onsdag 31. mai 2023

Kenneth Roth: - Revurder tilnærmingen til Israel

Sterk melding fra Kenneth Roth i innlegg i "Deutsche Welle" i Tyskland:

"Opinion: Reassessing the approach to Israel"

"While governments speak of a two-state solution, what we have today is a "one-state reality," writes former executive director of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth."

Velbegrunnet analyse, basert på fakta på bakken.
Og forsterket av aksjoner og planer til Israels nåværende regjering under Netanyahu.

Innlegget er av Roth stilet til tyske myndigheter.
Men egentlig til alle som kan påvirke til en løsning, også Norge.

Skudeneshavn   31. mai 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
31. mai 2023

22. mai 2023

onsdag 24. mai 2023

- Gjenvinning av plast skaper mikroplast i utålelige mengder

Ny forskning:
Plast kan ikke resirkuleres uten å produsere utålelige mengder mikroplast.
Greenpeace fastslår:
- "Plast er uforenlig med en sirkulærøkonomi":

The Guardian 24. mai 2023:

"Recycled plastic can be more toxic and is no fix for pollution, Greenpeace warns"
"Campaign group says plastics are incompatible with circular economy as countries prepare for treaty talks"

Og det viser seg at beste praksis i gjenvinningsprosessen skaper mikroplast i store mengder.
Disse fanges ikke opp i filtre godt nok, skriver Washington Post 22. mai 2023
Hvis teknologien ikke gjør gjenvinning av plast miljømessig forsvarlig, da er dette svært alvorlig.

Greenpeace hevder ytterlige at resirkulert plast kan være giftig:
“But … the toxicity of plastic actually increases with recycling. Plastics have no place in a circular economy and it’s clear that the only real solution to ending plastic pollution is to massively reduce plastic production.

Her må det ryddes opp og lages en miljømessig forsvarlig strategi.
Umiddelbar overgang FRA plast TIL miljøvennlige produkter må være en selvfølge der dette er kurant.

Og så må det lages en ny  langsiktig plast-strategi.


Skudeneshavn  24. mai 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
24. mai 2023

24. mai 2023

23. mai 2023

22. mai 2023

søndag 21. mai 2023

- "This Is How Israel Really Silences Palestinian Human Rights Advocates"

 Artikkel i Haaretz 21. mai av Nathaniel Berman:

"This Is How Israel Really Silences Palestinian Human Rights Advocates"
"Ever since 1967, Israeli governments have effectively admitted that violating international law is essential to maintaining the occupation and violating Palestinians' human rights. And they try and silence criticism by using a kind of very effective intellectual blackmail."

En artikkel til ettertanke.
Om hvordan Israels vedvarende BRUDD på sentrale internasjonale bestemmelser om menneskerettigheter IKKE er VIKTIG hva gjelder palestinerne.

Skudeneshavn   21. mai 2023
Jan Marton Jensen



21. mai 2023


tirsdag 16. mai 2023

Om Nakba

Kommentar hentet fra en artikkel i Haaretz om palestinernes Nakba, og om utvisningen av jøder fra arabiske land

"Peace and reconciliation starts with acknowledging the harm we’ve caused. Palestinians were not responsible for the expulsion of Jews from other Arab lands. But the proto-State of Israel was responsible for the Palestinian Nakba. As long as Israel suppresses any mention or acknowledgment of this fact, reconciliation cannot happen."
Skudeneshavn   16. mai 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

mandag 15. mai 2023

DeSantis skjuler sine spor

I oppløpet for å melde seg på som president i USA velger Florida-guvernør De Santis flere grep for å skjule hva han holder på med, hvem han møter, hvor han reiser og hvor pengene kommer fra:

‘Impossible to hold him accountable’:
DeSantis signs laws to ease 2024 run

"Measures would let him campaign while serving as Florida governor and shield travel records from public"

Det skal tydeligvis vites minst mulig om hva De Santis gjør og hvem han gjør det for.
Han skjuler sine spor.

