mandag 7. oktober 2024

Rabbiner Eliahu Mali vil ha ALLE i Gaza drept

Rabbiner Eliahu Mali  i Jaffa kom 8. mars 2024 med sine anbefalinger om krigen i Gaza:
Slik referertes ham av "Middle East Minitor" 9. mars 2024, se Kilde;

"Yaffa Rabbi: ‘According to Jewish law, all Gaza residents must be killed’"

"The head of the Shirat Moshe Hesder Yeshiva in Yaffa, Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, incited his students, who are serving in the Israeli army after graduating from the yeshivah, to commit massacres against the residents of Gaza. He stated that according to Jewish law, all residents of Gaza must be killed. When asked about the elderly and children, he replied: “The same applies to them.”

En av responsene er denne:

"The Rabbi Calling for Total Annihilation of Gazans is One of Us: How Do We Take Responsibility?"

by Dr. Elana Sztokman

"The rabbi of the “yeshiva” in Yaffo has said that he thinks that according to Jewish halakha, all the people in Gaza should be killed. Even the babies.

He said that. Rabbi Eliyahu Mali. Rabbi of the right wing yeshiva in the Ajami neighborhood of Yaffo. Calling for Israel to murder of 2.2 million Gazans, including babies.

Take that in for a second.

A rabbi whose yeshivah is being funded by the government shamelessly calling for the murder of an entire population. Wiping them all out.

This happened. And nothing is being done to stop him or silence him or even defund this guy."

Fortsettelse i artikkelen under Kilde.
Skolen denne rabbineren leder er statsfinansiert.
Og rekrutterer soldater til IDF.
Skolen besøkes jevnlig av Ben Gvir.
Rabbiner Mali ble politianmeldt.
Israelsk politi henla saken i juni 2024.
Skudeneshavn  7. oktober 2024

Jan Marton Jensen
8. mars 2024 

9. mars 2024
19. juni 2024
Oppslag med søkeord "Rabbi Mali"

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