mandag 25. desember 2023

"If Israel Used a Controversial Procedure Against Its Citizens, We Need to Talk About It Now"

Hva skjedde 7. oktober  i Beeri?
Artikkel i Haaretz 13. desember stiller spørsmål om beslutningen til IDF-offiser Barak Hiram:
Opinion |

"If Israel Used a Controversial Procedure Against Its Citizens, We Need to Talk About It Now"

"Did Israel implement the so-called Hannibal Directive – which allows the military to endanger a soldier to prevent them from being kidnapped – at the hostage-taking incident in Be'eri on October 7?"


Electronic Intifada følger opp 24. desember:

"Israeli general killed Israelis on 7 October then lied about it"

Det spørs om denne saken er ferdig belyst.

Og hvis Barak Hiram har løyet om deler av saken, hva da?
For hva gjør Barak Hiram nå videre i IDF?

Skudeneshavn  25. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen



25. desember 2023

23. desember 2023

13. desember 2023

tirsdag 19. desember 2023

B. Michael: "The Blunders That Made Israel a Screwed-up State"

Ytring av B Michael i Haaretz 17. oktober 2023.
Datoen er 17. oktober, 10 dager etter Hamas-angrepet på Israel.

Opinion |

"The Blunders That Made Israel a Screwed-up State"

En klar ytring om okkupasjon, religion og  konstutusjon/grunnlov.
B. Michael vil ha avvikling av okkupasjon, skille mellom stat og religion, og en grunnlov basert på FNs charter.

Hans konklusjon, hvis dette ikke skjer:
"And if it doesn’t happen, what will happen? Well, then we’ll remain what we are: a screwed-up state that has been taken hostage by a gang of religious fanatics who insist on keeping a divine promise that even God no longer remembers whether, when and why he even gave it.

And from this black pit no protest, no victory, no unity and no special cabinet will rescue us. We’ll just go on slaughtering and being slaughtered, corrupting and being corrupted. And so forth, to the final disintegration."

Skudeneshavn 19. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


17. oktober 2023

B. Michael: "Israel's Vigilante Zeitgeist Excuses Any Killing"

Sterk ytring av B. Michael i Haaretz 19. desember 2023:
(Hele artikkelen nederst under Kilde).

"Israel's Vigilante Zeitgeist Excuses Any Killing"

Bør leses og reflekteres over.

Skudeneshavn  19. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen



19.desember 2023

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 19. desember 2023:

Opinion |

Israel's Vigilante Zeitgeist Excuses Any Killing

A demonstration demanding the release of the hostages in Tel Aviv, on Saturday night.
A demonstration demanding the release of the hostages in Tel Aviv, on Saturday night.Credit: Itai Ron

No, it wasn't the tension, or the fear, or the pressure, or even the war that killed the three hostages who tried to save themselves. It was the spirit of the times that killed them. The zeitgeist – a collection of opinions and beliefs and consensus values that characterize a certain society at a certain time. And in the current Israeli zeitgeist, no shortage of evil winds are blowing. A spirit of being easy on the trigger prevails. An unbearable lightness of killing and death. Of dehumanization of non-Jews, Arabs, Palestinians and "leftists." A vigilante spirit, as was on display in the killing of Yuval Kestelman.

A clear and direct line connects these two instances of killing. The similarities are chilling: victims who remove clothing in order to prove that they're not carrying a bomb, put their hands up in the air, beg for their lives in Hebrew, wave a white flag. Nothing helps. The itch to pull the trigger is too strong. The punk from the hilltops and the sniper in Gaza pulled the trigger. A few more checked boxes are added to the collection. This is what the zeitgeist commands. 

And all these killers cite the same excuse: "I felt threatened." A fundamental principle in the current Israeli zeitgeist. A mantra that excuses any killing or other terrible misdeed. In the West Bank, in Gaza, in Israel. They're all so threatened, they all go ahead and kill, and hardly any of them are punished. Punishing killers of Arabs is so not in keeping with the Israeli zeitgeist. 

Generals and politicians who discuss such incidents always make a point of emphasizing that these actions run "counter to the Israel Defense Forces values." There is such a thing, yes. Written down, in detail. Proudly brandished around. And among these brandished values is one called "purity of arms." Bravo. And there I found an explicit prohibition against hurting "people who are noncombatants." Hats off. 

