torsdag 27. juni 2024

Om "Domicide" i Gaza

Ødelggelse i krig av sivil infrastruktur og hus og hjem, slik det har skjedd i Gaza, det aktualiserer spørsmålet om slike ødeleggelser, "DOMICIDE" er tydelig nok tatt inn i Folkeretten.

Mitt debattinnlegg på X om dette 27. juni 2024.

#IDF's SYSTEMATISKE ødeleggelse i #Gaza av sivil infrastruktur, som hus og hjem, offentlige bygg, skoler, vannforsyning, og strømforsyning , det aktualiserer at begrepet #DOMICIDE må tas mer konkret inn i Folkeretten:

Skudeneshavn   27. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

tirsdag 25. juni 2024

"Lawfare" mot UNRWA i USA

Haaretz 25. juni 2024:

"Victims of October 7 Attack Against Israel Sue UNRWA for Allegedly Laundering Money for Hamas"

"Dozens of victims of the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7 are alleging in a lawsuit that UNRWA assisted Hamas by paying its operatives as employees and relaying Hamas propaganda through its schools"


The Guardian 22. april 2024:

"Israel has yet to provide evidence of Unrwa staff terrorist links, Colonna report says"

"Exclusive: review finds government yet to substantiate claims UN relief agency staff have ties to Hamas or Islamic Jihad"


Skudeneshavn  25. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

Ny Info:
25. juni 2024

25. juni 2024

22. april 2024

IDF går etter Hamas-leder Haniyeh sin familie i Gaza

IDF går etter familien til Hamas-leder Haniyeh

 Haaretz 25. juni 2024

Gaza sources confirm Hamas chief Haniyeh's sister killed in Israeli strike, along with 10 relatives

Sources in Gaza have confirmed that Zahr Haniyeh, sister of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, was killed in an Israeli strike earlier on Tuesday in the al-Shati refugee camp in Gaza City, along with ten of her relatives.


 Tidlege har IDF drept 3 av Haniyeh sine sønner i Gaza:

Jerusalem Post 10. april 2024:

Three sons of Hamas leader Haniyeh killed in Israeli airstrike

The Iranian-aligned Lebanese outlet al-Mayadeen reported, citing Palestinian sources, that the strike had also killed several of Haniyeh's grandchildren.


Opplegget IDF følger er å bonbe midt på natten, når familiene er samlet hjemme.

Skudeneshavn  25. juni 2025

Jan Marton Jensen



25. juni 2024

10. april 2024

Artikkel med debatt i Aftenposten om "forsvunne" palestinere

 Overskriften i Aftenposten 18. juni 2024:

"Den 21 år gamle medisinstudenten Ibrahim Hasouna forlot teltleiren for å lade PC-en. Deretter forsvant han sporløst."

"Hva har skjedd med de tusenvis av menneskene som har forsvunnet fra Gaza?"

I debatten under artikkelen har jeg lagt inn flere kommentarer.
Det dreier seg om Israels behandling av tilfangetatte palestinere og forhøret av disse.
Tall og eksemler i debattinnleggene ....

Skudeneshavn  25. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


18. juni 2024

søndag 23. juni 2024

IDF overfører viktig ansvar for okkupasjonen av palestinerne til Smotrich

 Oppslag i The Guardian 20. juni 2024:

"IDF transfers powers in occupied West Bank to pro-settler civil servants

‘Actual annexation’ taking place, says NGO analyst, as legal powers transferred to officials led by far-right Bezalel Smotrich"

The Israeli military has quietly handed over significant legal powers in the occupied West Bank to pro-settler civil servants working for the far-right minister Bezalel Smotrich.

An order posted by the Israel Defense Forces on its website on 29 May transfers responsibility for dozens of bylaws at the Civil Administration – the Israeli body governing in the West Bank – from the military to officials led by Smotrich at the defence ministry.

Smotrich and his allies have long seen control of the Civil Administration, or significant parts of it, as a means of extending Israeli sovereignty in the West Bank. Their ultimate goal is direct control by central government and its ministries. The transfer reduces the likelihood of legal checks on settlement expansion and development."

