tirsdag 17. oktober 2023

Haaretz lederatikkel 17.okt 2023: - Etnisk rensing av palestinere i krigens skygge


"Palestinian Expulsion Amid the Fog of War"

Dette er den israelske avis Haaretz sin lederartikkel 17. mars 2023.
I skyggen av Gaza-krigen bedriver kriminelle israelske såkalte "bosettere" etnisk rensing på Vestbredden, med våpen i hånd.

Det graverende er at dette skjer "mens IDF ser på".
Grunnen er at dette er israelsk politikk overfor de palestinske samfunnene dette gjelder.
De skal bort, og mange politiske og militære virkemidler har i årevis vært tatt i bruk av israelsk okkupasjonsmakt for å få dette til.

Det nye nå er at de kriminelle bosetterne tvinger de palestinske familiene bort med våpen i hånd.

Avisen Haaretz sin lederartikkel er klar og tydelig.
Men velger å bruke ordet "Expulsion", som vil si "Utvising, Bortdriving".

Men det er "etnisk rensing",
Og en krigsforbrytelse

Skudeneshavn  17. oktober 2023
Jan Marton Jensen

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17. oktober 2023

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17. oktober 2023


HELE lederartikkelen i Haaretz 17.oktober 2023:

Haaretz Editorial

Palestinian residents of Ein Shibli in the West Bank leaving their village last week under threats from Israeli settlers.
Palestinian residents of Ein Shibli in the West Bank leaving their village last week under threats from Israeli settlers.Credit: Itay Ron

What to the sane majority in Israel is the greatest catastrophe in its history, is to the settlers an opportunity to chase Palestinians from their land and take it over. Hagar Shezaf exposed (Haaretz, Oct. 15,) that a wave of flight has begun since the outbreak of the war, by Palestinians belonging to shepherd communities in the West Bank, due to settler violence.

In some cases the locales have been completely depopulated, and in others some of the families have left, or women and children have been evacuated. The residents report threats by settlers, at times armed, ordering them to leave. This is not an isolated incident, but a broad campaign, taking place under the auspices of the government of the right-wing and the settlers, and that now, under cover of the war, has gained immense momentum. According to the UN’s office for humanitarian aid coordination report published in September, 1,105 shepherds – some 12.5 percent of this population – have left their homes in the West Bank over the past year. 

Most of the residents of Ein Shibli in the Jordan Valley have fled in recent days. According to the residents and Israeli activists accompanying them, a settler named Moshe Sharvit, who lives in a nearby outpost, gave them five hours to clear out. All the residents of Wadi a-Siq in the central West Bank did so. The community, numbering some 20 families, fled for their lives from where it lived due to repeated harassment by settlers. The 100 people who had remained fled on Thursday. “We didn’t leave, we escaped,” said one of the residents. “On Thursday they came and attacked us.” 

Farasiya in the northern Jordan Valley also reported threats. A local resident said that five settlers came to them on Saturday night and told them that they must leave. “They were armed, and they hit children in the legs with their weapons,” he said. The residents say the Israeli police and civil administration don’t help them. 

Not only expulsion is flourishing under the roar of guns in the south. The number of fatalities in the West Bank has also soared to an extraordinary degree. According to Palestinian Health Ministry data, 58 Palestinians were killed in the past week. According to the security establishment, about 10 of them were shot to death by settlers. 

What is happening in the territories calls for military intervention and governmental attention. This time it isn’t “just” deepening the annexation and apartheid. Against the backdrop of the war in Gaza, the settlers’ crimes may push the Palestinians in the West Bank to violence, and bring about the opening of another front, which will make it difficult for the IDF to defend the country. The fact that the military and government allow these crimes to take place during wartime is itself a crime and a security failure. Unlike the failures that brought the current disaster upon Israel, this one can be stopped. The question is whether a government populated by settler representatives, who dream of Nakba 2.0 – or worse – is interested in, and capable of, enforcing limits upon these people.

The above article is Haaretz’s lead editorial, as published in the Hebrew and English newspapers in Israel.

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