But unfortunately, this lofty value apparently wasn't conveyed to the air force in time. Because it seems that despite this prohibition, there are some noncombatants among the 20,000 or so people killed by air force bombings in this war. Maybe a dozen, maybe 12,000. Maybe many more. But this was surely only by mistake. Or perhaps all the air force personnel were furnished with a document confirming that they, too, "feel threatened." No matter if they're in the cockpit or facing a computer screen that displays all those toy-like targets that are empty of people. Then it's all good.

There are other useful spirits in the zeitgeist: the spirit of treating terms like morality, conscience and truth like Hanukkah candles that are not to be used. And the unique blend of a spirit of inferiority and spirit of superiority, a spirit of condescension and spirit of victimhood, a spirit of self-pity and spirit of meanness to others. And a spirit of crazy messianic violence, and an addictive spirit of total wantonness, all-encompassing corruption, no accountability, and on and on. 

A zeitgeist like this doesn't just happen overnight. It took Israel nearly 76 years to develop the spirit to become the cruelest nation on earth at the moment. Who would have believed it?

On another, similar matter: This rotten war has run its useful course. All that's left for it now is to keep the pile of corpses growing in order to preserve the power of the man who clearly deserves the title of "enemy of the state of the Israelis." The time has come to say: Enough! Enough revenge, enough killing, enough being killed, enough self-humiliation, enough turning ugly. Enough. "All for all" and let's be done with it. Let's start fixing things, start healing, or at least try. If the spirit allows, that is.


fredag 15. desember 2023

Artikkel om krigens rett med en rekke eksempler på hva som er lov ved krigføring

 NTB-artikkel med en rekke eksempler på hva som er lov ved krigføring:

"Eksperter: Palestinerne har rett til å yte væpnet motstand"

"Palestinerne er i sin fulle rett til å angripe militære israelske mål, både i Israel og på den okkuperte Vestbredden, slår folkerettseksperter fast."

Skudeneshavn  15. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
15. desember 2023


13. juli 2021

onsdag 13. desember 2023

Debatt i Haugesunds Avis om "Krigens tragedie"

 Mitt innlegg i Haugesunds Avis 13. desember til Debattinnlegg om "Krigens tragedie":

Jan Marton Jensen 
"Krigens tragedie".
Ja, og okkupasjonen, uten ende.
Nå har FNs Generalforsamling bedt Den Internasjonale domstolen i Haag, ICJ, vurdere lovligheten av Israels okkupasjon av palestinske områder som har vart i over 56 år.

56 år er to generasjoner.
Og gjennom disse årene har Israel i økende omfang brutt Folkeretten, 4. Geneve-konvensjon 49.6, ved å la såkalte "bosettere" etablere seg på okkuperte områder.

Allerede i 2004 konkluderte ICJ at 4. Geneve-konvensjon gjelder her.
Og i 2016 vedtok FNs Sikkerhetsråd i Resolusjon 2334 at israelske "bosetninger" er ulovlige:

ALLIKEVEL har Israel fortsatt å neglisjere Folkeretten og vedtak i FN, og har ØKT sine ulovlige "bosetninger", der nå såkalte "bosettere" opptrer som væpnet militia og jager de lokale palestinere bort.

4. Geneve-konvensjon er fra 1949, det skulle være dyrekjøpt lærdom etter 2. verdenskrig.
Paragraf 49.6 ligger i kapitlet for krigsforbrytelser. 

USA har nettopp vedtatt at disse israelske aggressive "bosettere" ikke lenger får innreisevisum til USA.
Hva skal man si?
Er dette det riktige riset for krigsforbrytelser i 2023?
Skudeneshavn 13, desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

tirsdag 12. desember 2023

Innspill til Arealplan for Karmøy: Ha AKTIV politikk for å etablere Seniorboliger i sentrale områder i kommunens byer og tettsteder

 Innsendt 12. desember 2023

Innspill til Arealplan for Karmøy: Ha AKTIV politikk for å etablere Seniorboliger i sentrale områder i kommunens byer og tettsteder

Jan Marton Jensen

12:10 (for 7 timer siden)

til post, Oddrun, Nils

Karmøy må ha en:
Aktiv politikk for å etablere Seniorboliger i sentrale områder i kommunens byer og tettsteder

Bakgrunn og begrunnelse
- Det er mangelsentrale og rimelige Seniorboliger i kommunens byer og tettsteder
- Det mangler en politisk plan for å etablere slike Seniorboliger
- Eksisterende politikk og mål "Bo lenger hjemme" kan være til hinder for å forbedre boligstrukturen for eldre
- Rimelige Seniorboliger på sentrale tomter vil optimalisere boligstrukturen og åpne for at familieboliger kommer i bruk nettopp til familier, gjerne yngre familier med barn
- Flere seniorer i Seniorboliger i sentrale strøk vil effektivisere de knappe ressurser som kommunens Hjemmetjenester er
- Flere seniorer i Seniorboliger i sentrale strøk vil skape trygghet og motvirke ensomhet

