tirsdag 5. juli 2022

IDFs skarpskyttere Gaza: - "42 knær på en dag"

I en avisartikkle i Haaretz 6. mars 2020 skryter IDF-skarpskyttere (anonymt) over hvor mange knær de har skamskutt:

Artikkelen har tittel: 

" '42 Knees in One Day': Israeli Snipers Open Up About Shooting Gaza Protesters"

"Over 200 Palestinians were killed and nearly 8,000 were injured during almost two years of weekly protests at the Israel-Gaza border. Israeli army snipers tell their stories."

Om dette har 972.mag en vurdering 25. november 2020:

"Gaza’s Great Return March: 234 killed, 17 investigations, one indictment"
"Two years after Israeli soldiers killed more than 200 Palestinians during Gaza's Great Return March, the IDF has done little more than whitewash its own violence."

Utdrag fra artikkel i 972.mag: 
"After the Supreme Court Praised the Open-Fire Policy, the Military Admits: We killed Protestors for No Reason"

"Israel’s unlawful open-fire policy during the demonstrations along the Gaza perimeter fence – which were upheld by the Supreme Court – have so far resulted in hundreds of Palestinian deaths and thousands of injuries. Official sources now admit that they were well aware that people were being killed when even the State did not claim that this is justified. Despite this, no-one has taken action to amend the open-fire regulations. Instead, the military continued with its trial-and-error approach."

The military has now decided to change the open-fire regulations for snipers “after it emerged that firing at the lower limbs above the knee led, in most cases, to death, despite the fact that this was not the objective. Going forward, soldiers have been briefed to shoot below the knee and then at the ankle.” A senior officer at the military’s Counter-Terrorism School stated that the snipers’ objective “is not to kill but to injure, and accordingly one of the lessons learned related to the direction toward which they fire… At first, we told them to shoot at the leg. We saw that this can result in fatalities, so we told them to shoot below the knee, then we fine-tuned the regulations to shooting at the ankle.”


Man blir minnet om denne saken ved drapet på Shireen Abu Akleh.
IDFs skarpskyttere har uansett IDFs rygg.
Og USA bryr seg lite.
Det viser håndteringen av undersøkelsen av drapet på Abu Akleh, selv om hun var amerikansk statsborger.


Skudeneshavn   25. november 2020 / 5. juli 2022

Jan Marton Jensen

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