fredag 17. mai 2024

Milliardærer i USA med hemmelig støtte til Israel

I hemmelighet har en gruppe amerikanske milliardærer diskutert og og planlagt støtte for Israel  mht Gaza-krigen.
Påvirkning av New York's  borgermester, med både penger og folk, er vist i artikkel i Washington Post:

"Business titans privately urged NYC mayor to use police on Columbia protesters,
chats show"

"A WhatsApp chat started by some wealthy Americans after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack reveals their focus on Mayor Eric Adams and their work to shape U.S. opinion of the Gaza war."

Men hvorfor slik hemmelighet?


Skudeneshavn  17. mai 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


16. mai 2024

Dagen derpå i Gaza: Netanyahu ønsker seg "Oslo 3"

Netanyahu nekter å forholde seg til hva "dagen derpå" i Gaza betyr.
Dette blir tydeliggjort i en artikkel i Washington Post 16. mai 2024, se Kilde.
Der sier Netanyahu:

"Instead, he said a path forward in Gaza might be Palestinian administration, similar to what now exists on the West Bank, with Israel retaining “certain sovereign powers,” including all military and security functions and control over what and who crosses Gaza’s borders."

Det er tydelig hva Netyanyahu ønsker seg i Gaza: "Oslo 3".
Da får han samme vellykkede, for Israel, ordning som på Vestbredden.

Skudenshavn 17. mai 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

17. mai 2024

tirsdag 14. mai 2024

Hagai El-Ad: Om å se Israel slik landet er

 Melding fra Hagai El-Ad:

"Opinion |

What Will Happen When the Holocaust No Longer Prevents the World From Seeing Israel as It Is?

 Strerk melding om "det virkelige Israel, slik Hagai El-Ad ser det.

HELE artikklen nederst under Kilde

Skudeneshavn    14. mai 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


13. mai 2024


HELE artikkelen i Haaretz 13. mai 2024

For anyone who wanted to see, the truth was already abundantly clear in 1955: "They treat the Arabs, those still here, in a way that in itself would be enough to rally the whole world against Israel," wrote Hannah Arendt.
A displaced Palestinian woman dresses a child at a camp in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip on Friday.Credit: AFP

For anyone who wanted to see, the truth was already abundantly clear in 1955: "They treat the Arabs, those still here, in a way that in itself would be enough to rally the whole world against Israel," wrote Hannah Arendt. 

But that was 1955, barely a decade after the Holocaust – our great catastrophe, and at the same time, Zionism's protective suit. So no, what Arendt saw in Jerusalem didn't suffice at the time to rally the world against Israel.

Almost 70 years have passed since then. Meanwhile, Israel has become addicted to both the regime of Jewish supremacy over the Palestinians and its ability to leverage the memory of the Holocaust so that the crimes it commits against them won't mobilize the world against it.

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu isn't inventing a thing: not the crimes, and not the exploitation of the Holocaust to silence the world's conscience. But he's been the prime minister for almost a generation. During this period, Israel, under his leadership, took another big step toward a future in which the Palestinian people are erased from the stage of history – certainly if the stage in question is Palestine, their historical homeland.

 All this was not only carried out gradually – another dunam and another goat, another outpost and another farm – but in the end it was also declared publicly, from the 2018 Basic Law on Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish people, to the basic policy of the current government, and first and foremost the statement: "The Jewish people have an exclusive and inalienable right to all parts of the Land of Israel." And the truth is that the consensus is far broader and more sweeping than support for Netanyahu himself. After all, who in Israel didn't like the brilliant move, on the eve of October 7, 2023, of normalization with Saudi Arabia, in order to etch into the awareness of the Palestinians the fact that they're a defeated nation?