Smotrich er egentlig finansminister i Netanyahus regjering.
Men så har han fått en konstruert stilling i Forsvarsdepartementet, og der ansvar for den sivile administrasonen av de okkuperte palestinerne.

Det som nå skjer kaller noen mer enn en "krypende anneksjon":

"Mairav Zonszein, a senior analyst for Israel-Palestine at Crisis Group, said: “The big story is that this is no longer ‘creeping annexation’ or ‘de facto annexation’, it is actual annexation.

“This is the legalisation [and] normalisation of a long-term policy. Smotrich is basically re-establishing the way in which the occupation works by taking a large part out of the hands of the military."

Det er liten tvil om hva den langsiktige strategien er for behandlingen av de okkuperte palestinerne.


Skudeneshavn  23. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

Ny info:

20. juni 2024

lørdag 22. juni 2024

ICRC: - 22 drept ved angrep nær ICRC-kontor og feltsykehus i Gaza

The Guardian 22. juni 2024:

"At least 25 Palestinians killed in strike near Reed Cross Office in Gaza."

Og så viser The Guardian til X-melding fra ICRC, se Kilde. 

"The ICRC office – which is surrounded by hundreds of displaced civilians living in tents – was damaged by nearby shelling in Gaza. Firing so dangerously close to humanitarian structures puts the lives of civilians and humanitarians at risk."

Resten av ICRC-meldingen i Kilde.
Der fremgår det også at selve ICRC-bygningen ble skadet.

IDF hevder at de ikke har skutt her, men undersøker videre.
Siste ord er neppe sagt når man så å si treffer ICRC.
Det gjenstår å se hva som blir stående.


Skudeneshavn   22. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen



22. juni 2024

21. juni 2024

fredag 21. juni 2024

Gideon Levy: - Hva skjer med palestinere under forhør i israelske fengsler?

Melding fra Gideon Levy i Haaretz 20. juni 2024, HELE artikkelen nederst under Kilde.
Han er opptatt av gisler, og påpeker i en sterk ytring, at de palestinske gislene i israelsk forvaring er glemte:

"Photos of Palestinians Are Missing From Tel Aviv's Hostage Square"

Gideon Levy har flere eksempler der palestinere i israelsk forvaring er forhørt av Shin Bet slik at de ikke er til å kjenne igjen.
Og to fremstående leger fra Gaza er døde under israelsk forhør, under uklare omstendigheter.

Sammenligning med Guantanamo og Abu Ghraib gjør Levy når han omtaler Bassem Tamimi:
"His appearance after about eight months of incarceration and torture should have shocked every Israeli, especially the relatives of the hostages in Gaza. The pictures show a broken man: emaciated, his face gaunt, his eyes red and weeping. Tamimi has been detained dozens of times, usually political detentions without trial, but never after his release before did he look as he did last week. The once-handsome, charismatic man was a shell of his former self. Even his friends struggled to recognize him at first. He resembled a detainee released from Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib."

Hva er det som skjer med palestinere under forvaring i Israel?

Skudeneshavn   21, juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter/X:
9. juni 2024

22. juni 2024

22. juni 2024

Ny Info:
22. juni 2024

20. juni 2024

11. juni 2024


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 20. juni:

Photos of Palestinians Are Missing From Tel Aviv's Hostage Square

An Israeli soldier walks past pictures of hostages held in Gaza, at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, in May.
An Israeli soldier walks past pictures of hostages held in Gaza, at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, in May.Credit: Marko Djurica / Reuters

A picture is missing from the Tel Aviv plaza known as Hostages Square. A few dozen images are also missing from the nearby Kaplan Street demonstrations. These pictures have never been displayed in the protests, even though they belong there no less than the photographs of the Israeli hostages. The missing pictures, those of the Palestinian abductees, should have been the second focus of the protest, after the Israeli hostages. But not in the Israel of 2024. Here no one even thinks to consider them.

I would like to see, at the Kaplan demonstration this Saturday evening, a photo taken of the abductee Bassem Tamimi after his release from captivity in Israel. Tamimi was freed last week; he was abducted at the Allenby/King Hussein Crossing between the West Bank and Jordan on October 29 and imprisoned without trial.

