mandag 21. november 2022

Ron DeSantis: "The settlers Man in Florida" - Og om "Israel Victory Project"

Daniel Pipes (JPost 7. oktober 2020):
"In response to Oslo’s failure, I developed the Israel Victory concept in early 2001".

I 2017 ble  Israel Victory Project etablert som"caucus", dvs vennegruppe, i USAs kongress, etter initiativ av Bill Johnson,, republikaner Ohio, og Ron de Santis, repunlikaner Florida.
"The Israel Victory Project seeks to resolve the Israel-Arab conflict by convincing Palestinians that the Jewish state is tough, determined, and enduring, so that they give up their century-long war against it. The project draws on Israel's pre-1993 policy of deterrence."( Israel Victory Project)


Jewish Currents 30 juli 2020:
The Settlers’ Man in Florida
The Republican Party in the era of Trump has become the party of the Israeli settler right, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis its most devoted champion.

"ELECTED TO CONGRESS in 2012 with significant support from Tea Party groups, DeSantis quickly established himself as a favorite of the pro-settlement right. In 2017 and 2018, he presided over Congressional hearings on recognizing Israeli control of the occupied Golan Heights (where over 20,000 settlers live) and on moving the US embassy to Jerusalem—both actions that the Trump administration eventually took. The hearings signaled that DeSantis was not simply a run-of-the-mill pro-Israel politician, but a supporter of the settlers’ goal to gain US support for Israel’s formal annexation of the occupied Palestinian territories. “He was that committed to doing the right thing for Israel,” said Mort Klein, head of the far-right Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), who DeSantis invited to testify at both hearings. The ZOA awarded DeSantis their Zionist Hero Award in December of last year."

"As DeSantis looks to move up the Republican Party ranks, his pro-settlement record will ensure he can keep raising money from some of the GOP’s biggest donors. In return, the settler right will have in DeSantis a valuable ally to guarantee that settlements like Ariel stay where they are, forever. "

EDIT 21. november 2022
MIFF: "De Santis sier Judea og Samaria er ikke okkupert, men "omstridt"".
Jeg har svart MIFF med nedenstående Twittermelding av 21. november 2022 

EDIT 9. januar 2023
Daniel Pipes intervjues i Jerusalem Post:
"How can Israel win the Palestinian conflict? Historian explains"
American historian Daniel Pipes recently visited Israel to meet with key people and also discuss his visions for Israel’s victory in its current conflict."

Skudeneshavn  17. oktober 2022 / 21. november 2022 / 9. januar 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
21. november 2022

13. august 2023

13. august 2023

25. august 2023

Ny info:
9. januar 2023
Daniel Pipes intervjues i Jerusalem Post
"How can Israel win the Palestinian conflict? Historian explains"


20. november 2022 

12. september 2022

7. oktober 2020 

30. juli 2020

27. mai 2019 

9. november 2017 

25. april 2017

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