Skudeneshavn   15. mai 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

Ny Info:

15. mai 2023

fredag 12. mai 2023

Innsiktsfull artikkel fra 2021 av Natan Sachs om israelsk politikk

Innsiktsfull artikkel fra 2021 av Natan Sachs om israelsk politikk.

Åpningshistorien fra 1967 med president Johnson i diskusjon med Levi Eshkol er interessant.
Her angis at israelsk politikk mht palestinerne allerede da ... det er å ikke ha noen politikk.

Men politikk blir til mens man okkuperer, som det har vist seg.

 Skudeneshavn  12. mai 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


23. juni 2021

torsdag 11. mai 2023

Wagnergruppen må terrorlistes

Flere land tar nå til orde for å terrorliste Wagnergruppen:
The Guardian 10. mai 2023, se Kilde:

"UK poised to label Wagner group terrorists as France urges EU to act"
"Paris calls on bloc to take action as report says Britain will blacklist mercenaries"

Vi ser hva Wagnergruppen gjør i Ukraina.
Men i mange år har gruppen vært aktiv i flere land, spesielt i Sentral-Afrika.
Men også i Syria, Libya og Sudan.

Overalt følger det med politisk og militær destabilisering, død og elendighet.
Mens Wagnergruppen får tilgang til landets dyrebare ressurser.

I en artikkel i Washington Post 23. april 2023 skriver  avisen om Wagner-gruppens aktiviteter i flere sentrale stater i Afrika, se Kilde:

"As Russians plot against Chad, concerns mount over important U.S. ally"

Allerede har Wagner innpass hos flere stater på det afrikanske kontingent.
I artikkelen fokuseres det på Chad, og de grep Wagner antas planlegge for å destabilisere landet.

Det er skremmende lesning hver gang man hører om Wagner-gruppen.
Her må det mye mer internasjonal fokus til.
Og det må tas kraftige grep for å straffeforfølge Wagner-ledelsen.

Når skånselløse leiesoldater går løs i land etter land, da må det reageres tydelig og hardt.

Ny Info:

20. mai 2023
"Russian mercenaries behind slaughter of 500 in Mali village, UN report finds"

Fersk FN-rapport om drapene i Mali bekrefter at Eagner-gruppen må terrorlistes.

3. august 2023
Dette er smittsomt.
Nå også Niger.

Politikerne må skjerpe seg , og lage et sanksjonsløp som er tydelig og effektivt.
Det haster. 

Skudeneshavn   24. april 2023  /10. mai 2023 / 20.mai 2923 / 3. august 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
11. mai 2023

20. mai 2023

3. august 2023

Ny info:

3. august 2023

20. mai 2023

10. mai 2023

10. mai 2023

23. april 2023

onsdag 3. mai 2023

EUs Ursula von der Leyen gratulerer Israel og høster kritikk fra palestinerne

Von der Leyen gratulerte Israel på landets 75-årsdag.
Innholdet i hennes tale har palestinerne reagert på:

BBC 27. april 2023:
"Palestinians condemn EU's von der Leyen for 'racist trope'"

Aljazeera 2. mai 2023:
"How to ignore Israel’s apartheid: Learn from Ursula von der Leyen"


Tilsvarende i juni 2022, da von der Leyen fikk en æresposisjon ved Ben Gurion University i Israel:

Americans for BGU 16. juni 2022
"EC President Receives BGU Honorary Doctorate"

EuroMed 20. juni 2022
"EU Commission President must return Ben-Gurion University honorary doctorate"

Skudeneshavn  3. mai 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

2. mai 2023

27. april 2023


20. juni 2022

16. april 2022

tirsdag 2. mai 2023

Engelsk professor: "Klientellisme" truer demokratiet

 Den engelske professor Alan Finlayson skrev i november 2021 en vurdering i The Guardian at "clientelism" truet demokratiet, med konkret utgangspunkt i politikken til Boris Johnson i UK.

