fredag 14. mai 2021

I krig dør sannheten først - Det sørger Netanyahus talsmann for

I den pågående konflikten Israel/Palestina  "informeres" det.
Men i krig dør sannheten først.
NY Times har analysert videonutter og "informasjon" fra Netanyahus talsmann Ofir Gendelman.
Og konkludert at Gendelman flere ganger har lagt ut vidoesnutter som IKKE er fra konflikten nå:
"In a 28-second video, which was posted to Twitter this week by a spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip appeared to launch rocket attacks at Israelis from densely populated civilian areas.
At least that is what Mr. Netanyahu’s spokesman, Ofir Gendelman, said the video portrayed. But his tweet with the footage, which was shared hundreds of times as the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis escalated, was not from Gaza. It was not even from this week."
Og mer desinformasjon  fra Ofir Gendelman:
NY Times:
" Mr. Gendelman appears to have mischaracterized the contents of other videos as well. On Tuesday, he posted a video on Twitter showing three adult men being instructed to lie down on the floor, with their bodies being arranged by a crowd nearby. Mr. Gendelman said the video showed Palestinians staging bodies for a photo opportunity.

Mr. Kovler, who traced the video back to its source, said the video had been posted in March to TikTok. Its accompanying text said the footage showed people practicing for a bomb drill."


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 Desinformasjon fra Netanyahus talsmann.

Bør han skiftes ut?
Blir nestemann bedre?


Skudeneshavn  14. mai 2021

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

16. mai 2021
Ny info:
15. mai 2021
14. mai 2021  IDF-melding om IDF var INNE i Gaza var bevisst feilinformasjon



14. mai 2021

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