1) Saksområdet tas med i Arealplanen for kommunen fordi bygging av Seniorboliger på sentrale tomter må inn i Arealplaner og Reguleringsplaner

2) Poltikerne må aktivt sette saken på den politiske dagsorden og bestille fra Administrasjonen en grundig Saksutreding:
"Veikart for etablering av sentrale og rimelige Seniorboliger i Karmøy kommunes byer og tettsteder"  
Veikartet må inneholde Organisering, Finansieringsmuligheter (f.eks Husbanken), mulig Offentlig/Privat Samarbeid og konkretisering av arealer og tomter. 

3) Eldrerådet i Karmøy kommune involveres til en konkretisering av Veikartet

Skudeneshavn  12. desember 2023
Jan Marton Jensen

"Graphic Videos and Incitement: How the IDF Is Misleading Israelis on Telegram"

Artikkel i Haaretz av Yaniv Kubovich:
HELE artikkelen under Kilde.

"Graphic Videos and Incitement: How the IDF Is Misleading Israelis on Telegram"

Det dreier seg om en av IDFs  kanaler for "informasjon" fra krigføringen i Gaza.
Hver natt "informeres" det om foregående dags prestasjoner, rettet mot israelske følgere av Telegram-kontoen med navnet: "72 Virgins - Uncensored".

Kanalen har vært operativ fra 9. oktober.
Innholdet er grelt.
Ja, man må kalle dette grotesk.
Og viser at "Verdens mest moralske hær", det er en omskriving av virkeligheten.

Forestillingen at det hjemlige publikum i Israel skal informeres på denne måten viser en forventning om hjemmebanen som er uhyggelig, ja langt utenfor normer.

Skudeneshavn  12. desember 2023
Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
12. desember 2023

12. desember

 HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 12. desember 2023:

Graphic Videos and Incitement: How the IDF Is Misleading Israelis on Telegram

The IDF unit responsible for psychological warfare operations operates a Telegram channel called '72 Virgins – Uncensored,' which targets local audiences with 'exclusive content from the Gaza Strip'

Dec 12, 2023 6:01 IST

Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.
Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.

The IDF Operations Directorate's Influencing Department, which is responsible for psychological warfare operations against the enemy and foreign audiences, operates a Telegram channel called 72 Virgins – Uncensored, which targets Israeli audiences and shows the bodies of Hamas terrorists with the promise of "shattering the terrorists' fantasy." 

The channel, which boasts of "exclusive content from the Gaza Strip" and has published over 700 posts, images and videos of terrorists being killed and of destruction in the Strip, encourages its 5,300 followers to share the content so that "everyone can see that we're screwing them."

The Israel Defense Forces denies that it operates the channel, but a senior military official confirmed to Haaretz that the army is responsible for operating it. "There is no reason for the IDF to conduct influence campaigns on Israeli citizens of Israel," said the official, who requested anonymity. "The messages there are problematic. It doesn't look like an awareness campaign of an army like the IDF, but more like talking points for [far-right rapper] The Shadow, and the fact that soldiers operate such a problematic page is egregious," he said.

Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.
Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.

The channel was created October 9, two days after the war began, as The Avengers. The next day the name was changed to Azazel, echoing the Hebrew pronunciation of "Gaza" and a word for hell, and then 72 Virgins – Uncensored. An October 11 post read:
  "Burning their mother ... You won't believe the video we got! You can hear the crunch of their bones. We'll upload it right away, get ready." Images of Palestinian captives and the bodies of terrorists were captioned "Exterminating the roaches ... exterminating the Hamas rats. ... Share this beauty." The following text accompanies a video of an Israeli soldier allegedly dipping machine gun bullets in pork fat: "What a man!!!!! Lubricates bullets with lard. You won't get your virgins." And: "Garbage juice!!!! Another dead terrorist!! You have to watch it with the sound, you'll die laughing."

Each night, the channel posts a daily summary that includes several IDF updates on the activity in Gaza, with promises of exclusive images and videos. "As always, we're the first to bring you the information from the field," it says. "We have crazy recordings of terrorists, how can we put it, swimming with the fishes. We have documentation no one else has. We promise much more!!!"