Charred cars sit at the entrance of the occupied West Bank village of Duma, in the aftermath of an Israeli settler attack, in April.
Charred cars sit at the entrance of the occupied West Bank village of Duma, in the aftermath of an Israeli settler attack, in April.Credit: Zain JAAFAR / AFP

But the Palestinians, those stubborn people, didn't leave the stage. Somehow, through all the years and the oppression and the settlements and the pogroms in the West Bank, and the "rounds" of conflict with Gaza and the violence of the army and the absence of accountability and the expropriation in Jerusalem and the Negev and the Jordan Valley, and in effect wherever a Palestinian tries to hold onto his land, after many years and a lot of blood and a lot of crimes, the recycled trick of Israeli hasbara, or public diplomacy, has begun to lose its sting, since the trivial truth is that no, not everyone who sees the Palestinians as human beings with rights is an antisemite.

Meanwhile, came the war in Gaza, with the destruction of biblical proportions that we have brought upon the Strip and upon the tens of thousands of dead Palestinian. There has been so much blood and destruction that the question of whether this is genocide began to be seriously discussed at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. 

In Arendt's words, what we're doing to the Palestinians – those who are still in Gaza – is still not rallying the world against Israel. But the world is already permitting itself to think about it aloud.

All this still isn't making us rethink the way we "treat the Arabs." Instead, we are once again trying to breathe new life into the used hasbara balloon. If in 2019 Netanyahu declared that the investigation at the International Criminal Court is an "antisemitic decree" (that didn't stop the investigation) and in 2021 he asserted that this was "pure antisemitism" (and that didn't stop the investigation), then a week ago he started to shout about an "antisemitic hate crime."

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Yad Vashem this week.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Yad Vashem this week.Credit: Olivier Fitoussi

 Netanyahu, as usual, embeds a few words of truth between one lie and the next. In his speech on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, it was true when he described the International Criminal Court as a body "established in response to the Holocaust and other horrors, to ensure that 'Never Again.'" But with exceptional chutzpah, if you think for a moment about the setting and the timing, everything Netanyahu said surrounding this statement was a lie, especially when he asserted that if an arrest warrant is issued against him, "This step would put an indelible stain on the very idea of justice and international law."

The truth is that the stain that is shaking the foundations of international law is the fact that even after years of investigation, as far as we know, there has yet to be an arrest warrant issued against Netanyahu or other Israeli war criminals. That's in spite of the fact that for decades, Israel has been perpetrating, in broad daylight, crimes against the Palestinians, crimes that are government policy, crimes that are approved by the High Court of Justice, which are protected by the opinions of attorney generals and whitewashed by military advocate generals – although all that is overt and known, reported and published, nobody is being held to account for it, neither in Israel nor abroad, at least so far. 

We're approaching the moment, and perhaps it's already here, when the memory of the Holocaust won't stop the world from seeing Israel as it is. The moment when the historic crimes committed against our people will stop serving as our Iron Dome, protecting us from being held to account for crimes we are committing in the present against the nation with which we share the historical homeland.

Even if that moment is delayed, it's time for it to arrive. Israel will be without the Holocaust, but its image will be protected by the Arab Israeli hasbara genius Yoseph Haddad and the content creator Ella Travels.

Come on. Maybe we would do better to open our eyes and adopt a different attitude toward the Palestinians: to see them as equal human beings. That certainly a far better lesson for the Holocaust. Arendt would probably agree.

Mehdi Hasan om israelsk hasbara under Gaza-krigen

 Et sterkt oppgjør med israelsk propaganda tar Mehdi Hasan i denne artikkelen i The Guardian 2. mai 2024:

"Which is worse, Israel’s lies about Gaza or its western backers who repeat those lies?"

"Useful idiots keep parroting provably false Israeli talking points. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me …"
En lang artikkel, med gjennomgang av israelsk propaganda under krigføringen i Gaza.
Mye tilbakevist som løgner.
Verst ifølge Hasan: Angrepet på UNRWA.

mandag 13. mai 2024

"Gallant declares support for new city in Samaria"

 Mer ulovlig israelsk bygging på Vestbredden planlegges:

"Gallant declares support for new city in Samaria"

"There needs to be a large and significant city developed there," stated the defense minister.


"Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Thursday declared his support for establishing a large new city east of Ariel, the capital of Samaria, with the goal of further connecting the area to the center of the country.

The statement came as Gallant inaugurated an expansion of a security checkpoint on Route 5, a major traffic artery connecting central Israel with northern Samaria and the Jordan Valley.

