tirsdag 8. august 2023

Motstand i USA mot havvind

 Motstand i USA mot havvind:

"The future of East Coast wind power could ride on this Jersey beach town"

"Many in Ocean City, N.J., oppose a major wind farm to be built off its shores, and they hope to create a template for blocking similar projects on the East Coast"


"While a federal agency approved Ocean Wind 1 in July, the company still needs other permits to start construction. Meanwhile, opponents have hired law firms now pursuing legal action, including a lawsuit filed in late July by Protect Our Coast NJ against Orsted and the state to block a tax break for the wind farm."

Man satser tydeligvis på "lawfare", rettslige kamper, for å få saken forsinket:
“The objective is to hold them up and make the cost so overwhelming that they’ll go home.”

Motstanderne har egen nettside: "Protect Our Coast-New Jersey", se Kilde.

Skudeneshavn 8. august 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


8. august 2023

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