mandag 22. juli 2019

Historien om Koch-brødrene

Hvordan ble Koch-brødrene i USA så ivrige etter på påvirke politikerne?
Ifølge nedenstående artikkel begynte det med anklager i 1980-åreneom tyveri/under-rapportering av olje-uttak fra reservatene til indianere i USA.
Koch-brødrene la en omfattende paln for å slippe unna anklagene.
De lykkes i første omgang ... den første saken ble henlagt.

Men så ... i 1999 ble de dømt i en gjennopptatt sak og innrømmet juks.
Men det lobbyapaprat de bygde opp er bare blitt mer og mer omfattende.  

Utdrag fra artikkel i Politico 22. juli 2019:
(Hele artikkelen under Kilde nedenfor her)

"How an Oil Theft Investigation Laid the Groundwork for the Koch Playbook"

"In the late 1980s, Charles Koch faced a federal probe, rallied all of his resources to fight it off and came away with lessons that would guide the Kochs for decades.
The case went to trial in Tulsa in late 1999. The testimony was devastating for Koch Industries. During the trial, Koch officials admitted that they earned roughly $10 million in profits each year by taking oil without paying for it.

The jury found Koch Industries guilty of stealing oil between 1981 and 1985 from federal land and Indian reservations, and of falsifying roughly 25,000 documents in order to underreport how much oil the company was taking.
The fines for Koch Industries could have been enormous. The judge could have levied a $214 million fine just for falsifying the oil sale receipts. But the company’s lawyers were able to settle the case before it went to the penalty phase, paying an undisclosed amount."

Skudeneshavn  22. juli 2019

Jan Marton Jensen

Ny info:

23. august 2019         David Koch død.


22. juli 2019

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