fredag 16. august 2024

Washington Post: "Israel is redrawing the West Bank, cutting into a prospective Palestinian state"

 Artikkel i Washington post 15. august 2024, se Kilde:

"Israel is redrawing the West Bank, cutting into a prospective Palestinian state"


"Israeli land grabs, settlement expansion and demolitions in Palestinian communities mark the most significant territorial changes in the West Bank in decades.

During more than 19 months in power, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government has dramatically expanded Israel’s footprint in the occupied West Bank — accelerating a long-term campaign by the country’s settler movement to thwart the creation of a Palestinian state.

The government has approved strategic land seizures — almost 6,000 acres this year alone — and major settlement construction, escalated demolition of Palestinian property and increased state support for illegally built settler outposts. Together, they mark the most significant territorial changes in the West Bank in decades.

While the Biden administration insists that any diplomatic solution to the war in Gaza include a path to an independent Palestinian state, radical Jewish settlers and their far-right political backers, who have ascended to the highest levels of Israel’s government, are redrawing the map in real time — making the two-state solution envisaged in past peace accords effectively impossible."


Dette er innledningen til artikkelen.
Den er lang og grundig.
Og må leses av alle som vil ha innsikt i hvordan Israel systematisk tar kontroll over Vestbredden, og skviser ut palestinere der, slik at deres liv og virksomhet blir umulig.

Skudeneshavn   16. august 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


15. august 2024

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