Edward Said om Camp David.
Said er her kritisk til både Oslo-avtalene og til Camp David.
Han mener at Arafat ikke var kapabel nok som leder, han slutter slik:
"(Arafat) ....has forgotten that the weapons the weak and the stateless cannot ever give up are its principles and its people. To occupy and unendingly defend the high moral ground; to keep telling the truth and reminding the world of the full historical picture; to hold on to the lawful right of resistance and restitution; to mobilise people everywhere rather than to appear with the likes of Chirac and Blair; to depend neither on the media nor the Israelis but on oneself to tell the truth. These are what Palestinian leaders forgot first at Oslo and then again at Camp David. When will we as a people assume responsibility for what after all is ours and stop relying on leaders who no longer have any idea what they are doing?
Skudeneshavn 14. januar 2025
Jan Marton Jensen
23. juli 2001
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