Flere avflere avslørende artikler i Haaretz 15. februar 2023:
"The Israelis Destabilizing Democracy and Disrupting Elections Worldwide"
"No morals, no qualms, no border: From an office building in Israel , experts i tech manipulation are attcking democraties, media and elections worldwide."
"Jorge claimed that he and his staff had meddled in “33 presidential-level election campaigns” around the world, “in 27 of them successfully.”
The proprietors of this toxic international chaos machine, as uncovered
in the course of the investigation, are two Israeli brothers, Tal and
Zohar Hanan, who live and work in the Israeli commuter city of Modi’in.
The investigative report on “Team Jorge,” as the group called themselves in all presentations, is part of an even more extensive journalistic project, Story Killers, which deals with the disinformation-for-hire industry.
The project was initiated and coordinated by the Paris-based organization Forbidden Stories, which pursues the work of assassinated or threatened journalists, and also took part in the investigation itself.
The entire Story Killers project is dedicated to the memory of Gauri Lankesh – the Indian journalist murdered in Bangalore in 2017, following incitement and the dissemination of disinformation against her on social media."
Her er hacking og desinformasjon til salgs ... til hvem som helst.
Det være seg politikere eller kriminelle.
Eksemplene som angis og dokumenteres i den avslørende artikkelen er skremmende.
Og det hele startet med Facebook og Cambridge Analytica.
Skudeneshavn 15. februar 2023
Jan Marton Jensen
På Twitter:
15. februar 2023
15. februar 2023
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18. februar 2023
Ny info:
"Can Israel stop ex-intel agents from breaking human rights, democratic elections? - analysis"
16. november 2022
15. februar 2023
15. februar 2023:
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