tirsdag 25. oktober 2022

- Israel på vei mot Iran-lignende teokrati

 DET er vurderingen til den israelske kommentator Nehemia Shtrasler:

"Opinion" |
"Israel Is on the Road to an Iran-style Theocracy"
"The upcoming election will be a fateful one. This election will determine whether we go on living in a liberal democracy or slide toward an authoritarian regime that falls somewhere between a democracy and a dictatorship, with an all-powerful leader unrestrained by a system of checks and balances."

"The Likud-settler-Haredi bloc is planning an assassination attempt on democracy. These politicians seek to totally change the face of our system of government. Instead of three independent branches – executive, legislative and judiciary – the executive branch (the prime minister and cabinet) will dominate the two, deprive them of their independence and turn them into rubber stamps. In other words, this election is not about a change of government, but a change of regime." 
Shtrasler angir det er Netayahu som er arkitekten for det løpet som han beskriver som et angrep på demokratiets grunnvoller.
Skudeneshavn   25. oktober 2022
Jan Marton Jensen 



20. oktober 2022

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