Jeg har kommentert hans "nyord" om "klientellisme" i politikken i to twittermeldinger.
Den siste til Civita refereres her først:

Twittermelding 2. mars 2023:

En vurdering fra 2021 er demokratiet trues av
Du kan lese mer om dette her:
Politikerne tilgodeser "klientene" sine.
Dette skulle
#Civita skrive om og klargjøre.

Twittermelding 29. november 2021:

Vurdering i UK av historieprofessor:
- Demokratisk politikk er døende.
Han innfører begrepet
Politikerne tilgodeser klientene sine.
Det er der pengene er.



Det er
#MAKT som gjelder.
Og tjenester for klienter


Skudeneshavn     29. november 2023 / 2. mai 2023

 Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:
2. mai 2023

29. november 2021


29. november 2021

mandag 1. mai 2023

Umm Safala ved Hebron: Virkeligheten akkurat NÅ for en palestinsk familie der

To eksempler på dagliglivet for palestinere i området sør for Hebron.
Artikkel 1 er i sin helhet lagt inn under Kilde.

Det er liten tvil om hva dette er.
Og man må  ta seg tid til å ta inn over seg detaljene i en families historie for å forstå.
Her er det situasjonen til palestineren Sayed Awad med familie, beskrevet i to artikler i isralesk presse, med bare måneders mellomrom nå i 2023.

For dette er virkeligheten akkurat NÅ.
Det graverende er ikke bare at dette skjer ... men det skjer planmessig og over lang tid.

De to artiklene:

1)  Haaretz 1. mai 2023:
"Palestinian Farmer Denied Access to Land by Israeli Army Barriers, Guards for Months"

"As part of ongoing efforts to block Sayed Awad from his land, soldiers erect barriers on the road leading to his home in Umm Lasafa, a village south of Hebron. They also threaten and detain him regularly."


2) 972mag 4. april 2023:
"She was walking toward her family’s land. A soldier broke her ankle"
"Qamar Aliyan, an 11-year-old Palestinian girl, was kicked by Israeli troops while settlers roamed on her family's property in Umm Lasafa."

Skudeneshavn  1. mai 2023

Jan Marton Jensen



1. mai 2013

4. april 2023


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 1. mai 2023:

Palestinian Farmer Denied Access to Land by Israeli Army Barriers, Guards for Months

As part of ongoing efforts to block Sayed Awad from his land, soldiers erect barriers on the road leading to his home in Umm Lasafa, a village south of Hebron. They also threaten and detain him regularly

Sayed Awad in the South Hebron Hills in March.
Sayed Awad in the South Hebron Hills in March.Credit: Moti Milrod

For several months, the Israeli army has been preventing Sayed Awad, a Palestinian living in the South Hebron Hills, from reaching land he owns near a Jewish outpost.

The army declares the area a closed military zone every Saturday, and before he and his family arrive, security personnel are posted to prevent their entry. The army explains that it is due to “security requirements” to prevent friction between settlers and Palestinians, which often leads to confrontations.

According to Awad and several activists, soldiers erect barriers along the streambed leading to his plot only on Saturdays, ahead of his arrival. According to testimonies and photos, 20 security personnel have been posted there for this purpose every week.

As part of the efforts to deny Awad access, soldiers erected barriers on the road leading to his home in Umm Lasafa, a village south of Hebron. They also took photos of his house and vehicle, and threatened and detained him for hours on several occasions.


A military checkpoint set up on the access road leading to Awad's plot of land, in February.
A military checkpoint set up on the access road leading to Awad's plot of land, in February.Credit: Guy Botavia


The army has not explained why they deny Awad access to the area every week while allowing settlers to enter.

Sayed Mohammed Alyan Awad is 52-years-old and has 16 children. His plot of land lies at the foot of the Mitzpeh Yair outpost, which was built in the late 1990s. Awad used to go to his plot every week, working the land and staying there to prevent its takeover by settlers. Since September, however, the army has allocated exceptional resources to preventing him from doing so.