On October 14, alongside the caption, "Exclusive video of a good night, don't forget to share and repost," was a video of an Israeli vehicle repeatedly driving over the body of a terrorist. "Very good, Gershon!!! Run him over run him over!!!! Screw the bastards! Flatten them," the accompanying post said.

Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.
Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.

The channel administrators didn't stop at images from Gaza. On October 11, hundreds of Israelis, including members of the Beitar Jerusalem soccer team's violently racist fan club La Familia, rioted at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, near Tel Aviv, following a rumor that Hamas terrorists who had invaded Israel were being treated there. People roamed the hospital, cursing out and spitting on medical professionals. Within an hour, a video of the riot was uploaded to 72 Virgins with the title, "My brothers, the heroesssss, La Familia fans, love you!!!!!!! What heroes, came to screw the Arabs."

This isn't the first time that an IDF psychological warfare operation targeting an Israeli audience has been exposed. Haaretz revealed this year that during the 2021 war in the Gaza Strip, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit conducted a deceptive campaign against Israeli citizens aimed at boosting awareness of the IDF's attacks and their "cost" to the Palestinians. The army posted to fake social media accounts images of the widespread destruction in the Strip and called on followers to share "so they know we are retaliating big time." Officials in the spokesperson's unit admitted, after the operation was exposed, that they had "erred."

The Telegram channel also urges followers to share its content. Next to an image of what are alleged to be captured terrorists is the exhortation, "Don't forget that all the content here is exclusive first for you!!!!!! Share it so everyone will see what crybabies they are."

 Over two years ago, Haaretz reported that the IDF hired the operator of a Telegram channel called Abu Ali Express as a consultant on the "war for public opinion on social media. The channel published exclusive reports, videos and pictures with its logo to its 100,000 followers, without proper disclosure of the cooperation with the IDF. More than once, the IDF spokesman referred journalists to Abu Ali Express for news on the fighting, while telling them that the information "did not come from the military." Under the cloak of anonymity, Abu Ali Express discredited journalists who criticized IDF policy and then-Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman. In 2022, the IDF announced it had terminated the consultant's contract. This week, 72 Virgins shared a post from Abu Ali Express, which was given a prominent credit.

Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.
Images from the '72 Virgins - Uncensored' Telegram group.

For years, the IDF has used psychological warfare against Israel's enemies in an effort to undercut their narratives, influence the population (including in the Gaza Strip, Iran and Lebanon) and tout its successes. These campaigns are conducted in secret, using fake accounts, without leaving evidence of IDF involvement. However, the IDF is barred by law from using these capabilities against Israelis.

In a statement, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said 72 Virgins is not operated on the IDF's behalf. "If there was any connection by soldiers or other parties connected to the IDF with the page or its operation, this was done without approval and without authority." However, as mentioned, a senior military official confirmed that the channel was systematically operated by IDF personnel.

mandag 11. desember 2023

Informasjon om fordrivelsen av palestinere i 1948 holdes skjult

 To artikler i Haaretz om hva som skjedde ved fordrivningen i 1948 av palestinere.
Info om dette holdes skjult skrives i Haaretz.
Hele artiklene under Kilde.

 Haaretz 5. juli 2019:

"Burying the Nakba: How Israel Systematically Hides Evidence of 1948 Expulsion of Arabs"

"Since early last decade, Defense Ministry teams have scoured local archives and removed troves of historic documents to conceal proof of the Nakba."


Haaretz 3. juni 2021:

"Was Israeli Looting in '48 Part of a Broader Policy to Expel Arabs?"

"The dark sides of the War of Independence are illuminated in a book on the massive Jewish looting of Arab property then, showing the link between the plunder and Ben-Gurion's policy to rid the country of its Arab residents."

Skudeneshavn   11. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


3. juni 2021

5. juli 2019

søndag 10. desember 2023

Om Viktor Orban, Republikanerne og tenketanker på høyresiden

Artikkel i The Guardian 10. desember 2023 viser en samling av aktører og tenketanker på høyresiden i politikken i USA:

"Republicans to meet allies of Hungary’s Viktor Orbán on ending Ukraine aid"

"Hungarian appearance at two-day event part of Orbán’s transatlantic attempt to bolster Russia’s war"

Her får man innsikt i aktørene.


