fredag 23. juni 2023

Leo Leonardo - Konservativ aktivisme med mørke penger i USA

Mørke penger brukes av konservative krefter i USA for å påvirke og utnevne konservative aktører i ledende posisjoner, så som dommmere og statsadvokater.

Sentralt angis å være Lenonard Leo  og The Federalsit Society.

Nedenfor er en rekke ferske avisartikler.
Det er tydelig at åpenhet om pengemidler er en mangelvare.

Dette er et klart faresignal for et sunt demokrati når mørke penger kjøper innflytelse .


The Guardian  4. september 2022:
"Leonard Leo: the secretive rightwinger using billions to reshape America"
"Marble Freedom Trust, advocacy group headed by Leo, has received vast $1.6bn donation to push conservative causes"

The Guardian 6. april 2023:
Rightwing legal activist accused of misusing $73m from non-profit groups
"A watchdog complaint filed with the IRS presents an accounting of the money paid to Leonard Leo’s for-profit businesses"

 Politico 2. mai 2023:
"Leonard Leo used Federalist Society contact to obtain $1.6B donation"
"The society’s close ties to Leo’s network raise questions about its nonpartisan, non-political status."

 Washington Post 20. juni 2023:
"Gov. Ron DeSantis used secretive panel to flip state Supreme Court"
"Leonard Leo, the key architect of the U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority, led the advisers who helped DeSantis reshape the state court"

The Guardian  23. juni 2023:
"US dark-money fund spends millions to back Republican attorneys general"
"Concord Fund, linked to Federalist Society co-chair Leonard Leo, a lavish supporter of Republican Attorneys General Association"

Skudeneshavn   23. juni 2023

Jan Marton Jensen


23. juni 2023

20. juni 2023

2. mai 2023

6. april 2023 

4. september 2022

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