Artikkel fra USA 24. oktober 2024:
"Google and Amazon Are Betting Big on Nuclear. No One Has a Plan for the Radioactive Waste."
"Some experts who have studied designs for the small-module reactors, or SMRs, say they will produce more potent waste than their larger-scale older siblings—and more of it. They question whether SMRs’ spent fuel can be safely stored at the aboveground reactor sites.
A report last year by National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine cited a finding that units planned by the nuclear company working with Amazon, X-Energy, would produce almost 24 times as much spent fuel per year as many existing plants for an equivalent amount of energy.
“It’s irresponsible to go forward and build a whole lot more nuclear
power without solving the waste problem,” says Allison Macfarlane, who
served as chairwoman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission during
the Obama administration."
Ingen spesielle planer mht atomavfallet:
"Google, which is a unit of Alphabet,
Kairos spokeswoman Ashley Lewis said in a statement that waste from its reactors can be safely handled using established methods.
U.S. nuclear industry has safely managed used fuel for decades at sites
nationwide,” she said “Kairos Power will use the same proven methods to
store spent fuel securely until the United States finalizes a specific
strategy for management and ultimate disposal.”
USA har ingen løsning for permanent lagring.
Påbegyt anlegg i Nevada ble stoppet.
Atomavfallet lagres defor ved det enkelte atomanlegg.
Og, speseielt for de nye planlagte SMR-atomanlegg:
Studier angir at disse produserer MER og FARLIGERE atomavfall enn tradisjonell atomkraft.
En fyldig artikkel, og skremmende.
Skudeneshavn 24. oktober 2024
Jan Marton Jensen
24. oktober 2024
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