mandag 23. september 2024

Etnisk rensing av palestinske landsbyer sør for Hebron

 Haaretz 22. september:

"West Bank Palestinian Villagers Flee Homes Amid Settler Violence, Failed IDF Protection"

"The state committed to Israel's High Court to protect these West Bank villagers from settler violence. But after the Israeli authorities again failed to protect them and prevented them from rebuilding demolished structures, most have left. Expert jurists in international law: 'This is a forcible transfer'

Most of the Palestinian residents of the West Bank village of Zanuta, situated in the southern Hebron Hills, were forced to flee their village for the second time after being harassed by Israeli settlers and subjected to building restrictions by the Israeli army's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories unit."

Slik fortsetter den etniske rensingen av landsbyer i dette området.
Og alle virkemidler tas ibruk, vold og gjentatt vold, fulgt opp med byråkratiske hindre.
Alt dette MOT Israels Høyesterett sine vedtak, som bare blir neglisjert.


Skudeneshavn   23. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

22. september 2024

søndag 22. september 2024

Dana Milbank: "Fools on the Hill" - Om republikanerne i USA

Ytring i Washington Post av Dana Milbank om Republikanerne i USA, se Kilde
Spesielt om Mike Johnson, men også om en rekke andre "spesielle" republikanere i Representantenes hus.


The House GOP is a circus. The chaos has one source.

Republicans spent two years sabotaging the U.S. House. Another two years would be ruinous."


Dette er et sammendrag av hans bok som utgis 24. september 2024:

"Fools on the Hill: The Hooligans, Saboteurs, Conspiracy Theorists, and Dunces Who Burned Down the House"

 Dana Milbank er skremt av muligheten for Trump som president, og Mike Johnson som GOP-leder.


Skudeneshavn 22. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen



24. september 2024

18. september 2024

lørdag 21. september 2024

Økende kraftbehov til KI - Kunstig Intelligens gjenåpner nedlagte atomkraftverk og kullkraftverk

Oppslag i Washington Post 19. september 2024:

"Microsoft deal would reopen Three Mile Island nuclear plant to power AI"

"The owner of the shuttered Pennsylvania plant plans to bring it online by 2028, with the tech giant buying all the power it produces."

Nedlagte atomverk gjenåpnes for at  Microsoft skal kunne utvikle AI / KI.
SÅ kraftintensiv er kunstig intelligens.
Alle aktørene her er på jakt etter mer kraft, Google, Facebook, Amazon osv.

I artikkelen vises det også til gjenåpning i USA av nedlagte kullkraftverk.
Da er det datasentre som etterspør kraft:
"Internet data centers are fueling drive to old power source: Coal"

Nevnes også er etterspørsel etter kraft for krypto-valuta.
I Indiana åpnes nedlagte kullkraftverk for dette behovet.


Skudeneshavn  20. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen



20. september 2024

17. april 2024

torsdag 19. september 2024

Guardian: "- Israel’s booby-trap war: illegal and unacceptable"

 Lederartikkel i The Guardian, se Kilde:

"The Guardian view on Israel’s booby-trap war: illegal and unacceptable"

Ulovlighet fordi dette fremgår entydig av internasjonale lovregler fra 1996  om ulovlige våpen:
"2. b Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 (Protocol II, as amended on 3 May 1996) annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects"
Geneva, 3 May 1996 
Israel har tiltrådt bestemmelsene fra 1996.

Skudeneshavn    19. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


18. september 2024

3. mai 1996

lørdag 14. september 2024

UNRWA: - Israel søker å nedlegge UNRWA etter skolebombing i Gaza

 Lederen av UNRWA:

Israel seeking to close down Unrwa, says agency’s chief after school bombing"

A campaign is under way to drive the UN relief agency for Palestinians, Unrwa, out of existence, its commissioner general has said, days after 18 people were killed when Israeli jets bombed an Unrwa school in Gaza.

