tirsdag 14. juni 2022

- "Trump and Fox News told the ‘big lie’ for profit"

Artikkel i Washington Post:

"Trump and Fox News told the ‘big lie’ for profit"

Artikkelforfatter mener Trump ( og Fox News) VISSTE at påstandene om et stjålet valg var løgn.

Men det var penger å hente:
"Yet for both Trump and Fox News, profit triumphed over patriotism.
Trump’s campaign used the “big lie” to raise $250 million after the election, according to the committee’s findings. Much of the money was supposed to go to an “Official Election Defense Fund,” but no such fund existed. Instead, the big beneficiary was the Save America political action committee that Trump controls. According to Jan. 6 committee researchers, more than $200,000 found its way to the bottom line of the Trump Hotel Collection.."


200.000 dollar til privat bruk for Trump.

Som alltid: Følg pengene!


Skudeneshavn   14. juni 2022

Jan Marton Jensen


På Twitter:

15. juni 2022


14. juni 2022


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