abide by the UN charter and human rights treaties. It’s happening again in Gaza."

Og her er vi ved sakens kjerne.
Lærdommen umiddelbart etter 2. verdenskrig, rettsreglene om "krigens rett" og om menneskerettigheter, de er blitt skuslet bort.

- "En kollektivt moralsk svikt"
- "Av det internasjonale samfunnet"

Og så står vi nå foran Gaza.
Der det som måtte være igjen av "krigens rett" kan stryke med.
Og dette i full åpenhet.

Skudeneshavn  14. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen 

På Twitter:
14. oktober 2023

14. oktober 2023

fredag 13. oktober 2023

"The universal rules of war that emerged after 1945 are being broken – and not just in the Middle East"

 Observasjon og påminnelse av Martin Kettle i The Guardian 13. oktober 2023:

"The universal rules of war that emerged after 1945 are being broken – and not just in the Middle East"

"The world’s agreement to protect civilians was never perfect. But that’s no excuse for leaders in Russia, the US and the UK to row back from it"


Kettle gir en rekke eksempler på den pågående svekkelse av krigens rettsregler.

Og akkurat nå er det nok flere aggressive stater som noterer nøye hva verdenssamfunnet tillater Israel å gjøre mot Gazafolket.


Skudeneshavn  13. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
13. oktober 2023

13. oktober 2023

David Grossmann: "Svart lørdag" - Sterk melding fra Israel

 Den kjente israelske forfatter David Grossmann har en sterk melding kalt "Svart lørdag".
Han tror Israel nå vil bli:
"Om jeg skal våge en gjetning: Israel etter krigen vil være mye mer høyrevridd, militant og rasistisk."

Og han er ikke nådig mot Netanyahu, og bruker sterke ord:
"Dypfølt svik"
Jeg ser også dypfølt svik. Sviket mot borgerne fra deres egen regjering – fra statsministeren og hans destruktive koalisjon. Et svik mot alt som er dyrebart for alle borgere, og i særdeleshet borgere av denne staten. Et svik mot dens grunnleggende, og bindende, idé. Mot det aller mest dyrebare depositumet – det jødiske folks nasjonale hjem – som ble tiltrodd deres ledere for å trygge det, og som de burde ha behandlet med ærbødighet.
Men i stedet – hva ser vi? Hva er vi nå blitt vant til å se, som om det var uunngåelig? Hva vi har sett, er å la staten i stikken til fordel for en smålig, grådig agenda med kynisk, trangsynt, sinnssyk politikk."

Hele hans ytring kalt "Svart lørdag" er lagt inn under Kilde.


Skudeneshavn   13. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


12. oktober 2023

tirsdag 10. oktober 2023

USA sin holdning til Israels gjengjeldelse mot Gaza: Klarsignal til Israels kollektive avstraffelse

Det er sjelden at en offisiell melding fra USa Utenriksdepartement blir SLETTET.
Men det har nå skjedd:
En opprinnelig uttalelse fra Blinken om våpenhvile og tilbakeholdenhet er tatt bort:

I en artikkel av Ben Samuels, korrespondent for Haaretz i USA viser dette.
Samuelsbruker overskriften:
"U.S. officials deleting posts calling for cease-fire, Israeli restraint"

.... og så gjennomgår han den opprinnelige og den rette versjonen av pressemeldingen
Hele artikkelen nederst under Kilde.

Tydeligvis vil USA tillate Israel en hard og brutal gjengjeldelse mot innbyggerne på Gazastripen.

Måtehold er satt på vent.
Her skal det kriges først.
Det har USA gått inn for.

- Israels tidligere brutale krigføring mot Gaza
- Nåværende blokade av mat og vann og medisiner
- Uttalelser fra Israels militærledelse om "dyr" og "vekt på ødeleggelse og ikke presisjon"

..... er det grunn til å frykte at Gazafolket kan bli utsatt for død og ødeleggelser i et grusomt omfang, mens ledende land i verden stilltiende ser på.

Ny Info 13. oktober 2023
Artikkel i Huffington Post:
"Stunning State Department Memo Warns Diplomats: No Gaza 'De-Escalation' Talk"

"As Israel escalates its offensive, US diplomats are being discouraged from publicly using three phrases that would urge calm."

Oppsiktsvekkende informasjon at USA MOTSETTER seg å nevne måtehold og diplomati.
Her skal det bombes og drepes ... det er tydelig at Netanyahu er gitt vide fullmakter.

Skudeneshavn   10. oktober 2023 / 13. oktober 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
11. oktober 2023

13. oktober2023

16. oktober 2023

Ny Info:
13. oktober 2023

11. oktober 2023


Artikkel av Ben Samuels, korresponfdent for Haaretz i USA

U.S. officials deleting posts calling for cease-fire, Israeli restraint

WASHINGTON.- U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken deleted a tweet where he called for a cease-fire – the second such instance in the past several days when U.S. officials have deleted tweets encouraging Israeli restraint.

Blinken's tweet, recounting his call with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, originally read that he "encouraged Turkey's advocacy for a cease-fire and the release of all hostages by Hamas immediately," differing from the official U.S. readout of the call which didn't contain such language. The new tweet replaced the cease-fire language with "Israel has the right to defend itself, rescue any hostages and protect its citizens."

This follows a similar incident with the State Department's Office of Palestinian Affairs, which originally said it "unequivocally condemned the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred. We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing."

This version was deleted, with the office instead posting messages relaying and reposting the U.S. Embassy's alerts to citizens on the ground and quoting U.S. officials "unequivocally" condemning the attacks.

The walk-back in rhetoric demonstrates the intensive U.S. support for Israel's military actions, buoyed by the U.S. deploying Navy and military aircraft, augmenting existing Air Force squadrons and providing the Israeli military with additional equipment and munitions.


søndag 8. oktober 2023

Om Hamas og Gaza og Netanyahu - Slutten av den nåværende .... og begynnelsen på en ny MØ-situasjon

Mitt Twitter-innlegg 8. oktober:

"Hamas var i ferd med å få samme rolle i Gaza som #Abbas på Vestbredden: Administrere Israels okkupasjon. 
Nå velger Hamas å kaste kortene i Gaza.
Og med en så uhyrlig operasjon at det setter MØ-dagsorden på nytt.
Samtidig som det betyr slutt for
#Netanyahu. "
Det er tydelig at Hamas har valgt å spille sine kort NÅ.
Både mikro og makro har spilt inn:
- Mikro: Mer og mer har Hamas sklidd inn i rollen som "administrator" av Gaza, uten at det gir håp for fremtiden.
- Makro: Israel ekstreme regjering og utviklingen på Vestbredden, samt Israels mulige fredsavtaler med Saudi-Arabia der palestinerne blir parkert.

I sum har dette gjort at Hamas på en ekstraordinær og uhyrlig måte spiller sine kort akkurat den 7. oktober.
Det er dagen rett etter Yom Kippur-angrepet i 1973.
Skudeneshavn   8. oktober 2023

Jan Marton jensen

søndag 1. oktober 2023

"Lavrov accuses U.S. of double standards over Golan Heights, Donbas"

 "Lavrov accuses U.S. of double standards over Golan Heights, Donbas"

Lavrov bruker ordrett de formuleringene Blinken brukte i 2021 for å forsvare USAs aksept av Israels kontroll over Golan.

Skudeneshavn  1. oktober  2023

Jan Marton Jensen


24. september 2023