His appearance after about eight months of incarceration and torture should have shocked every Israeli, especially the relatives of the hostages in Gaza. The pictures show a broken man: emaciated, his face gaunt, his eyes red and weeping. Tamimi has been detained dozens of times, usually political detentions without trial, but never after his release before did he look as he did last week. The once-handsome, charismatic man was a shell of his former self. Even his friends struggled to recognize him at first. He resembled a detainee released from Guantanamo Bay or Abu Ghraib.


He is a veteran political activist who has lost a few family members in the struggle. His daughter Ahed became an international symbol of Palestinian resistance at age 14 after she slapped – heaven help us! – his excellency an Israeli army officer, who is permitted to slap and even kill to his heart's desire. Tamimi has been broken. Friends say he is panicky, frightened and in shock after what he endured in the infamous prison wings for security detainees operating in the spirit of Itamar Ben-Gvir. 

The demonstrators need to show the picture of Tamimi after his release from captivity for two reasons; one is humanitarian, the other political. Tamimi's photo was circulated around the world. It gave legitimacy to maltreating our hostages as Tamimi was maltreated. It is liable to encourage Hamas to maltreat them even more. That is why the hostages' families should also protest furiously against the mistreatment of the abductees held by Israel.

The truth must be told: None of the Israeli hostages released so far looks, at least outwardly, as Tamimi does. The freed Israeli hostages endured a hell from which they will struggle to recover; no one is dismissing what they went through, but they did not look like wrecks of human beings as he did.

No one is talking about Tamimi's hell, neither in Israel nor abroad. Free the abductees? Only the Israeli ones. When people say abductees, they mean the Israeli hostages. There are no others, even though Israel's detention camps are full to bursting with abductees from Gaza and the West Bank whose fates are unknown. What of the Israeli hostages who died in captivity, every Israeli will ask, and rightly so. And what of the Palestinian abductees who died, every one of whose deaths or killings is unforgivable and a war crime?

This Saturday's Kaplan Street protest should also feature the image of Dr. Iyad Rantisi, director of the women's hospital in Beit Lahia, who died in a Shin Bet interrogation facility a week after he was abducted from Gaza. As in the darkest regimes, human beings are disappeared; for six months, news of his death was barred from publication. What's important is our claims against the brutes from Hamas. On Tuesday, Hagar Shezaf published the news of his death, not to say the news of his execution by torture during interrogation.

Rantisi is the second physician whom Israel tortured to death or caused to die in the war. The head of the orthopedics department at Al-Shifa Hospital fell victim to a similar fate, along with around 40 Palestinian abductees who died in the Sde Teiman camp and other places of evil in Israel.

All of their images should be displayed at Kaplan Street Saturday. They too were hostages who should have been treated humanely; some should have been freed. They too have families, just like our hostages.


Om Å Energi og Morrow Batteries

 Debttinnlegg i Fedrelandsvennen 20. juni 2024 om Å Energi og batterifabrikken Morrow.
Og også med andre "batteri-eksempler", se Kilde: 

"En dyr lærepenge…."

"Undertegnede viser til leder i Fædrelandsvennen den 24. mai (Å Energi med omstridt eierskap i Morrow)."

"Selskapet Britishvolt som skulle bygge Englands største batterifabrikk, beliggende tett ved overføringskabelen fra Suldal i Rogaland til Newcastle i Storbritannia, åpnet i oktober 2021. Selskapet er slått konkurs, men kabelen eksporterer ren norsk vannkraft så det suser samtidig som matkøen her hjemme vokser og bedrifter i NO2 klager sin nød."

"Morrow Batteries sikter mot 43 GWh batteriproduksjon i Arendal. Det kan bli en dyr lærepenge. Regningen sendes folk og næringsliv via bl.a. faktura for strøm og nett, ja nettopp fra det offentlig eide konsernet Å Energi. Vi i prisområde NO2 bidrar i særklasse! Dersom Å Energi sin forretningside ikke er å subsidiere ved å melke sine kunder, eller å motta statlige subsidier, for deretter å tilby Morrows billig strøm, er det særdeles lite som tilsier at batteriproduksjon i høykostlandet Norge kan lykkes! Men Agders eierrepresentanter gav fra seg styringen til Vardar, Drammen og Statkraft ved fusjonen."