The multi-million-shekel project aims to alleviate severe congestion at the security barrier, which poses a security threat, by adding an extra lane to ease the passage of tens of thousands of daily commuters."

"Gallant’s proposal to build a new city adds to the rapidly expanding Jewish population in Judea and Samaria. According to an annual report based on Interior Ministry data, the population in the region grew by nearly 15,000 last year alone and had an increase of over 15% since 2019.

The report, released in January, projects that this number will swell to more than 600,000 by 2030 and potentially exceed 1 million by 2047."

Mens det drepes palestinere i Gaza skal Israel øke de ulovlige bosettingene, nå med nye byer på Vestbredden.
Målet er 1 million israelere der ......

Skudeneshavn   13. mai 2024

Jan Marton Jensen


10. mai 2024

søndag 12. mai 2024

Haaretz: "A Senior Gazan Doctor Died During Israeli Detention. Officials Refuse to Explain How"

 Den kjente palestinske legen i Gaza Adnan Al-Bursh er erklært død  etter 4 måneder i israelsk fangenskap, ref Haaretz 12. mai 2024  (HELE artikkelen nederst under Kilde):

"A Senior Gazan Doctor Died During Israeli Detention. Officials Refuse to Explain How"

Israel vi ikke svare på hva som skjedde.
Artikkelen i Haaretz viser at Adnan Al-Bursh ble torturert ihel.

Dette må media skrive om.
Det fortjener denne legen.

Skudeneshavn 12. mai 2024

Jan Marton Jensen

På Twitter:
12. mai 2024

12. mai 2024


HELE artikkeklen i Haaretz 12. mai 2024

A Senior Gazan Doctor Died During Israeli Detention. Officials Refuse to Explain How

Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh was arrested at a hospital in the Gaza Strip last December, with his death at an Israeli prison quietly announced four months later. Palestinian detainees who saw him say it was clear he had gone through hell, but the Israeli army and prison service have declined to disclose any details

Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh, who was the head of orthopedics at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.
Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh, who was the head of orthopedics at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

Among the incidents in which Palestinians were arrested in Gaza, taken to a detention facility and died in Israeli custody during the war, the case of Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh raises many questions.

Earlier this month, the Palestinian Prisoners' Society announced that Al-Bursh, the head of orthopedics at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, died at Ofer Prison in the West Bank on April 19. The circumstances of his death are unknown and the Israeli authorities have not informed his family about them. The Israel Defense Forces and Israel Prison Service refused to disclose any details of his case to Haaratz.

Palestinians who met Al-Bursh in prison said he was in a very poor medical condition, and his family is convinced he died as a result of torture. The Palestinian Prisoners' Service said Israel has yet to release his body.

Al-Bursh, 50, was working at Al-Shifa Hospital when the war commenced last October. When Israeli forces reached it, targeting it as an alleged Hamas command center, he went north to the Indonesian Hospital in Beit Lahia. When that too became a battlefield, he went to the Al-Awda Hospital in the Jabalya refugee camp north of Gaza City.

 Al-Bursh's wife, Yasmin, told Palestinian journalists that her husband only returned from the Jabalya hospital during the weeklong cease-fire at the end of November, after which he went back to work. "He spoke with me by phone when possible and asked about our six children," she recounted. "I asked him to come home, but he insisted on staying with the patients."

הפגנה נגד התעללות בשדה תימן
Israelis protesting against the alleged abuse of Palestinian detainees at the Sde Teman camp in southern Israel, last month.Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz

In circumstances that remain unclear, Al-Bursh was detained by the IDF last December. According to witnesses who spoke with his family, when the Israeli forces reached Al-Awda Hospital, he was ordered to go down to the hospital courtyard, after which he was not seen again in Gaza. The IDF told Haaretz he was detained on suspicion of involvement in terrorism.

According to the IDF spokesperson's unit, Al-Bursh was documented at an IDF detention facility on December 19, before being transferred the next day to the Kishon detention facility for security prisoners, near Haifa. "He has not been the IDF's responsibility since then," the spokesperson said.

