onsdag 25. november 2020

Jay Sekulow: En mann å følge på ...

En mann som har fått det til?

Kristenkonservativ med grep på det å få skattefrie donasjoner.
Og involvere egen familie i pengestrømmen:

The Guardian 27.6. 2017:
Trump lawyer's firm steered millions in donations to family members, files show."

Documents obtained by the Guardian reveal Jay Sekulow approved plans to push people to give to his Christian nonprofit, which then paid big sums to his family."

APNews 31.1.2020:
"Charities steered $65M to Trump lawyer Sekulow and family".

"The Associated Press reviewed 10 years of tax returns for the ACLJ and other charities tied to Sekulow, which are released to the public under federal law. The records from 2008 to 2017, the most recent year available, show that more than $65 million in charitable funds were paid to Sekulow, his wife, his sons, his brother, his sister-in-law, his nephew and corporations they own." 


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Skudeneshavn   25. november 2020

Jan Marton Jensen




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