Cast Lead -krigen i Gaza pågikk fra 27. desember 2008 til 18. januar 2009.
Om krigen oppsummerer Wiki:
"The conflict resulted in 1,166–1,417 Palestinian and 13 Israeli deaths.[38] Over 46,000 homes were destroyed in Gaza, making more than 100,000 people homeless.[39]
Det er flere vurderinger om krigen fulgte folkeretten:
1) Cecilie Hellestveit ifølge MIFF 29. september 2009:
- I forhold til hva som er vanlig ellers i verden, fulgte Israel reglene for krigføring "godt over gjennomsnittlig" under krigen på Gaza-stripen i vinter, mener seniorforsker Cecilie Hellestveit."
2) Goldstone-rapporten (ifølge Wiki)
On 15 September 2009, a 574-page report was released.[4] The report concluded that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Palestinian militant groups had committed war crimes and possibly crimes against humanity. While the report condemned violations by both sides, it differentiated between the moral and legal severity of the violations of the Israeli forces compared to those of Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. These differentiators included 'grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention committed by Israeli forces in Gaza; wilful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, and extensive destruction of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly'.[65][note 1]
Skudeneshavn 17. januar 2025
Jan Marton Jensen