fredag 5. juli 2019

Menneskeretter ala Trump

Menneskerettighetene er vel forankret ... ref FNs erklæring Menneskerettigheter av 10. desember 1948.

Når Trump nå nedsetter en egen kommisjon i USA for å gi råd om nettopp menneskeretigheter .... da er det grunn til å være på vakt:

"The Commission will provide fresh thinking about human rights discourse where such discourse has departed from our nation's founding principles of natural law and natural rights."

Tilbake til ... "national law and national rights"  ... hva i allverden er dette?

Her må man følge på HVEM og HVA som skjer videre.

Skudeneshavn   5. juli 2019 

Jan Marton Jensen


30. mai 2019 Politico
State Department to launch new human rights panel stressing 'natural law'
The Trump administration plans to launch a new panel to offer "fresh thinking” on international human rights and “natural law,” a move some activists fear is aimed at narrowing protections for women and members of the LGBT community.
The new body, to be called the Commission on Unalienable Rights, will advise Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to a notice the State Department quietly published Thursday on the Federal Register.

3. juli 2019 Politico
Trump’s ‘natural law’ human rights panel readies for launch
The State Department initiative is seen as a potential counterweight to an expansive liberal view of human rights.


10. desember 1948

3. juli 2019

30. mai 2019 

30. mai 2019

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