onsdag 8. februar 2023

Bør donorer finansiere folkevalgtes rettsaker?

Donorer finansierer folkevalgtes rettssaker?
Inklusive rettssaker til disse folkevalgtes kone og barn?

Dette er Likuds lovforslag i dagnes Israel (Fra artikkel i Haaretz 8. mars, se Kilde):

"MK Amit Halevi (Likud) has sponsored a bill that would permit donors to fund elected officials’ legal expenses, and also those of an elected official’s “spouse or a child financially dependent on him.” This is meant to circumvent the Supreme Court ruling that required Netanyahu to repay a $270,000 donation from his cousin, and also, of course, to give his son Yair a license to step up his attacks on social media, in the knowledge that some tycoon will be found to pay any resultant lawsuits."

Hva  vil vissheten om slik økonomisk støtte bety?

Skudeneshavn   8. februar 2023

Jan Marton Jensen

8. februar 2023

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