Betimelige spørsmål om offentlige investeringer i storforbrukere av elektrisk kraft i prisområde NO2, som er Sør-Vestlandet.
Der prisen for elektrisk kraft stort sett er høyest i Norge pga kablene til UK og kontinentet.


Skudeneshavn   21. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

19. juni 2024

onsdag 19. juni 2024

Nok en lege fra Gaza dør under forhør i Israel:

 Nok en lege fra Gaza dør under forhør i Israel:

"Prominent Palestinian Doctor, Iyad Rantisi, Dies during Interrogation in Israel"

"A senior doctor from Gaza died last November under interrogation by the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service, six days after his detention, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported on Tuesday."

"Dr. Iyad Rantisi, 53, was the director of the Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahia, in the northern Gaza Strip. 

“He was arrested November 11 and was declared dead six days later at Shikma Prison, the site of a Shin Bet interrogation facility,” the report said, adding that, “according to the Shin Bet, he was interrogated on suspicion of involvement in holding Israeli hostages in Gaza.”

The cause of death is unclear but Israel has been repeatedly accused of “systematic torture” against Palestinian prisoners detained from Gaza during the ongoing genocidal war.

Dr. Rantisi’s death reportedly prompted an investigation by the Israeli Ministry of Justice. According to Haaretz, “its findings are under review”.

Det gjenstår å få klargjort slike saker.
Rimeligvis følger ICC med.


Skudeneshavn   19. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


18. juni 2024

tirsdag 18. juni 2024

Michael Sfard: - "Why Israel's High Court Can No Longer Bend International Law to Protect the Occupation"

Artikkel av Michael Sfard i Haaretz 18. juni 2024, HELE artikken nederst under Kilde
Han tar et oppgjør med Israels Høyesterett:

"Why Israel's High Court Can No Longer Bend International Law to Protect the Occupation"

"For decades, the Supreme Court facilitated Israel's actions in the West Bank, including transferring Palestinians and legitimizing settlements. Now, as the 58th year of occupation begins, this dynamic has shifted."

En klar melding fra Sfard:
"For decades, the Supreme Court has been distorting international law as it is understood in most of the world. This institution may once have earned remarkable prestige, but today it is mainly known as a court that enables Israel to transfer communities from the South Hebron Hills, expropriate land in the West Bank and legitimize the settlement enterprise that the rest of the world considers illegal. Thus, the police, the prosecution and the High Court of Justice have gone from being Israel's flak jacket to a paragraph in the indictment against Israel. It took time, but the Israeli justice system is no longer able to conceal its real role within the occupation apparatus."

Med sak om Israel i ICC og ICJ nå i 2024 er det vist at det israelske rettssytemet også er oppe til eksamen.


Skudeneshavn   18. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


18. juni 2024

HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 18. juni 2024

Why Israel's High Court Can No Longer Bend International Law to Protect the Occupation

For decades, the Supreme Court facilitated Israel's actions in the West Bank, including transferring Palestinians and legitimizing settlements. Now, as the 58th year of occupation begins, this dynamic has shifted

Israel's Supreme Court Justices.
Israel's Supreme Court Justices.Credit: Jonathan Zindel/Flash90

For 57 years, the Israeli occupation enjoyed the protection of a legal flak jacket of near-perfect quality. The gleaming legal armor with which Israeli society covered its unmentionables, shielded all our crimes and protected every abomination we committed. 

For decades, we could plunder the lands of our occupied subjects and settle on them, humiliate them at checkpoints and in the fields, detain thousands without trial, refrain from arresting or trying members of the Jewish gangs that raid them, outlaw all their nonviolent political activity and bomb Gaza from the ground, air and sea every few years, while our "legal Iron Dome" – topped by our crowning glory, the High Court of Justice – saved us from the wicked attempts to try our actions in foreign courts.