Philippe Lazzarini said in an interview that the Israeli government was seeking to close down the agency, having failed to persuade western donors to stop funding it on the grounds of allegations about links between Unrwa staff and Hamas.

Bombing av FN¨-skoler i Gaza er en del av krigføring mot FN, hevder UNRWA-leder  Lazzarini:

“We should make absolutely no mistake that this is more than an attack on Unrwa, but on the broader multilateral system and on the UN. This is a campaign to dismantle Unrwa and push out the broader humanitarian community.”

Lazzarini pointed out three pieces of legislation going through the Israeli parliament: one to label Unrwa as a terrorist organisation, another to remove all immunities from Unrwa staff and a third to deny Unrwa access to buildings under Israel’s control. He said the draft bills were enjoying large support.

In addition, he said the Israeli government was not renewing visas for key Unrwa staff and NGOs."

Skudeneshavn   14. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

13. september 2024

fredag 13. september 2024

Advarsel om Tysklands innføring av strengere grensekontroll fra 16. september 2024

Tyskland vil inføre strengere grensekontroll fra 16. september.
Dette for å hindre migranter innpass i landet.

I et innlegg i The Guardian 13. september 2024 advares mot dette, at det kan sette hele EU-prosjektet i fare: 

"Germany’s border clampdown threatens the entire European project"

"No wonder Viktor Orbán and Geert Wilders are cheering. Olaf Scholz is helping them to reshape the EU as they want it."

Skudeneshavn   13. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


13. september 2024

torsdag 12. september 2024

Desinformasjon i Jewish Cronicle i UK?

 Desinformasjon i Jewish Cronicle?

972¨-Magazine skriver:

"Why did a British Jewish newspaper publish fake Israeli intelligence?

Israel’s army suspects fabrications published in the Jewish Chronicle were part of a pro-Bibi influence campaign, while the article’s author is not as he claims."

Min X¨-melding:
"#Desinformasjon i #JewishCronicle i UK?
#Netanyahu bak?
#ElonPerry en svindler?
#IDF sjekker. 

Vil norske aviser lære noe her?

14. desember 2024
Jewish Cronicle har trukket artiklene av Elon Perry, og beklaget, se artikkel om dette i The Guardian 14. september 2024:

"Crisis at Jewish Chronicle as stories based on ‘wild fabrications’ are withdrawn"

"Newspaper’s due diligence is under scrutiny amid growing misgivings over its ownership and the role of its editor."

18. september 2024

"Opinion |

Jewish Chronicle Scandal: When 'pro-Israel' Means Becoming a Megaphone for the Netanyahu Government

The venerable British Jewish paper has increasingly abandoned journalistic integrity in order to champion causes widely associated with the Israeli right. In Israel too, parts of the media share its descent from reporting to propaganda".

Skudeneshavn  12. september 2024 / 14. september / 18. september

Jan Marton Jensen

På X:
12. september 2024

14. september 2024


Ny Info:
18. september 2024

14. september 2024

12. september 2024

11. september 2024

onsdag 11. september 2024

Aluf Benn i Haaretz: - Netanyahu planlegger å beholde nordre del av Gaza-stripen

 Analyse av Aluf Benn i Haaretz, se Kilde:

"Analysis |"

"Annexation, Expulsion and Israeli Settlements: Netanyahu Gears Up for Next Phase of Gaza War"

"The entry into a new phase of the war did not begin with a multidivisional maneuver or some daring raid into the enemy's heartland. Instead, it came via a bureaucratic statement and will have Benjamin Netanyahu's dreaming about what his supporters will see as a lifetime achievement."

Aluf Benn skriver at Netanyahu legger opp til å beholde og bosette nordre del av Gaza-stripen, fra Netzarim-korridoren og nordover.

Da vil en betydelig del av Gaza-folket forbli evige flyktninger.
Slik vil de da legge press på Hamas ....

Skudeneshavn   11. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


9. september 2024

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi - IDFs intensjon var å myrde en ANNEN person.

 Aysenur Ezgi Eygi ble skutt og drept av en IDF-skarpskytter, se Kilde.