According to security sources who spoke with Haaretz, after being questioned by the Shin Bet security service at the facility, Al-Bursh was transferred to Ofer Prison, which is run by the Israel Prison Service. One source added that Al-Bursh did not die during questioning.

The prison service refused to confirm or deny any details about the orthopedic surgeon, saying merely that it did not comment on the circumstances of the death of detainees or security prisoners who are not Israeli citizens.

As a result, no answer has been given as to whether an autopsy was performed on Al-Bursh's body, as is the norm following the death of any prisoner at a prison service facility. The service's official response was: "Contact the authorized party."

Testifying about Al-Bursh's condition, Palestinian detainees who were released back to Gaza after questioning, including several doctors, told his family and Haaretz that they had encountered him at a detention facility near Be'er Sheva, southern Israel.

"I barely recognized him," one doctor said. "It was clear he had been through hell – torture and humiliations – and sleep deprivation. He was in pain and suffered from a severe lack of food. We tried to talk to him and calm him, but he was in shock and sounded scared and in pain. He was a shadow of the man we knew."

Before his detention, one doctor added, Al-Bursh had no medical problems and liked to swim and keep fit. The physician said he was convinced Al-Bursh died as a result of the conditions of his detention.

"For us, Dr. Al-Bursh was a symbol, a role model and source of inspiration," said one colleague. "We suddenly see a broken man who barely speaks or understands what is happening around him. And then we receive a vague announcement that he died in prison."

 Al-Bursh was a relative of Gazan Health Ministry Director General Dr. Munir Al-Bursh, who told a representative of Physicians for Human Rights that he tried to get information about Adnan's fate after his detention. The only information he received was confirmation of his death from the Palestinian Prisoners' Society. This in turn was based on information from the Gaza Coordination and Liaison Administration (part of Israel's Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories), which works with representatives of the Palestinian Authority in Gaza.

Rescuers and medics searching for dead bodies inside the damaged Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City last month.Credit: Dawoud Abu Alkas/Reuters

Nearly 500 deaths

Adnan Al-Bursh was an orthopedic surgeon who specialized in joints and compound factures. His colleagues said that, since the outbreak of the war, he devoted all his time to treating the many wounded from the Israeli bombing, which has brought the health system in Gaza to the brink of collapse. He was lightly wounded in a strike near the Indonesian Hospital and returned to work after being treated.

According to figures released earlier this month by the health ministries in Gaza and Ramallah, 496 doctors and medical/first aid staff have been killed since the outbreak of the war, a further 1,500 wounded and 309 detained by security forces.


Haaretz has previously reported that some 30 Gazans have died in Israeli detention facilities since the start of the war, 27 at military detention facilities such as Sde Teman in southern Israel. Autopsies were performed on at least six of the bodies to verify the cause of death. Two others, including Al-Bursh, died while being held by the Israel Prison Service.

The Palestinian Prisoners' Society said it has asked the United Nations and Red Cross to immediately intervene against what it called the "criminal conduct" of the Israeli authorities with respect to Palestinian detainees, including medical staff.


fredag 10. mai 2024

Eksperter i USA: "Biden’s weapons sales to Israel breach legal limits, former officials say"

Bryter USA's leveranse av våpen ti Israel amerkansk e lover?
Ja, sier eksperter i USA:

 "Biden’s weapons sales to Israel breach legal limits, former officials say"

"While the administration has expressed alarm over civilian casualties in Gaza, former officials say it has sidestepped laws governing foreign arms transfers."

"President Biden’s striking admission this week that American weapons are killing civilians in Gaza appeared to mark a turning point in U.S. policy toward Israel — coming days after the Israeli military made its first move on Rafah and before a highly anticipated government report on Israel’s adherence to the laws of war.

While the Biden administration has repeatedly expressed alarm over civilian casualties in Gaza, some former officials say it has drawn out the implementation of laws and policies intended to prevent American weaponry from being used in violation of international humanitarian law."

Og så gir disse ekspertene en rekke eksempler i en grundig gjennomgang.
Se artikkelen for mer info.

Skudeneshavn  10. mai 2024

Jan Marton Jensen



10. mai 2024