But the 58th year, which began last week, is not taking its first steps with the assurance the High Court flak jacket gave its predecessors. Over the past year, many illusions were shattered.

We believed the most powerful army in the Middle East fully protected our communities, and this was shown to be a terrible illusion; we were certain the intelligence community knew in real time every time some Gazan relieved themselves in the street, only to discover that it apparently knew only that; and we were sure that the prestige of the Israeli justice system obviated interference from international counterparts, only to discover that the gentile judges were at the gates. 

The argument of leaders of the just and important fight against the government coup, that the High Court is a flak jacket, is correct, but it has a limitation: As the saying goes, you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

When Israel's Supreme Court faces the judgment of history on the question of whether it fulfilled its most important mission, protecting human and civil rights, it will probably cite its extensive courageous rulings defending and protecting democratic values and fundamental rights. This is not mere lip service. The court genuinely protected LGBTQ rights, acted to prevent religious coercion and fought government corruption.

The justices can rightly be proud of key rulings that barred discrimination against women, banned torture (albeit not completely), and fortified freedom of expression and protest against government interference. The importance of these rulings should not be discounted. They largely shaped the character of Israeli society and gave many within it the opportunity to exercise basic rights that would have been denied if not for the court.


But as they proudly defend themselves in the court of history, rulings they would rather conceal and have forgotten will slip from their robes. Thousands of rulings, too many for the Israeli judicial robe to hold. Rulings that authorized harming of the weakest, who live under Israeli rule but have no rights and no influence on their future; who are not represented by any institution within the entity that governs them.

This is how I picture them – generations of Israeli Supreme Court justices presenting their arguments in the court of history, referring to all the rulings they are proud of (and which the court therefore had translated into English), while their words are continually interrupted by the thuds of other rulings that keep slipping out and falling to the floor.


Israeli security forces demolish a Palestinian home in the West Bank in January.
Israeli security forces demolish a Palestinian home in the West Bank in January.Credit: Israel Police Spokesperson

Rulings permitting deportation, forced population transfer, land appropriation, home demolitions as collective punishment, extrajudicial executions, blocking development for Palestinians, discrimination in every field and a dual justice system: a civil and modern system for settlers, and a draconian military system for Palestinians. The justices raise their voices, perspiration beading their foreheads, but behind them the pile of rulings keep growing, a pile that tells the story of a tyrannical, apartheid regime that their thousands of rulings enabled, even if they occasionally moderated it.

The motions for arrest warrants for the prime minister and defense minister filed by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court mark the culmination of a lengthy process of the collapse of the reputation long enjoyed by Israel's law enforcement system in the international legal community. 

From a country that amazed the world in the 1980s after the Sabra and Shatila massacre, when its justice system ousted one of Israel's most powerful defense ministers ever and affected the careers of generals who were found to be indirectly responsible for the massacre, to a country whose law enforcement system turns a blind eye to and even abets the hilltop thugs and those who block and vandalize trucks carrying humanitarian aid.

The requests for arrest warrants signal that the international legal community no longer considers the Attorney General's Office, the Israel Police, the military prosecutor and the Supreme Court as law enforcement institutions that meet international standards, at least in regard to the Palestinians.


And why should we complain? For decades, the policy of near-total immunity for soldiers who harm Palestinians has been in place. There are hardly any investigations of crimes committed by soldiers, and the investigations that do take place are basically a joke. This is a system in which the army and the police abet violent settlers and whitewash their crimes. A system in which the State Prosecutor's Office aids and abets the processes of annexation and apartheid and offers protection for unbridled methods of combat, in the belief that statements to the media about "strict adherence to international law" are sufficient to protect Israel from legal proceedings.

Palestinians flee a village near the Meitarim Farm outspost in South Hebron Hills, West Bank.
Palestinians flee a village near the Meitarim Farm outspost in South Hebron Hills, West Bank.Credit: Alex Libak

 For decades, the Supreme Court has been distorting international law as it is understood in most of the world. This institution may once have earned remarkable prestige, but today it is mainly known as a court that enables Israel to transfer communities from the South Hebron Hills, expropriate land in the West Bank and legitimize the settlement enterprise that the rest of the world considers illegal. Thus, the police, the prosecution and the High Court of Justice have gone from being Israel's flak jacket to a paragraph in the indictment against Israel. It took time, but the Israeli justice system is no longer able to conceal its real role within the occupation apparatus.