Skudeneshavn  10. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


10. desember 2023

lørdag 9. desember 2023

Israel bomber Gaza med ekstra store bomber - Derav de mange sivile døde og de store ødeleggelsene

Israelsk undersøkelse, kommentert i The Guardian 9.desember 2023:

"Civilians make up 61% of Gaza deaths from airstrikes, Israeli study finds"

"Civilian proportion of deaths is higher than that in all world conflicts in 20th century, Haaretz newspaper says"

Årsaken er Israels bruk av ekstra kraftige bomber skriver Aftenposten 8.desember 2023:

"USA hevder Israel angriper Gaza med altfor store bomber"

"Enkelte av bombene som Israel bruker, bærer med seg nesten ett tonn sprengkraft. Bombene
gjør langt større skade enn det som er nødvendig for å ta ut Israels mål, mener USA. Det gjør at unødvendig mange sivile liv går tapt."

Bombeangrepene sprenger store bygninger sønder og sammen. De gjør i tillegg stor skade på alt som befinner seg i nærheten. Igjen ligger lik begravd i ruiner."


Men når Israel praktiserer Dahiya-doktrinen, da MÅ det bombes så det holder.

Skudeneshavn   9. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
10. desember 2023

10. desember 2023

10. desember 2023


9. desember 2023

8. desember 2023

fredag 8. desember 2023

Craig Murray: "Stopping Genocide"

"Craig John Murray (født 17. oktober 1958) er en britisk tidligere diplomat og senere aktivist, menneskerettsforkjemper og varsler" (Wiki).

I en artikkel 7. desember 2023 skriver han om krigen i Gaza at det er konvensjonen om folkemord som må anvendes i dette tilfellet:

"Stopping Genocide"

En lesverdig artikkle av en spesialist innen dette saksområdet.
Hele artikkelen under Kilde.

Skudeneshavn   8. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen



7. desember 2023

torsdag 7. desember 2023

"Målrettet drap på journalister"

Min Twittermelding 7. desember 2023

Conrad, nå har undersøkelser bekreftet:
"Reuters-journalist ble målrettet drept av Israel" #Libanon  #IssamAbdallah #DrapPåJournalister #Målrettet

The Washington Post
An investigation by the French organization Reporters Without Borders into the killing in October of a Reuters cameraman, Issam Abdallah, concluded that Abdallah and his co-workers, several of whom were injured, were “explicitly targeted.”

Skudeneshavn  7. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
24. november 2023

7. desember 2023


7. desember 2023

7.desember 2023

søndag 3. desember 2023

Israel beskylder sørgende i Gaza å sørge over DOKKER

 Mitt Twitter-innlegg om dette 3. desember:

Conrad, HVA får seriøse aviser til å hevde at drepte babyer i #Gaza egentlig er #dokker?:
Og hva får en uendelig rekke av
#Israel-venner til å henge seg på beskyldningene?
Hva er det som skjer?


Skudeneshavn  3. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen



1. desember 2023

fredag 1. desember 2023

IDF bruker kunstig intelligens ved krigføring i Gaza - Hva betyr det?

The Guardian skriver om  Israels nye krigsmaskin for Gaza, basert på kunstig intelligens.

‘The Gospel’: how Israel uses AI to select bombing targets in Gaza

"Concerns over data-driven ‘factory’ that significantly increases the number of targets for strikes in the Palestinian territory"

Det er det israelske magasinet 972mag som har gått grundigst inn i denne saken, og har en sterk melding:

"‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza"

"Permissive airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an artificial intelligence system have enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest war on Gaza, a +972 and Local Call investigation reveals."

Her har IDF flyttet grenser for hvordan en massiv bombing utføres.
Der valg av mål og bombeintensitet virker være overlatt bokstavelig talt til en "krigsmaskin".

Hva åpner dette for av etiske vurderinger?
Hvem er ansvarlig?
Hvem avgjør?

Skudeneshavn 1. desember 2023 

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
1. desember 2023


1. desember 2023


30. november 2023

Henry Kissinger og Israel - Analyse

 Artikkkel om Henry Kissingers forhold til Israel:

Analysis |Alon Pinkas, Haaretz:

"Kissinger's Power-over-progress Paradigm Found Attentive Ears in Israel"

"More than any other person, Henry Kissinger set Israel’s special status in America’s foreign policy, as a state exempt from abiding by norms the U.S. demands of others. His approach was congruent with Israel’s foreign policy"

 Oppsummert fra artikkelen:
 - Lot Israel i hemmelighet bli atommakt
 - Fritok Israel fra å overholde folkerett

Skudeneshavn  1. desember 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
1.desember 2023

1. desenber 2023