In many instances, Awad arrives only to find that a closure order declaring his plot a closed military area has been issued. This has led to repeated detentions. “Just like that. You come to your plot and they tell you it’s a closed military area. You argue with them and they give you 10 minutes before putting you in their vehicle,” he says. “They blindfold you, and after two hours they drop you off in Dhahiriya,” a city in the area.

The plot of land owned by Sayed Awad with the outpost Mitzpeh Yair above it.
The plot of land owned by Sayed Awad with the outpost Mitzpeh Yair above it.Credit: Moti Milrod

On two occasions, soldiers took Awad to the Meitar checkpoint, far from his home. Once, he was arrested along with an Israeli activist. Both were released at the checkpoint.

In November, when he tried to reach his land he was detained for three days on suspicion of violating the closure. Two weeks ago, he was held in a military Jeep for three hours.

According to Awad and activists who accompany him, they often see settlers in the closed area.

Photos taken from a spot overlooking the plot show a pickup truck driven by a settler approaching two leftist activists who accompanied the photographer. He was joined by another person on a motorcycle. The driver emerged from his truck and yelled: “Where were you in Hawara? How did they not rape you there?” He approached some Palestinian shepherds and then left the area, but not before claiming that some children gathering plants had come there to commit a terror attack.


A sign for the settlement outpost of Mitzpeh Yair, in the South Hebron Hills.
A sign for the settlement outpost of Mitzpeh Yair, in the South Hebron Hills.Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz

In January, soldiers came to Awad’s home to photograph him and his Jeep. And on February 4 there was a further escalation when soldiers blocked access to Awad’s house and placed sharp metal spikes on the road. A week later, soldiers set up a checkpoint near the exit from his house to the village’s main road. It operated from morning to noon. According to villagers, the Israeli army explained that it was because “Sayed was causing trouble.”

One night in March, two Jeeps arrived at his house and masked soldiers asked to enter. “They came at 10 P.M. and told me that if I went to my plot, they would harm me and my family. They also took my phone,” Awad says. “I told them to do whatever they wanted.” The incident was documented with photos and videos.


Soldiers arrive at Awad's home at night, in March.
Soldiers arrive at Awad's home at night, in March.Credit: Courtesy of the Awad family

Two weeks ago, soldiers came again and asked his family where he was. When he went to his plot on Saturday that week, he was arrested and taken to a police station, where he was told he was forbidden to go to his plot for 15 days. “They told me I was creating provocations, but I told them it was my land,” says Awad. “How can the Israeli public just look at the damage settlers are causing Arabs? I ask the army why all this is happening.”

In 2021, Haaretz reported that Awad and his family were assaulted when they tried to document settlers grazing their sheep on Awad’s land. As a result of the attack, Awad suffered five fractures in his skull. He and leftist activists in the area testify that over the years following clashes with settlers his plot has been damaged, with olive trees uprooted and terraces demolished.

Last year, the police demanded Awad be removed from the area, but a military judge rejected the request, criticizing the police and the army for their actions. Military rules allow commanders to issue closures, in writing or verbally, but the judge ruled that doing this over the phone, as was done in this case, was illegal, thereby voiding claims that Awad had violated the closure.

The judge also noted that the army had not prevented settlers from reaching the same area, adding that the map Awad was shown by soldiers was incorrect. He said that witnesses to Awad’s arrest were not summoned either. In denying the police request, he said that there were legal documents showing Awad’s connection to the plot. He added that the police should not be taking sides in the dispute between Awad and settlers in the area in the absence of a legal brief on the status of the land.

The IDF spokesman said, “There are often clashes in the South Hebron Hills between Palestinians and Israeli citizens. When there is a security need, a closure is imposed in order to prevent friction, based on an assessment of the situation. Barriers are erected in order to enforce the law.”