We are currently witnessing a legal avalanche against Israel, with the ICC prosecutor's requests for arrest warrants for its leaders, the provisional measures issued against Israel by the International Court of Justice, courts in various countries not tossing out cases that have to do with Israel's actions on the shopworn grounds that "there are judges in Jerusalem."

One major reason for this avalanche is our (independent, professional and often praiseworthy) judiciary's insistence on assisting in the violation of the laws of occupation and war.

Welcome to the 58th year.


mandag 17. juni 2024

Sverige-Demokratene hadde "Trollfabrikk" som spredde desinformasjon

Etter avsløringene i Sverige trues nå de ansatte i TV4, og disse anbefales nå ikke å være ute i offentligheten med klær eller merker som identifiserer dem.

Dette skriver Guardian om 17. juni 2024, se Kilde:

"In Sweden, a far-right assault on the media is undermining the Nordic model"

"From troll farms to racist hate speech, nationalists’ bullying tactics are having a chilling effect on political journalism"

"Employees at Sweden’s national news channel, TV4, were last month told to avoid wearing clothing or badges that might identify their employer’s logo in public. The security risk was deemed too big. The advice was made in response to increased threats against the station and its reporters after its investigative programme, Kalla Fakta (Cold Facts), alleged that the far-right Sweden Democrats – the second biggest party in Sweden – operated a vast network of anonymous social media accounts, coordinating attacks on political opponents and the media."


Skudeneshavn  17. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

På X:
17. juni 2024

17. juni 2024

27. mai 2024

22. mai 2024

20. mai 2024

13. mai 2024

søndag 16. juni 2024

"Israel Is Hiding Its Draconian Detention of Palestinians From the Public"

Sterk melding i innlegg i Haaretz 13. juni 2024:

"Israel Is Hiding Its Draconian Detention of Palestinians From the Public"

Forfatteren angir at det israelske fengselet  Sdei Teiman er verre enn Guantanamo:

"Have they heard in mainstream Israeli media about the Israeli Guantanamo, Sde Teiman, which serves as a detention facility for Gazans and for people suspected of belonging to Hamas? Do they know that over the last six months, the number of prisoners who have died in Israeli torture camps is four times greater than the number of prisoners who died in Guantanamo over 20 years? At least 27 have died in Israel, and likely more."

"Do people in Israel know that prisoners in Sde Teiman are held without court monitoring and without Red Cross representatives or lawyers being able to meet them? Do they know anything at all about administrative detentions carried out here long before October 7, the beginning of history for many Israelis?"

HELE artikkelen under Kilde.


Skudeneshavn   16. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


13. uni 2024

HELE artikkelen i Haarez 13. juni 2024:

Opinion |

Israel Is Hiding Its Draconian Detention of Palestinians From the Public
A Palestinian prisoner transported to a prison in Israel.
A Palestinian prisoner transported to a prison in Israel.Credit: Ilan Assayag

Do people in Israel know that prisoners in Sde Teiman are held without court monitoring and without Red Cross representatives or lawyers being able to meet them?

A protest outside Israel's Sde Teiman detention facility, last month.
A protest outside Israel's Sde Teiman detention facility, last month.Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz

A few days after the rescue of the hostages, the Instagram account of Kan 11 TV noted their "blindfolded eyes and lack of regular food; the terrible conditions the hostages were in … their apparent bad medical condition, the hostages are suffering from malnutrition … cynically and cruelly, Almog Meir Jan's captors celebrated his birthday in captivity, even baking him a cynical and cruel cake." Those were the words of the report.

Obviously, I was happy to see that they were in relatively good shape, as much as possible when you are kidnapped and held captive in a place you don't know, when your basic rights and security are taken from you, and in the middle of a hostile war zone at that, when shelling and explosions rattle every fiber in your body and soul, and you're not in good shape even if you look it after nine months' captivity. I can't even imagine it and don't wish it on my enemies.