IDF unnskylder seg med:
"The Israeli army said that an investigation into the killing of an American-Turkish citizen during a West Bank protest on Friday shows that she was hit "with high probability by indirect and unintended IDF fire that was aimed at a central instigator."

IDFs intensjon var å myrde en ANNEN person.


Ny Info

Washington Post  11. september 2024:
"New video, witnesses challenge Israel’s account of U.S. activist’s killing"

"The IDF said Aysenur Eygi was shot “unintentionally” during a “violent riot.” A Post analysis shows clashes had subsided and protesters had retreated."

Haaretz 12. september 2024:

"Washington Post Probe Casts Doubts on IDF's Version of Shooting Death of American Turkish Activist"


Skudeneshavn  11. september 2024 / 12. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

Ny Info:
12. september 2024

11. september 2024

10. september 2024

mandag 9. september 2024

Yitzhak Rabin advarte i 1976 mot bosetter-ideologien med ord som "kreft" og "apartheid"

 Israelsk avisartikkel i 2015, 20 år etter at Rabin ble drept i 1995, ehele artikklen under Kilde:

"In 1976 interview, Rabin likens settler ideologues to ‘cancer,’ warns of ‘apartheid’

Never before heard comments show a prime minister frustrated with ‘one of the most acute dangers’ facing Israel"

 Stoffet her er samlet i en film:
"Rabin In His Own Words", se Kilde.


Skudeneshavn   9. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


Film: "Rabin In His Own Words"

25. januar 2015

onsdag 4. september 2024

Fokus på israelske leger

5. november 2023:

"Israeli doctors urge the bombing of Gaza hospitals."

3. september 2024

"How Israeli Doctors Became Accomplices to the Torture and Sexual Abuse of Palestinian Detainees in Sde Teiman."

Skudeneshavn  4. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


3. september 2024

5. november 2023


Israel - Etikkrådet utelukker flere selskaper etter ICJ-dommen av 19. juli 2024

 Etikkrådet følger opp ICJ-dommen av 19. juli 2024:

"Exclusive: Norway wealth fund may divest companies that aid Israel in Gaza war, occupied territories"

Noen få nye selskaper  er aktuelle å utelukkes, angis det:
"The Council on Ethics believes the ethical guidelines provide a basis for excluding a few more companies from the Government Pension Fund Global in addition to those already excluded," the watchdog wrote, giving the formal name for Norway's sovereign wealth fund."

Etikkrådet støtter seg nå på ICJ-dommen av 19. juli:
"The fund's ethical rules are set by Norway's parliament. The updated ethics definition by the watchdog results partly from a July opinion by the International Court of Justice regarding Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories.
The court took positions on "several new facts and legal issues" that could make "companies with a less direct connection to violations of norms" in breach of the ethics rules, the letter said without providing examples.
The new definition of ethical breaches is based on the ICJ finding that "the occupation itself, Israel's settlement policy and the way Israel uses the natural resources in the areas are in conflict with international law", the letter said."
Her gjelder "Too little - Too late".
Etikkrådet har ikke hatt en egen vurdering av Folkeretten, 4. Geneve-konvensjon 49.6
ICJ dømte allerede i 2004 at israelske bosettinger på okkupert palestinsk område er krigsforbrytelser.

20 år har gått før Etikkrådet reagerer, og da basert på den siste ICJ-dommen.
Etikkrådet må gjøre EGNE vurderinger.
Og det i tide.

Skudeneshavn  4. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

På X:
4. september 2024

4. september 2024

Tok Trump imot bestikkelser fra Egypt?


"Did Trump Take a $10 Million Bribe From Egypt and, If So, What Did Sisi Get in Return?"

Undersøkelser i USA om dette ble stoppet i 2020:
"But Trump’s attorney general, Bill Barr, questioned the investigation, and by the summer of 2020, the case was closed due to “a lack of sufficient evidence to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt,” per the Post."


Skudeneshavn   4. september 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


3. september 2024

5. august 2024