mandag 29. november 2021

Pellets: Klimavennlig? Eller smutthull i klimaregskapet?

 Utvalgte utdrag fra artikkel i National Geographic:

" Europe burns a controversial ‘renewable’ energy source: trees from the U.S."

"As world leaders pledge more action on climate change, one so-called solution—burning trees for electricity—could undermine progress."

"The Sterman study estimated that the carbon “payback time” for wood-burning ranged from 44 to 104 years, depending on the type of forest. In the meantime, it said, power plants that burn wood are adding CO2 to the atmosphere, just as if they were burning coal."

"Second, wood burns less efficiently than coal or gas. Per kilowatt-hour (kWH) of electricity generated, it emits one and a half times the carbon dioxide of coal and three times that of natural gas."

"But like other governments, the U.K. does not count CO2 emissions from wood burning."

"Earlier this week, the EU’s climate policy chief, Frans Timmermans, told reporters that Europe needed to rely on biomass to meet clean energy goals." 


Skudeneshavn  29. november 2021

Jan Marton Jensen


11. november 2021 

10. november 2021

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