All this made me think about the way in which the ostensibly reasonable condition of the hostages rattled the world and delicate sensibilities of many Israelis, and about how disturbed they were by descriptions of blindfolded hostages, of how they weren't allowed to go where they wanted to or how their captors threatened to kill them. "We are dealing with human beasts, they baked him a cake! How evil!" were some of the reactions. "They deserve death; they blindfolded them! They probably baked him a cake so the world would think they are human beings, not creatures of the devil."

And then I thought about Mohammed Taher Jabarin from Umm al-Fahm, who initiated a demonstration at the beginning of the war. He has been under arrest since then, and photos show him to have lost a lot of weight. Taher, a teacher and activist, not a terrorist or abettor of terrorists, not a Nukhba member, simply a citizen who went to demonstrate and has not been released since then. Have there been any reports about the cruelty of his detention or the banality of evil?

Did the people who were shocked by the hostages' treatment hear about the condition of Palestinian prisoners? Have they heard about prisoners whose hands and feet were amputated because of gangrene caused by handcuffs? Have they heard in mainstream Israeli media about the Israeli Guantanamo, Sde Teiman, which serves as a detention facility for Gazans and for people suspected of belonging to Hamas? Do they know that over the last six months, the number of prisoners who have died in Israeli torture camps is four times greater than the number of prisoners who died in Guantanamo over 20 years? At least 27 have died in Israel, and likely more. 

Do people in Israel know that prisoners in Sde Teiman are held without court monitoring and without Red Cross representatives or lawyers being able to meet them? Do they know anything at all about administrative detentions carried out here long before October 7, the beginning of history for many Israelis?

I tried to find reports about Sde Teiman on public broadcaster Kan 11 TV's website. I didn't find any on the digital version, and I scrolled far back. It turns out that if no cakes were baked for Palestinian prisoners, it wasn't cruel or evil enough to be reported.

How can one explain this total lack of attention, or denial meant to justify the massacre Israel has been perpetrating in Gaza for eight months, which the whole world except Israel can see? Exactly as I was pondering this, I read a report about an Arab midwife at a hospital who called for the release of all the hostages and prisoners on both sides. She is now going through hell as if she were an arch-terrorist, a target of the same people who were shocked by a cake in captivity. I now realize – this cannot be fixed.

Forskere fra Nibio: - Nei, torv bør ikke bli forbudt nå

 Innlegg i debatten om forbud mot uttak av torv til bruk i plantejord, se Kilde:

"Nei, torv bør ikke bli forbudt nå"

"Et forhastet torvforbud redder lite."

En faglig oppdatering som viser at "torvhøsting" er forsvarlig, og kan bli bærekraftig.
Forskerne konkluderer slik:

"Å forby torvuttak på områder som allerede brukes, har marginal miljøgevinst. Torven vil da bare importeres og distriktsarbeidsplasser vil forsvinne. Klimagassutslippet fra torven som omsettes i Norge, vil være det samme. Et forbud mot å bruke torv i planteproduksjoner vil gjøre det mye dyrere å produsere planter i Norge. Importen av slike produkter vil øke og gi ytterligere tapte arbeidsplasser.

Vi tror det er mulig å redusere andelen torv i produkter til det minimale ved innblanding av deler av avfallsstrømmer og nye teknikker, men vi anbefaler parallelt å jobbe mot en bærekraftig produksjon av torv som en norsk fornybar naturressurs.

Dette skal gå bra – om vi bare ikke går for drastisk frem med absolutte tiltak".

Skudeneshavn   16. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


16. uni 2024

lørdag 15. juni 2024

Debatt i Aftenposten om tilstanden for TOG i Norge

Debatt i Aftenposten om tilstanden for tog i Norge, se Kilde

Knut Olav Åmås

"Tog i Norge: komedie + tragedie"

Min kommentar:

Jan Marton Jensen
for tre timer siden

Innsender skriver om sjefen for BaneNor:

"Noe av det vanskeligste han må forholde seg til, er konkurranseutsettingen i Høyre og Fremskrittspartiets «jernbanereform» fra 2015. Den har skapt nye, svære problemer. De utallige aktørene snakker ikke sammen og gjør ikke noen ting bedre for oss som reiser. Tvert imot."



Det er dette som er den store skandalen.

Erna kjempet gjennom oppsplitting, ansvarsfraskrivelse og ørten direktører.

Mens ALLE visste at problemet var utdatert INFRASTRUKTUR.


Politikere med skylapper ... de skal man ta alvorlig!


Skudeneshavn  15. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen



15. juni 2024
Knut Olav Åmås
"Tog i Norge: komedie + tragedie"

onsdag 12. juni 2024

"The Grab": Dokumentarfilm om oppkjøp av ressurser, land og vann, verden rundt

 I verden går det mot
- Vannmangel og
- Matmangel

Hva gjør "de store gutta" da?
Kjøper opp ressursene.
Dette beskrives i dokumentarfilmen "The Grab, som omtales i The Guardian 12. juni 2024, se Kilde.

Det nevnes en rekke eksempler:
- Saudi-Arabia kjøper opp land i Arizona USA for å produsere høy basert på grunnvannet der
- Kona kjøper opp landområder i Afrika for matproduksjon
- Russland vil overta Ukraina for det fruktbare jordbruket der

Skudeneshavn   12. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


12. juni 2024

mandag 10. juni 2024

Helge Simonnes: - Et kristent land?

Innlegg av Helge Simonnes i Dagsavisen 9. juni 2024 i anledning 1000-års-markeringen på Moster om kristningen av Norge:

"Et kristent land?"

"Når vi nærmer oss 1000-årsjubileet, er det all grunn til å være varsom med retorikken om «Norge som et kristent land»."

Simonnes skriver bl. a.:
"... jeg skulle ønske at det kom noen flere kritiske innspill om retorikken om Norge som et kristent land. Ser vi oss nå rundt om i verden, fremstår denne retorikken som uhyre farlig når den kommer i hendene på maktsyke politikere. Donald Trump og Vladimir Putin har nærmest hatt fritt leide til velgere som over lang tid har hausset opp denne tenkningen om de eksklusive kristne landene USA og Russland."

En kraftig påminnelse om misbruk av religion av såkalte "sterke menn".

Skudeneshavn   10. juni 2024
Jan Marton Jensen

På X:

9. juni 2024

søndag 2. juni 2024

Debatt i Aftenposten: Holbergprisen 2024 tildeles «de levende dødes filosof»

Diskusjon i Aftenposten til dette debattinnlegget, se Kilde.
"Holbergprisen 2024 tildeles «de levende dødes filosof»."

Min kommentar:

Jan Marton Jensen
for noen sekunder siden

Filosof fra Afrika med utfordrende vurderinger.

Afrikanere har sin lærdom og det er på sin plass å lytte til stemmer derfra.

Å få tildelt "Holberg-prisen" er et bidrag til det.

Men det viktigste innsenderne her har på hjertet er spart helt til avslutningen, om Palestina-tilstanden, "når politiske institusjoner svikter": "En mektig folkebevegelse".

Em mektig folkebevegelse , det er oss alle.

Skudeneshavn 2. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


Kilde:1. juni 2024

Folketall Palestina gjennom tidene

Folketall Palestina gjennom ridene.
Kilde: Professor Sergio della Pergola

  År ..........Jøder ............Kristne  .......Muslimer
1535 ......   5.000 ..........  6.000  ........  145.000
1690 ......   2.000 .......... 11.000 ........  219.000
1800 ......   7.000 .......... 22.000 ........  246.000
1890 .....  43.000 .......... 57.000 ........  432.000
1914 .....  94.000 .......... 70.000 ........  525.000
1931 ..... 175.000 ......... 89.000 ........  760.000
1947 ..... 630.000 .........143.000 ...... 1.181.000

Skudeneshavn  2. juni 2024

Jan Marton Jensen



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1. februar 2023



2. juni 2024
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